2.24 Metres/C2 Wei Xindi
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2.24 Metres/C2 Wei Xindi
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C2 Wei Xindi

In a two-story apartment building in Statekovich, Pennsylvania, Weir's in his own room packing his last luggage.

She had already carefully packed some things that needed to be transported back to her country into a cardboard box and placed them on the floor of her room.

He had been in the United States for five years. It was neither long nor short, but Wei Xindi realized that he really didn't have much to collect.

Her poor family background and many years of professional athlete career had nurtured her simple lifestyle since she was young. Besides, in the years she had been coaching at the University of Pennsylvania, all she had been doing was training and playing competitions. A few team T-shirts and a few well-worn jeans, whether it was work or daily leisure, were enough for her.

As a single person, she actually didn't have much social activities.

Looking at the luggage on the bed, Wei Xindi did not know whether he should feel relieved or worried about the unpredictable future. Once again, she took out the album that she had flipped through countless times in the past five years from her luggage.

She flipped open the old-fashioned photo album that had faded a little on the cover. The first few pages were all photos of her when she was young. They were all faces that were still young, or photos of her father. At that time, her father had just stepped into middle age. Even though he was exhausted from work every day and the heavy burden of his life was so heavy that he could not straighten his back, he still smiled.

The last time he went home to visit his father was in the late autumn of last year. Half a year had passed in the blink of an eye. He did not know whether his arthritis had really improved as he had said, "Nothing much. "

After all, Wei Xindi had been in the United States for five years. His father was afraid that she would be worried and distracted, but he also felt sorry for her for spending the money on a plane ticket to the United States and Central America, which cost a lot of money. He always kindly concealed the small twists and turns that occasionally occurred when he was in a healthy condition. However, it was fortunate that other than the arthritis that had already become a common topic, In general, his father, who was already in his forties, was still quite healthy.

Wei Xindi felt that in a sense, her father's health was the biggest support for her career.

After flipping through a few pages of the album, she was wearing a Tianning Club female volleyball jersey and a national team jersey of different ages, smiling brightly in old photos.

Due to her hard work and her coach's evaluation of her as "smart," Wei Xindie had already made it to the second best score in the club. After that, the national youth team, the national youth team, all the way to the China female volleyball team, Wei Xindie's volleyball path followed a nearly perfect track and quickly extended forward until he reached the peak when he was 28. . .

Wei Xindi's finger gently brushed across the photo. It was a large photo that was enlarged to 10 inches, and it was also the largest photo in the entire old album.

In the photo, Wei Xindi and his teammates surrounded the coach and the team leader, standing in the middle of the women's row World Cup. Although everyone had a silver medal in front of their chest, everyone had a bright smile on their faces.

Those years, the China female volleyball had been at its lowest point, but the Brazilian female volleyball of the South American team was at its peak. It was quite a bit of a "born jade, born jade," born at the wrong time.

Under the joint efforts of Wei Xindi and his teammates, in that year's female volleyball World Cup, the China female volleyball had only lost to the Brazilian female volleyball that won the final championship, and was placed in the second place. But everyone knew that this second place was also the best reward for the hard-earned efforts of the girls from China who would never give up.

However, this photo was also the last one in the old photo album of Wei Xindi.

The photo album stopped abruptly. Her volleyball career was not over yet. . .

Wei Xindi was unwilling to recall the days that followed.

After winning the second place in the World Cup, the China female volleyball team was not able to stand on the podium in the Olympic Games one year later. After that, the old marshal, Xu Zhenguang, was ordered to reorganize the China women's row. Wei Xindi also returned to the team as an old athlete. He stood side by side with his other young teammates, hoping to fight for the dream of becoming the world champion for another four years.

However, Weixin Di gradually realized that Xu Zhenguang's high-intensity and large amount of exercise day after day had made her knee meniscus collapse before her.

There was one time that Wei Xindi couldn't help but feel the pain in his knee during training. Afraid that she wouldn't be able to practice, she carefully told Xu Zhenguang about her worries. She even boldly asked Xu Zhenguang if he could reduce the intensity of training a little. However, at that time, Zhenguang Xu, who thought that he had rich experience in arranging athletes' training, had carelessly listened to the team doctor's ambiguous diagnosis advice. He still felt that Wei Xindi could persist in training. He even suspected that Wei Xindi had said so. Was it because he wanted to steal a little sloth from the training?

Originally, he had been an old athlete. Even if he stole a little sloth from the training, other coaches would just turn a blind eye to it. But in a team like the China female platoon, In training with the goal of winning the world championship again, "laziness" was a concept that absolutely could not be mentioned. It was a "minefield" that could not be touched!

Moreover, Xu Zhenguang was a coach who had strict requirements for the training standards of his team members to the point that they were almost stringent.

The coach's incomprehension and even doubts, as well as his disagreement with Zhenguang Xu's concept of mass training, made Xindi Wei explode at that moment.

In the female volleyball training center of the General Administration of National Sports, under the burning gaze of Zhenguang Xu, he put the ball in his hand into the ball car in front of him. Then, without saying a word, he turned around and carried his backpack to the gate of the training center.

"Wei Xindi! If you walk out of this gate today, you will never come back!" Xu Zhenguang roared.

It was so quiet that even a pin drop could be heard clearly in the training center. Xu Zhenguang's words echoed in the air. The other athletes and coaches didn't even dare to breathe.

When Wei Xindi heard this, he hesitated for a few seconds at the gate. But in the end, her feet still stepped out of the gate of the training center.

. . .

Wei Xindi closed the album and carefully put it back into the suitcase.

At this time, the doorbell downstairs rang one after another.

Wei Xindi looked at the clock on the wall. There were still more than 40 minutes left before the online appointment to go to the airport. It shouldn't be the online appointment driver.

Wei Xindi, who was somewhat puzzled, walked to the door. Through the frosted glass on the door, he saw a strong and familiar figure.

She sighed softly and opened the door. As expected, Patrick was standing at the door.

"I know your flight back to China today. I want to see you off. " Patrick said, looking a little uneasy.

A few days ago, at Los Angeles' Long Beach Stadium, after the press conference for the finals of the National Women's Racing Championship, Patrick and Wei Xindi had a big fight.

In the past few days, Patrick had also called Wei Xindi many times. He had sent a lot of messages and emails, and Wei Xindi had only briefly told him about the handover of work. He didn't want to talk about anything else. Today, Patrick came to see him. It surprised her, but she wasn't prepared for it.

The two of them stood awkwardly at the door for a few seconds before Wei Xindi suddenly realized that they should at least let Patrick into the room to talk.

"Take a seat. I've been packing these few days. The house is a little messy, sorry. " Wei Xindi took out the last bottle of soda from the fridge and handed it to Patrick. Then, he sat on a chair opposite him.

"Everyone is very sad to know that you are leaving. . . " Patrick said.

Wei Xindi nodded and murmured, "Yeah, I've been with everyone these years, just like a family, making me very happy. This period of time, I'll never forget it for the rest of my life. And I won't forget you, my old friend "

Hearing Wei Xindi's words, Patrick smiled. His chubby face, which had already turned completely red, once again blushed.

"However, City. . . I've always wanted to ask you why you made such an important decision in such a short period of time. You really didn't think that it was a little hasty? "

Wei Xindi nodded and looked around the small apartment. He said softly," No, Patrick, I don't think my decision was sloppy at all. "

Wei Xindi turned around and looked at Patrick. He said seriously, "That day, the leaders of the China volleyball Association and the National Sports General Administration came to me after the game and invited me. At first, I rejected them. However, in that short period of time, I thought about a lot, a lot. . . "

Patrick interrupted, "Yes, I understand. The senior leader personally came to invite you. It was indeed a very high honor. But the truth is, City! I guess. . . Even the annual salary of the head coach of China's female rehearsals might not be higher than the annual salary in the coaching contract of the head coach of next year's University of Pennsylvania that you gave up. Not to mention, the annual salary of the head coach of the University of Pennsylvania might not even be higher than the annual salary in the coaching contract of the head coach of the University of Pennsylvania. The one you're going back to China to coach is the so-called Team Two. Is it really worth giving up so much? Actually, it's not too late to change your mind now, as long as you're willing. . . I'll immediately return to my office to print the contract. . . "

Wei Xindi laughed and softly asked: "Patrick, I don't know if you can understand what women's volleyball means in China?"

"I understand, I understand! China's female volleyball is the best team in the world. They have won world championships and Olympic championships one after another. They are the favorite team of China's fans. Even your country's leaders value China's female volleyball. . . "

"The results are just superficial. . . Patrick," Wei Xindi smiled and continued, "The reason why so many Chinese fans who care about and like female volleyball always support and love this team. They care about women's volleyball, not only because China's female volleyball has defeated so many European, American, and Asian opponents who are stronger than them in international games. It had brought glory and glory to China. The fans of China and even the ordinary people. They were all inspired and touched by the mental strength of China's female racers, which said, Our country is above all else, we work together, we work together, and we will never give up. It could be said that. . . Over the past few decades, our China has been constantly advancing towards prosperity. . . People have a strong resonance with this spiritual force. This spiritual force is something all of China can empathize with. They were even proud of it. We call this spiritual energy the 'China Woman Racing Spirit'. "

In the past few years of their relationship, Patrick had never heard Wei Xindi say something like this. At this moment, Patrick felt that he had only regarded Weixin Di as a simple volleyball coach in China. He had underestimated her too much.

Patrick sighed. He wanted to make a final attempt to convince Wei Xindie to stay.

"City, six hundred thousand dollars per year salary. You really don't regret it at all, don't you think it's a pity? Our team is in very good condition right now. With you around, the chances of defending the championship in the United States next year are very, very high. Then next year, I can really help you talk to the school about a new and more ideal contract renewal. Even if you don't want to be an ordinary university team coach, I know a lot of friends in the European professional league. I can introduce you to the European Professional Club for coaching. You know, they need good coaches very much. The boss of the team is even more generous. . . "

Patrick seemed to have already planned Wei Xindi's career for him. When he talked about excitement, he almost started dancing.

Wei Xindi quietly looked at Patrick and reached out his hand to press down on Patrick's raised arm. She was calm. Patrick, I really, really appreciate your help all these years," she said firmly. And I really, really thank you for helping me with so many professional ideas. . . But, I think. . . As a volleyball player, I am first a Chinaman. And as a female volleyball player and coach, I am first a China female volleyball player and a China volleyball coach. I think. . . I have a responsibility, and a duty to protect this spiritual power. . . To pass this spiritual power to the younger generation of China's female racers. This is also my mission! "

Wei Xindi's phone rang. It was a call from the online taxi driver. He had already arrived at the apartment entrance.

Patrick stood up from his chair and helped Wei Xindi carry his suitcase to the car.

Wei Xindi stood at the entrance of the apartment and looked at the house that she had lived in for a few years. It was a foreign home.

"If you have time, come back and stay for a while. I'm afraid you've forgotten. . . I'm the landlord of this apartment, and I'm in charge of everything," Patrick said with a smile. "At least in your bedroom. . . I'll keep it for you. This is something that I can do for the best head coach in the history of the University of Pennsylvania. "

Wei Xindi handed the keys to the apartment door to Patrick and said with a smile, "No, no. Patrick, I haven't forgotten anything! You can do a lot for me. For example, when the logistics company arrives tomorrow, Help me watch them carefully store my few cardboard boxes, which are filled with some paper volleyball training materials that I have sorted and collected over the years. If the boxes break or scatter, it will be very troublesome. . . "

"Don't worry, City. If the logistics company dares to damage your things, I will get the lawyers to demand compensation from them and make them cry. " Patrick took the key and said.

Wei Xindi smiled knowingly. She understood that Patrick and she had built a simple friendship over the years.

Perhaps it was because of this simple friendship that she chose to leave in the end. While Patrick felt reluctant to part with her, he also felt somewhat unhappy.

After all, Wei Xindi had already verbally agreed to renew the contract, but the press conference changed its mind after the competition. Wei Xindi also felt some guilt towards this old friend from the bottom of his heart.

Wei Xindi said, "Patrick, regarding the renewal of the contract. . . I will feel guilty, but in the face of the interests of the motherland. . . I have to give up a lot. The revival and rise of China is precisely because of the broad and strong patriotism of China. We often say, The motherland is our mother, so. . . Mother has called us, we are children. . . No matter where we are, we can only return to her side without hesitation. Isn't that so? "

Patrick sighed heavily, shrugged, and spread his arms. "Alright! City. It seems like I won't be able to convince you to change your mind no matter what. Although I can't bear to part with you, I admire you. I admire your patriotism. Then, I can only send an excellent China daughter back to her mother's side. Finally, Let's hug for a bit. "

Wei Xindi walked forward and accepted Patrick's farewell hug.

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