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C14 A Drama 2

She wasn't a physician, so her staying wouldn't be of any help. Besides, the household would soon capture her anyway.

It's pointless, utterly pointless!

The wet nurse grasped Mu Yunhua's hand firmly and uttered a single word, "Go!"

The wet nurse's decision brought a smile to Mu Yunhua's face. She wasn't forcing the wet nurse to choose between her conscience and her; it was about the actions she intended to take in the future, which might endanger those close to her, with the wet nurse being the most vulnerable.

She didn't want her wet nurse to be harmed, but her heart was too tender. If she couldn't make the right choice when it mattered most, the consequences could be dire...

If the wet nurse's heart couldn't steadfastly align with hers, then Mu Yunhua would have no choice but to arrange a different, peaceful life for her.

But the wet nurse was the only person she could truly trust, the only family she had left... Thankfully, the wet nurse hadn't disappointed her.

Little did the wet nurse know that within those few words, Mu Yunhua's mind had raced through a complex maze of thoughts. She had barely stepped out the door when Mu Yunhua pulled her back inside.

"Nanny, the grand drama at the Mu Mansion hasn't even begun. We should stay," Mu Yunhua declared. After all, she had never intended to leave in the first place!

She was the legitimate daughter of the Mu Mansion, who hadn't enjoyed any privileges for sixteen years, usurped by two half-sisters. Now, was she expected to roam the streets like a homeless dog, with no home to return to... Why should she!

Moreover, her feud with the Mu family was far from over. The debts owed to her were still outstanding; she couldn't possibly walk away.

"Miss, if we don't leave now, what are we waiting for? It'll be too late soon," the wet nurse implored, unable to comprehend Mu Yunhua's wavering thoughts—one moment wanting to leave, the next insisting on staying.

Even if they chose not to leave, with the half-dead servant on the ground, Aunt Wan would surely pin the blame on them. They would be in for a world of trouble once she seized the opportunity to exploit the situation.

"Nanny, as I've said before, I am the sole legitimate daughter of the Mu Estate. I, Mu Yunhua, will exit through the main door with my head held high! And just as I, Mu Yunhua, insist on living, I will live with dignity, never merely scraping by in this world!"

Each word struck with a resounding clang, hammering into the wet nurse's heart, silencing the words of comfort that had almost spilled from her lips.

Such an unparalleled beauty, had she been born a man, what great deeds might she have accomplished? Yet, fate had a sense of irony, for she was her young miss, a lady through and through.

Though one's own child is always the best, there's often a tinge of regret.

What a pity, what a pity that fate plays such tricks.

Unbeknownst to Mu Yunhua, whom the wet nurse had secretly deemed a true man, a sly smile crept across her face as she watched the crowd outside the Mu Mansion recognize her as an internet sensation and begin to gossip eagerly.

"Bring it on, the more the merrier," she thought. "With too few spectators, how could the drama unfold?"

She hoped Aunt Wan wouldn't get stage fright later on...

She was eager to see how Aunt Wan would attempt to tarnish her reputation in her presence!

Meanwhile, Aunt Wan, the other lead in this unfolding drama, was blissfully unaware of the trap laid by the woman she so despised. Sitting before her bronze mirror, she adjusted her hairpin while listening to the maid relay the latest on Mu Yunhua.

Adorned in silks and satins, she was always dressed to the nines, even within the confines of her own home. And with distinguished guests expected, she had taken extra care to look even more resplendent than usual.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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