Godly Pet Evolution System/C18 Thunder Battle Companion
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Godly Pet Evolution System/C18 Thunder Battle Companion
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C18 Thunder Battle Companion

The shrill sound of electricity and the dazzling light drew the attention of every examinee in the Awakening Hall. They were all eager to see what kind of Battle Companion such a formidable candidate would awaken.

It wasn't just the examinees who were intrigued; the teachers leading the exam were equally captivated by the unfolding events, sparking animated discussions among them.

"As long as it's not a young spirit, it's bound to be an advanced Battle Companion!"

"The thunder attribute is considered one of the strongest. A Battle Companion with such an attribute is almost guaranteed to be powerful!"

"Just look at the intensity of that lightning. It's clear this student's Battle Companion bloodline is incredibly strong!"

"Absolutely! If it's not a young spirit, this student is on track to be a genius!"

The anticipation was palpable as nearly all the teachers crowded around, eager to witness the emergence of a prodigy.

After a brief period, the intense electrical glow began to fade, and the Grimoire of Dark Companion above Feng Yixiu's head took on a tangible form.

The grimoire was entirely white, its material resembling the pristine fine white tallow jade, akin to an exquisitely sculpted work of art.

"Feng Yixiu, you may now summon your Battle Companion," the teacher overseeing the Awakening finally managed to say, his voice filled with hope.

The Grimoire of Dark Companion stirred as if caught in an unseen breeze, aligning with Feng Yixiu's intent and drifting into his grasp.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Yixiu composed himself and opened the icy Grimoire of Dark Companion.

Greeting him was a snow-white Serpent Spirit, which seemed to thrill at its master's gaze, flicking its tongue excitedly. Even the tongue of the Serpent Spirit was a pure, snowy hue.

As Feng Yixiu concentrated, a small summoning circle materialized in his other palm. Instantly, the white serpent from the grimoire swiftly entwined itself around his arm.

The white serpent, roughly the length of Feng Yixiu's arm, affectionately nuzzled against him, occasionally using its cool tongue to gently lick his cheek with a series of soft hisses.

"Serpent Spirit?!" The teacher overseeing the awakening process was filled with regret as he looked at Feng Yixiu with sympathetic eyes before whispering to himself, "What a shame."

The other teachers gathered around the awakening circle shared in the disappointment.

"Isn't this just too unfortunate?!"

"We thought Blue Sky Academy was about to produce a once-in-a-lifetime genius! Turns out it's just a useless Battle Companion, such a letdown!"

"With hundreds of young spirits to awaken, why did it have to be a Serpent Spirit? This is truly regrettable."

The teachers onlookers all wore expressions of dismay, akin to the feeling of having all but the last number on a million-dollar lottery ticket, a sensation more distressing than swallowing a fly.

Feng Yixiu, however, paid no mind to the others' comments. He immediately checked the attributes of his Battle Companion within his mind:

[Battle Companion Name]: Serpent Spirit

[Battle Companion Attribute]: Thunder

[Battle Companion Level]: Young Spirit, first level, first rank

[Battle Skills]: Death Coil, Arc Flash Strike

[Requirements for Advancement to Growth Period]: One Jade Serpent: One low-level thunder nucleus; one stalk of Ten-Year White Orchid; one kilogram of Ten-Year Thunderstrike Wood (operation steps: …)

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