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C20 Pet Snake

After speaking, Feng Yixiu descended from the stage and rejoined his team.

The teacher responsible for awakenings watched Feng Yixiu's retreating figure, lost in thought for a long while. For a brief moment, he even believed that this young man might just be capable of working wonders.

"Oh my god! What am I even thinking?" The awakening teacher shook his head vigorously, then scoffed, "There's no one on earth who can get the Jade Serpent to reach its complete body. Not even in the wild has its complete body been seen. What could a kid like you possibly do? Ridiculous..."

At present, all Battle Companions classified as advanced are the product of innumerable past failures. Any Battle Companion that has evolved into a complete body or even an Ultima Body is documented by the Alliance. These are the Battle Companions deemed advanced.

Hence, the successors need only to tread in the successful steps of their predecessors to evolve, akin to standing on the shoulders of giants.

While there have been awakenings of the Thunder Serpent Spirit, no one has managed to bring the Jade Serpent to its mature period. Numerous scientists dedicated to studying Battle Companion evolution have declared that the Jade Serpent simply cannot evolve into a complete body.

Over time, almost all Fighters have reached a consensus: among the exceedingly rare Thunder Battle Companions, there exists one that is utterly useless—the Jade Serpent!

Nevertheless, the Jade Serpent, due to its stunning appearance, non-venomous nature, and ability to emit a faint electrical current for therapeutic purposes, has become a highly sought-after pet snake among the affluent.

As soon as Feng Yixiu got back to his team, Shen Ruyu pulled him aside, with Han Xiao subtly moving closer as well.

"Feng, what's the verdict? Which class did you get?" Shen Ruyu inquired with enthusiasm.

Feng Yixiu nonchalantly passed his personal information sheet to Shen Ruyu.

"D-Class? How can that be? The strength of the lightning you conjured was immense. You should be in Class A for sure! Why D-Class?" Shen Ruyu protested with frustration.

She had been intently watching Feng Yixiu's awakening ritual, captivated by the impressive display of thunder and the crowd of teachers it drew. It seemed certain that he would have a very powerful Battle Companion, yet unexpectedly, it was deemed a low-level one.

"They said my Serpent Spirit can only evolve to its mature period and that it's a useless Battle Companion. That's why I've been placed in Class D..." Feng Yixiu said with a helpless shrug, maintaining a nonchalant tone.

"How can they say that? I'm going to give them a piece of my mind!" Shen Ruyu's brow furrowed in frustration, ready to confront the teacher responsible for Feng Yixiu's ritual.

"Don't bother, it won't make a difference," Feng Yixiu said, grabbing Shen Ruyu's arm to stop her impulsive move.

"But..." Shen Ruyu still felt compelled to fight for Feng Yixiu's cause.

"It's alright. Sometimes a setback can turn out to be a blessing in disguise. I don't care what others think of me; all that matters is that you believe in me. Do you believe I can evolve my Serpent Spirit to its complete body?" Feng Yixiu asked earnestly, gazing into her eyes with sincerity.

"Of course, I believe you!" Shen Ruyu answered without a moment's doubt.

Feng Yixiu smiled, affectionately tousling Shen Ruyu's hair. "Then that settles it... It's just a matter of being in a different class! It doesn't bother me one bit."

"Okay..." Shen Ruyu finally relaxed, reassured by his confidence.

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