Godly Pet Evolution System/C22 I Want to Enter Class D
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Godly Pet Evolution System/C22 I Want to Enter Class D
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C22 I Want to Enter Class D

Shen Ruyu gently leafed through her "Grimoire of Dark Companion". Before her eyes was a crimson fireball, with two dark hollows that appeared to be the eyes of the fire spirit.

As Shen Ruyu invoked the spell, a crimson summoning circle gradually materialized at her feet, and the temperature in the vicinity shot up several degrees.

A crimson fire spirit, hovering in midair, materialized before Shen Ruyu. No sooner had it appeared than it darted into her arms.

Shen Ruyu instinctively embraced the adorable little fire spirit, surprised to find that it wasn't as scorching as she had anticipated. It was like holding a warm treasure, incredibly comforting.

"It truly is a fire spirit."

The teacher overseeing Shen Ruyu's awakening ritual had braced herself for this moment, but the actual emergence of the Elemental Spirit still thrilled her, her voice quivering with excitement.

Shen Ruyu, too, couldn't help but smile as she stroked the little fire spirit nestled in her arms, delighted by the successful awakening of her Elemental Spirit.

The little fire spirit chirped with excitement.

"Congratulations on the successful awakening of your Elemental Spirit. You're now eligible for direct entry into Class A!" exclaimed the teacher conducting the awakening ritual.

As the teacher reached to note this on Shen Ruyu's record, she was interrupted. "Wait a moment!"

"What seems to be the problem? Are you considering running for class president? Your fire spirit is certainly a match for the Light Spirit, and we didn't anticipate the emergence of so many Elemental Spirits in this cohort. The decision for class president might have been made a bit prematurely," the teacher said, slightly embarrassed.

In the past, awakening an Elemental Spirit was a rare feat indeed!

For Blue Sky Academy to have even one Elemental Spirit was cause for celebration, which is why the position of class president was promptly decided upon the appearance of the Light Spirit. But no one could have foreseen the subsequent arrival of both an Ice Spirit and another fire spirit, catching all the teachers by surprise.

"That's not what I meant. I'm not interested in Class A," Shen Ruyu retorted with a pout, dismissively.

"What exactly are you trying to do?" the teacher responsible for awakenings asked, his face etched with confusion.

"I want to join Class D!" Shen Ruyu blurted out.

The teacher overseeing Shen Ruyu's awakening was flabbergasted, his face a mask of bewilderment. Had this woman lost her mind? She actually wanted to join the lowest-ranked class?

No, that couldn't be right. I must have heard wrong, he thought to himself.

Shaking his head vigorously to dispel the ridiculous idea, he asked again, "Shen Ruyu, I must have been hearing things. Could you please clarify which class you wish to join?"

"You heard me correctly. I said Class D, as in the last letter of the alphabet. I want to join Class D!" Shen Ruyu replied, her tone laced with exasperation as she enunciated each word.

This young lady must be out of her mind. She had a guaranteed spot in Class A, yet here she was, asking to be placed in the worst class. It was sheer lunacy!

"Teacher, are you even listening?" Shen Ruyu, noticing the teacher had become completely dumbfounded, waved her hand in front of his face and raised her voice.

Libre Baskerville
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