I Became The Mother Of Three Villains/C2 The Lin Family's Dairong Was Killed in Battle
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I Became The Mother Of Three Villains/C2 The Lin Family's Dairong Was Killed in Battle
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C2 The Lin Family's Dairong Was Killed in Battle

Yao Shu wanted to raise her hand to rub her eldest son's head, but her hand was halfway there.

Suddenly, Lin Zhi's stomach made a sound again.

The child's cheeks flushed red as he pulled at his sleeves helplessly. "Mother, Mother, I …"

Yao Shu's heart warmed. She patted the child's shoulder and said half-jokingly, "Your stomach is already singing about the empty city stratagem, and you still say you're not hungry?"

she said, splitting the hard nest into two and taking the other half herself.

Lin Zhi swallowed his saliva and looked hesitant.

He did not take it over immediately, but asked in a sensible manner, "If Mother doesn't eat it, what will happen if little brother doesn't?"

Yao Shu was surprised for a moment, but then she heard Lin Zhi say timidly, "After the aunt gives birth to her second brother, she goes to the kitchen and steals eggs. I overheard her say that only after she had eaten would her brother have eaten. Zhi was of no use, he had only found a place for Mother. Therefore, Mother, let little brother eat first. "

Yao Shu was stunned. She was reminded by the child that she was still carrying the nursing responsibility.

She lowered her head to look at his small body and could not help but smile wryly … This skinny appearance, it didn't seem like he would have milk.

Yao Shu sighed helplessly in her heart and spoke softly, "Mother, think of a way. You definitely won't let your brother starve. Be a good kid and eat this."

Lin Zhi was still young, so he was convinced when he heard the gentle Mother say that. He took the bowl from Mother and split it into two again, "I haven't eaten yet."

After he finished speaking, he secretly hid it in his pocket and started munching on it.

Yao Shu's heart ached when she heard that he was still thinking about his sister and also saw him wolfing down his food.

Just as she wanted to make him eat slower, she heard a sharp voice from outside: "Eldest Sister-in-law! Seeing that the sun is about to set and that Father and Erlang are about to return from the fields, why aren't you cooking?! "

Yao Shu frowned in displeasure. Before she could do anything, she saw little Zhi raise his head as if he was used to it, "Aunt is here to cause trouble again. Mother, you lie down, I'll chase her away."

He gobbled up the last of the food and ran out.

Not long later, Lin Zhi's voice sounded, "Aunt, Mother has just given birth to her little brother. She's not well, so she can't cook right now."

Second branch Mrs. Zhou had always been a mean person and loved to follow her mother-in-law and suppress the mansion.

She said unhappily, "Humph, you think you're still a young miss of the Shangguan Family who hasn't left the pavilion? Who didn't give birth the first day and go to work the next? You don't even have the strength to cook? "What are you pretending for!"

"Mother didn't pretend. When her aunt had her younger brother, she was in bed for half a month. Didn't she work as well?"

When Mrs. Zhou saw that Lin Zhi dared to treat her like this at such a young age, she instantly became angry from embarrassment. Her voice became louder and louder, "This fatherless little bastard, when did it become your turn to teach me a lesson?"

Then came the vicious curses of a 'lost star', 'wild child', 'a mother born without a mother'...

Yao Shu, who was in the room, frowned when she heard this. Anger welled up in her heart, and she forced herself off the brick bed in pain.

Even if her son didn't have a father, he still couldn't be insulted like this!

Outside the door.

Zhi didn't reply to his aunt's insults until Mrs. Zhou started scolding Yao Shu.

With one hand on her waist, Mrs. Zhou lifted the bun with the other. "Also, why don't you look at that mother of yours!" All day long, his face was dark and gloomy. With nothing but the appearance of a fox, whoever enters your house will have a bad luck with you! "

That's right, although Yao Shu had a violent temper and was arrogant and despotic, she had a pretty face with a pair of bright, starry eyes that could captivate people.

Little Zhi instantly became excited and pounced forward with the intention to tear it apart, "You're not allowed to say anything about my mother!"

"Why are you not allowing anyone to say it?!" Go out and ask which one of them didn't say she was a bereaved star? If it wasn't for her, would your father have been captured to be a soldier? Death on the battlefield! "

Yao Shu was chosen by the county magistrate, Lin Dalang would rather die than marry his wife, in the end was sent to serve.

Coincidentally, he had encountered a war, and his Lin Family, Dalang, had fallen in battle and died!

If Yao Shu wasn't a crook, then what was she?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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