Invincible Wife/C43 You're Really Amazing
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Invincible Wife/C43 You're Really Amazing
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C43 You're Really Amazing

Chai Tinghee and Hee Zhuolun walked to a quiet corner and immediately said: "Zhuolun, I don't know what kind of relationship you have with Mr Lang, but I have to remind you of one thing, you and Yinxin are inseparable."

When he went out to play, he had never brought anyone with him or asked his male companion to accompany him. Even if he was really interested in men, he thought that it was only for fun, but he never expected that his good friend would actually bring someone to an important birthday banquet. It could be seen that Lang Yan had a different meaning to his good friend.

Suddenly, Hee Zhuolun's face darkened, and he looked at Chai Tinghee without saying a word.

Just then, a voice came out from the other side of the table: "Lang Yan, you're awesome."

Hee Zhuolun and Chai Tinghee looked over, only to see Lang Yan holding onto two matching wine cups and shaking it left and right, it was extremely rhythmic, and under his violent movements, the wine inside actually did not leak out.

After about a minute, Lang Yan stopped his actions, and poured the shaken wine into the cup with the dark purple fruit juice, following that, the wine spread out in the juice, and under the illumination of the lamp, it revealed a dazzling color.

Everyone exclaimed once again, "Beautiful!"

Lang Yan pushed the alcohol to Ou Ba Han: "Try it."

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, "Delicious, too delicious. The faint sweetness has a hint of astringency, when I thought I was drinking fruit juice, I found out I was actually drinking wine, but when I thought I was drinking, it also seemed like I was drinking fruit juice, there was a kind of ever-changing feeling, it's really a memorable."

"Is it really that good to drink?" Bai Haocheng did not believe that a situation where there was no wine mixing equipment nor was there a variety of wine, could make such a delicious wine.

He took the one in O'Brien's hand, took a long drink, and frowned. "It doesn't feel that way."

"Wasting, wasting." O'Brien acted as if he knew how to cherish a treasure as he quickly snatched the wine cup back. "You have to taste this wine to be able to taste its various flavors. It would be weird if you can taste it in big gulps."

Bai Haocheng cut his throat.

Jin Shuyan laughed and asked: "Mr Lang is a bartender?"

"No, it's just that I've learned how to mix wine in the past." Lang Yan mixed another cup of different wine and brought it in front of Jin Shuyan.

Jin Shuyan tasted a small mouthful, "Indeed not bad."

Actually, it wasn't just 'good.' He was even better than a bartender.

Jiang Yinxin smiled slightly: "I never thought that not only does Mr Lang play the piano very well, he can even make a good wine. Mr Lang is truly talented."

Lang Yan was puzzled: "Miss Jiang, how did you know I know how to play the piano?"

Could it be what Hee Zhuolun said?

But Hee Zhuolun was not a talkative person, he could not bring these small matters up and talk about them everywhere.

"A few days ago, when I was eating with Lun at the Fa Di Western Restaurant, I saw that Mr Lang and Miss Zhao were playing < < Sky City > > together. It was very nice, I hope that I can hear the Mr Lang playing the piano again when I get the chance."

"There will be a chance." Lang Yan looked at Hee Zhuolun who was in the corner.

This man clearly had heard of him playing the piano a long time ago, but he acted as if he didn't know that he knew how to play the piano.

Hee Zhuolun caught Lang Yan's gaze and his mood inexplicably improved. The corners of his mouth hooked up into a smile: "Let's go eat."

Chai Tinghee took note of the interaction between the two of them, sighed slightly, and returned to his circle of friends.

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