C15 Mockery

Lee Ziming pressed his legs together, clenched his teeth, and approached Soong Yang. He lifted his hand, determined to show everyone that a little flatulence wouldn't keep him from throwing a punch.

And with that, he let out another loud fart.

With his legs still pressed together, Lee Ziming's punch floated gently onto Soong Yang's shoulder.

"Is Lee Ziming here for comic relief?"

"Can anyone tell me how to stop laughing?"

"This is just too hilarious!"

Laughter erupted from the onlookers. In that moment, Lee Ziming was the clown at the center of the circus.

He was the focus of everyone's attention, his face flushed with embarrassment. If there had been a hole in the ground, he would have dived right in.

Soong Yang joined in with the crowd's laughter, reveling in his happiness. His strength had surged by nearly 2000 points, and he felt invincible, as if he could take down a bull with his bare hands.

"What's got you so smug, Soong Yang? Let's see you fight after I've hit the restroom!" Lee Ziming spat out angrily.

He wondered if the bean paste bun from breakfast was to blame. Was it not fresh?

Lee Ziming resolved to make a bathroom run before confronting Soong Yang again.

"Alright," Soong Yang responded, popping another piece of bubble gum into his mouth.

"Host's Strength has increased by 100 points!"

Lee Ziming hitched up his pants and dashed into the men's room beside the sports field.

With some downtime, Soong Yang checked the live stream. The viewership had soared to 120,000, with lively discussions and an array of gifts pouring in.

Soong Yang sighed wistfully. If only those gifts could be converted into popularity value.

"The system mall is now active. Host can exchange popularity value and live stream gifts for items. Would you like to proceed with the exchange?"

Soong Yang discarded his bubble gum, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Lee Ziming made his way back onto the field, his determination renewed.

"Soong Yang! I'm ready for you. Today's the day I take you down! And you better stay away from my goddess, Mengmeng!" Lee Ziming bellowed.

"Go for it, Ziming. And please, no more farting!" someone in the crowd yelled.

"No more farting!" Lee Ziming declared, his gaze unwavering.

Soong Yang remained composed, which stirred a sense of unease within him. Surely he wouldn't fart again, would he?

He approached Soong Yang, closing the gap between them to a mere half a centimeter.

This time, he truly managed to hold it in!

Lee Ziming, filled with excitement, quickened his pace. Meanwhile, Soong Yang stood frozen, looking as if he had been petrified by fear.

"Rumor has it that Soong Yang and Lee Ziming are vying for Mengmeng's affection. Even though Soong Yang is quite handsome, he's no match for Lee Ziming."

The outcome seemed inevitable. Soong Yang was bound to take a beating unless by some miracle he didn't.

The more faint-hearted girls couldn't bear to watch, covering their eyes.

"They're almost nose to nose!"

The spectators' eyes bulged with anticipation, involuntarily gasping in shock at the tense proximity.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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