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C6 A Real Rich Man

Soong Yang spoke with a hint of indifference, "I don't have a car at the moment."

Jiaojiao couldn't help but snicker, "What, do you think you're some billionaire riding around in a Rolls-Royce?" She laughed, inadvertently revealing a cavity in her tooth.

Manager Zhao, unable to bear the conversation, chimed in, "My Volkswagen Themagotan is nothing special. On my usual drive from my two-bedroom, one-living room apartment in the city to the office, I pass by plenty of Volkswagens."

"You're too modest, Manager Zhao," the aunt interjected with a compliment. "That's a premium business vehicle, not just any Volkswagen. Your house must be worth over half a million. And your net worth, it's got to be over a million!"

Manager Zhao humbly gestured with his hand, downplaying it, "It's just a little money."

Jiaojiao turned to Soong Yang, her curiosity piqued, "Have you bought your house yet?"

All eyes in the room shifted to Soong Yang. Feeling the weight of their stares, he admitted, "I haven't made the purchase yet."

The aunt looked at him with a critical eye, "Is that why you look down on successful individuals? Soong Yang, you mustn't harbor resentment towards the wealthy. You should be striving to make it from the ground up. The job Manager Zhao has given you is quite good."

"Excuse the interruption!"

A soft yet assertive voice resonated from the doorway.

Soong Yang looked up to see a striking woman in a professional dress, with long hair cascading down her shoulders, standing at the entrance. She held a stack of documents, her posture impeccable.

Her subtle makeup was a stark contrast to Jiaojiao's heavy foundation, highlighting her natural beauty and leaving Jiaojiao looking rather plain in comparison.

Manager Zhao and the others turned their heads towards the door, their breaths quickening at the sight of such an attractive woman.

The woman's eyes sparkled upon spotting Soong Yang, and she stepped forward, introducing herself, "Mr. Soong Yang, I'm Rann Lianyi, the senior customer service manager at Construction Bank."

Soong Yang was taken aback by her unexpected visit. "What brings you here?" he inquired.

Rann Lianyi offered a respectful bow and explained, "You've been storing a substantial amount of money in a basic debit card, which hardly suits someone of your status and is quite unsafe. I'm here to discuss the possibility of upgrading you to our Supreme Golden Dragon Card service."

Manager Zhao, brimming with arrogance, interjected, "Miss Rann, surely there's been some mistake? Soong Yang isn't the wealthy one here. I'm the one with a net worth of a million. You should be offering the card to me!"

Rann Lianyi cast a dismissive glance at him, her politeness tinged with scorn. "I apologize, but I only work with clients who bring in over a hundred million."

"A hundred million?"

The room fell silent, shock etched on every face. Auntie, Jiaojiao, Manager Zhao, and a handful of young people all gaped at Soong Yang in disbelief.

When did Soong Yang come into a hundred million in funds?

Rann Lianyi spoke up once more, "Mr. Soong Yang's accounts hold two billion, making him an excellent candidate for the Supreme Golden Dragon Card. I've arranged for Mr. Soong Yang to receive Citibank's black card, which comes with an unlimited credit line!"

Two billion!

Manager Zhao, previously composed, now showed a spark of interest.

Jiaojiao turned ashen, slumping into her chair. She had unwittingly let a man of such wealth slip through her fingers.

"Mr. Soong Yang, would you like to sign the contract now?"

Rann Lianyi's voice was soft, her gaze locked on Soong Yang, rendering everyone else in the room invisible.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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