Mommy Is Done With CEO Daddy/C14 Can You Do It or Not??
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Mommy Is Done With CEO Daddy/C14 Can You Do It or Not??
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C14 Can You Do It or Not??

Gu Chi truly hadn't expected to come home to his new bride greeting him in such a provocative outfit.

Su Kexin, for her part, was even more startled. Her mind went blank, and by the time she snapped back to reality, she let out a scream and dashed for the bathroom. She hadn't anticipated the slippery floor, already wet, and her feet lost traction. She tumbled forward.

"Be careful!"

Gu Chi's face tensed as he swiftly maneuvered his wheelchair to catch Su Kexin, who collapsed onto his lap. The soft, damp body beneath his hands gave him pause.

Looking down, he saw Su Kexin's face, flushed with alarm. She wasn't the kind of woman who stunned you at first glance, but her delicate features grew on you, revealing a beauty that deepened upon a second look.

At that moment, with her bare face, wet hair tucked behind her ears, and droplets tracing the contours of her defined collarbones, her figure was undeniably striking.

A tightness gripped Gu Chi's throat, and his eyes darkened with intensity.

Su Kexin managed to steady herself, her eyes meeting his penetrating gaze. She was no child; she instantly grasped the implication behind his look.

Oh no.

"I'm sorry..." She scrambled to her feet, but as her hand braced against Gu Chi's leg, she hesitated.

Yet there was no time to ponder; avoiding his gaze, she rushed into the bathroom and shut the door behind her, her heart still racing.

That was too close... She might have...

The thought frightened Su Kexin, yet she also wondered. As legitimate husband and wife, wouldn't it have been natural for something to happen? Was her frantic escape inappropriate?

She felt a twinge of regret but recalling Gu Chi's dangerous expression, she shivered.

Regardless, this was only their third meeting. The idea of something happening so suddenly was hard for her to accept.

But then again, considering Gu Chi's unmistakably masculine response, the office gossip about him seemed off the mark. His disability might have affected his legs, but apparently, it hadn't impacted his desires.

Su Kexin's mind wandered off involuntarily. When she caught herself lost in thought, she was so startled that she pinched herself.

Su Kexin, what are you thinking? It doesn't matter to you if Gu Chi is capable in that department or not. After all, you married him for the S City household registration, right? The intimate side of things between men and women...

At that thought, Su Kexin's gaze involuntarily dimmed.

Reflecting on the past, she might actually prefer if Gu Chi were as the male colleagues suggested—inept in matters of intimacy.

But there was something else that struck Su Kexin as odd.

Earlier, when she had stumbled onto Gu Chi, her hand had accidentally brushed against his leg.

She had always assumed that for someone like Gu Chi, who hadn't used his legs in a long time, the muscles would be atrophied, leaving them frail and weak. Yet, to her surprise, Gu Chi's legs felt robust, not at all like those of a person with a disability.

Could it be that his disability was recent?

Thud thud.

Engrossed in her thoughts, Su Kexin was jolted back to reality by a sudden knock on the bathroom door, shattering her reverie.

Startled, Su Kexin looked up and called out, "What is it?"

"Open the door," came Gu Chi's deep, pleasant voice from the other side.

In that moment, Su Kexin's heart seemed to leap into her throat.

Open the door?

Why did Gu Chi want her to open the door?

Could it be...

As Gu Chi's intense gaze from earlier flashed through her mind, Su Kexin's grip on the countertop tightened. The haunting memories of that dark night two years ago flooded back, overwhelming her like a tidal wave.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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