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C2 Tearing up

"If you're so reluctant, then why agree to get married? You realize that once we're married, we won't be able to meet up as often as we do now, right?"

"I wouldn't be marrying her if she hadn't pushed me into it."

Anatol blurted out these words carelessly before flipping over and pinning Skylynn beneath him.

"Honey, your fiancée has arrived."

Skylynn pushed against Anatol's chest and nodded toward the bedroom door.

"That can't be. I just saw her out. How could she..." Anatol couldn't resist glancing at the door. "Ellie, what are you doing here?"

His face turned to stone when he saw me, his expression freezing in place.

Anatol quickly climbed off Skylynn, his eyes darting to me in a panic.

The lust that had consumed him moments before had vanished, leaving him too flustered to cover his exposed body.

Skylynn, wrapped snugly in a blanket, watched me with a self-satisfied smirk, her lips curled in a cold, mocking smile.

Tears streamed down my face as I stood there, overwhelmed by anger and hatred, desperate to unleash my emotions. The harsh reality behind the truth left me with no choice but to turn and walk away.

Anatol, with a towel hastily tied around his waist, hurried after me, his eyes brimming with remorse. "Ellie, please, let me explain..."

"What's there to explain? I saw everything with my own eyes. How can you even defend yourself?"

The pain was suffocating, yet somewhere deep inside, Anatol's attempted explanation sparked a faint glimmer of hope in me.

Skylynn had slipped into Anatol's shirt, her tousled waves cascading over her shoulders, her appearance more bewitching than ever.

She stepped up to me, her gaze challenging. "Viraj is Anatol's son."

Viraj, Skylynn's three-year-old child, was Anatol's son...

The sliver of hope that had just ignited in my heart was extinguished by Skylynn's revelation. For a moment, it felt as though the world had come crashing down around me.

I turned to Anatol, desperate for him to refute her claim, but reality failed to align with my wishes.

He hung his head, his eyes heavy with guilt, silently confirming the truth about Viraj.

My heart ached as though it had been sliced by a blade. I was overcome with the urge to lash out, to scream, but all my emotions were bottlenecked inside, leaving me speechless.

I was seething with rage and hatred!

Behind my back, this pair had the audacity to betray me. For seven years, I had regarded one as the man I deeply loved and the other as my closest confidante, yet they had the nerve to carry on an affair and even conceive a child.


No longer able to contain the fury and disgrace swelling within me, I swung my hand and delivered a stinging slap to Skylynn. The force was so intense that my own hand tingled with pain.


Anatol's voice came through, laden with concern for her.

Skylynn's face turned sharply away from the impact, only to snap back, her eyes burning with anger as she glared at me.

"Skylynn, are you okay? Does it hurt?"

Anatol's gaze was filled with distress as he looked at Skylynn, a sight that twisted the knife in my heart.

How could I not loathe my fiancé, who, right before my eyes, showed tenderness to the woman who shattered our relationship?

"Anatol, he slapped me. My face is in so much pain."

Skylynn clung to Anatol's arm, feigning a look of distress as tears of self-pity trickled down her cheeks.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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