Pursued By My Dominant Boss/C7 The Pain of Falling out of Love
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Pursued By My Dominant Boss/C7 The Pain of Falling out of Love
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C7 The Pain of Falling out of Love

The issue was that I was his legitimate girlfriend, and today was supposed to be our wedding day. Yet here he was, uttering these words to me. I never realized the man I've loved for years could stoop to such shamelessness.

"Ellie, thank you..."

Anatol's voice was soft, tinged with guilt, and his confidence seemed to falter.

Thank me? The irony wasn't lost on me.

I stared at Anatol's face, now visibly more at ease, and a sharp pain pierced my heart. The man who once vowed to protect me and promised a lifetime of happiness was now thanking me because I had called off our wedding.

It was both laughable and tragic.

"Get out! I never want to see you again!"

I pointed toward the door, my voice nearly a yell, as I fought the urge to confront him about his betrayal.

"Did you hear me? Leave now!"

Priya was livid, striking Anatol with a broom as she chased him out.

Once Anatol was gone, I felt utterly drained, sitting on the floor, staring blankly ahead.

He might have been a jerk, but he was the man I had loved for seven years. To say it didn't hurt would be a lie.

"Ellie, if you feel like crying, just let it out. It'll make you feel better," Priya said as she came over and wrapped her arms around me, her voice full of compassion.

"Why should I cry? I refuse to shed tears over such a despicable man. Priya, please don't bring him up again," I said, trying to hold back the tears that were already streaming down my face.

"Ellie, I know how much you're hurting. Go ahead and cry it out. Once you've cried, you can forget that jerk and we can start fresh," Priya said, her voice cracking with emotion. She was my best friend, and it was clear she was heartbroken to see me like this.

I cried until my eyes were swollen and my head throbbed, releasing all my pent-up emotions.

Afterward, I went back to my room and collapsed into sleep, spending the next day and night mostly in bed, trying to heal.

Even in my dreams, I was haunted by images of Anatol, that scumbag, and Skylynn entangled in bed.

Unable to watch me self-destruct any longer, Priya came into my room to wake me. It was day three of my heartbreak.

"Ellie, come on, get up and have something to eat."

I buried my head under the covers, not wanting to utter a single word. Eating was the last thing on my mind.

The past two days had nearly driven me mad. Every time I closed my eyes, Anatol's betrayal and deceit replayed in my mind.

"I don't want to eat!"

Muffled by the blanket, I expressed my desire to just lie in bed, to be left alone with my thoughts.

But Priya couldn't bear to see me like this. She yanked the covers off and fixed me with an angry stare.

"Ellie, when did you become so defeated? Is it really worth it to degrade yourself over some scumbag?"

I remained silent, my heart still throbbing with pain. Despite everything, I had loved him for seven years. I had invested all my emotions, hoping for a lifetime together.

I had thought I was one step closer to happiness, but instead, I was met with a chasm so deep. Now, I'm trapped inside, unable to climb out.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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