Pursued By My Dominant Boss/C8 The Feeling of Being a Mistress?
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Pursued By My Dominant Boss/C8 The Feeling of Being a Mistress?
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C8 The Feeling of Being a Mistress?

"Priya, what should I do now?"

I stared out the window, my gaze clouding over with confusion.

Anatol had been my everything for so many years. My entire world revolved around him, and now that he's gone, I feel like I've lost all my drive. I don't know what my purpose is or what even matters anymore.

"Ellie, he's just a jerk. It's actually a good thing that you're seeing his true colors now. Imagine if you'd only found out after getting married."

Priya sat next to me, wrapping me in a consoling embrace. The empathy in her eyes was palpable.

"But it still hurts so much..."

I clung to Priya, my tears long since dried up over the last few days, yet the ache in my heart seemed relentless.

"Ellie, you're going to get over that jerk. And you're going to find someone a million times better than him. When that happens, he'll be the one with regrets!"

Priya's gaze was unwavering as she spoke with conviction.

I was so grateful to have a friend like her by my side. Without her comforting presence and words of encouragement, I don't know if I could have made it this far.

"Come on, get up. Change your clothes, do your makeup. We're going on a shopping spree today to blow off some steam. After today, let that jerk Anatol be a thing of the past!"

Priya yanked me out of bed, insisting I get ready.

Together, we headed to a nearby department store and browsed the women's section.

I had heard that this department store was owned by Anatol's company, and the thought of any connection to him made me want to resist. But Priya firmly held on to me.

She was determined to help me move past this, so despite my reluctance, I stayed.

We aimlessly wandered through the clothing racks. Priya soon had her arms full of finds, while I hadn't picked out a single thing; my heart just wasn't in it.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a man and a woman in the distance – it was Anatol and Skylynn. A sharp pain shot through me, and I quickly turned, tugging Priya along as I hurried to leave.

"Ellie, why are you dragging me away? I wasn't done looking around yet."

Priya hadn't noticed the two people nearby and seemed somewhat annoyed with my behavior.

"Priya, let's check out another place. I really don't want to be here anymore."

I kept my back to the two approaching figures, hoping they wouldn't spot me.

Priya's brow furrowed in confusion as she looked at me, clearly puzzled by my sudden change in demeanor.

Just as she was about to speak, it seemed the two people heading our way might have caught sight of me.

"Ellie, talk about a small world, running into you here. I'm surprised you've moved on from your heartbreak so quickly. Just a few days and you're already up for shopping?"

Skylynn's voice, dripping with mockery and smugness, reached my ears.

To say my heart didn't sting would be a lie, but I refused to show any hurt in front of this pair—they weren't worth it!

Seeing Anatol and Skylynn, Priya finally realized why I had been so eager to leave.

Stepping in front of me, Priya shielded me with her body.

"And who might you be? Oh, the long-time mistress. How's it feel, enjoying your promotion? Does it feel good to be the other woman?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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