Never Regret Falling in Love with You/C15 I Don't Want to Make Friends
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Never Regret Falling in Love with You/C15 I Don't Want to Make Friends
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C15 I Don't Want to Make Friends

"Let me help you. There's still a while before work starts."

"No need! I like to be alone. I'm a loner, and I don't want to make any friends. Zheng Hao, I hope you understand what I mean. "

Zheng Hao's smile froze on his face, then he smiled awkwardly and said, "It's okay, I understand. You go ahead and do what you need to do. I won't disturb you in the future."

He looked at Zheng Hao's lonely back. Xia Yihan secretly sighed.

butler had always been more strict with her than others. As long as it was a place she wiped, she had to use a white cloth to ensure that there were no dust stains on it.

As she was wiping, footsteps could be heard at the door. Soon, she heard butler's angry shout, "Xia Yihan, come out! Come to the hall!"

Indeed, it was not easy to live a peaceful life. She held her breath and put the rag aside. She stood up and walked out.

The maids were all in the hall. What was different from usual was that they didn't stand by.

Faang Leena, Zhao Tianai, and Sun Mengmeng's faces clearly said "taking pleasure in others' misfortune.

Liu Xiaojiao and Jiujiu's expressions were a little worried and also a little angry but did not dare to say anything.

Xia Yihan stood in front of butler and calmly waited for him to speak.

"I heard you seduced the staff here?" butler asked coldly.

Xia Yihan looked up and said lightly, "You only heard about it. That is a groundless rumor."

"Rumors?" Faang Leena raised her voice and questioned her. Then she said," If you did not seduce him, would he speak for you in front of so many people? You seduced Prince and even seduced... "

"Alright!" butler raised his hand to stop Faang Leena's words and said to Xia Yihan with a sullen face, "There are so many witnesses now and you can't argue anymore. Immediately pack your things and leave!"

This time, he was going all out. Even if Mr. Ye blamed him, at most, he would only deduct a bit of his salary. He would not chase him away. He could not let his nephew be fooled by her.

Xia Yihan held her head high. Her attitude was neither servile nor overbearing.

"Unless Mr. Ye says he wants me to leave, I will not leave."

"She is really shameless! 'She's still clinging on.' Faang Leena curled her lips and mocked.

butler ignored Faang Leena and spoke into his earpiece. "Zhang Feng, Lee Ping, come to the main residence immediately!"

Not long after, the two security guards ran into the hall and waited for butler's instructions.

butler's expression was even gloomier and a bit more ruthless.

"Xia Yihan, do you want to leave by yourself or do you want me to let them throw you out?"

Things had come to this. Because the one surnamed Ye was not here, this was butler's world.

It wasn't easy for her to work here. If she left, she was afraid that she would never have the chance to enter again.

Xia Yihan's eyes flashed across Mo Xiaojun's miserable appearance. She could not let him die an injustice.

She took a deep breath and raised her head. She said very seriously to butler, "I'm sorry, I was wrong. I won't..."

"Apologizing is useless! Get her out!" With butler's order, Zhang Feng, Lee Ping, ran towards her.

"You can't do this!" Xia Yihan tried to reason with them while she hid.

"Even if I leave, I will find Mr. Ye. You will be responsible," she said.

"Even if Mr. Ye knows, he will not care about a maid like you. Don't scare me."

"You two, get her out of here right now!" As soon as butler finished speaking, he heard an indifferent voice from behind him. "What happened?"

Libre Baskerville
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