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C3 I'm Sorry Mr Ye

"I just don't think you're like they say. You won't take the initiative to seduce Mr. Ye. " I'm too excited. I'm a little scared now. " Liu Xiaojiao was small and her voice was very soft. She looked very timid.

"It is okay. Don't be afraid. If she bullies you, shout loudly. I will rush over."

"Thank you, Ms Xia! I will go back."


Deep in the night, the entire castle in the outskirts had fallen asleep.

Xia Yihan kept running in her dreams and shouting, "Xiaojun, come back! You come back!"

She seemed to have caught the corner of his clothes that was blown by the wind. After a gust of strong wind, she could no longer see him. Even if it was just a back view.

She woke up, her face full of cold tears. She looked up at the dark room, unable to sleep anymore.

Tomorrow, she must work harder than today!

At 5: 30 in the morning, Xia Yihan got up and took a cold shower in the bathroom. After washing up. Zhao Tianai struggled to get up.

They gathered at the entrance of the workplace at 6: 00 in the morning. butler led them straight to the gym. Ye Zimo had already been training on the treadmill for half an hour in the morning.

After he finished running, he sat down on the fitness equipment and started to do chest exercises.

Xia Yihan and the other maids stood three meters away from Ye Zimo. They were holding a tray with clean towels on it.

Other than Xia Yihan, the other girls kept looking up at Ye Zimo.

He trained all year round. He had strong muscles. Sweat slowly flowed down his tanned skin, making the girls yearn for him endlessly.

Faang Leena really could not resist the urge to approach Ye Zimo. Her big eyes turned a few times. She held the tray and walked over with her hips twisted. She stopped in front of him and squatted down. She said in a sweet voice, "Mr. Ye, you are sweating too much. Let me wipe your sweat."

Ye Zimo turned his head. His eyes looked like they had been frozen for a thousand years. He only gave her a glance and Faang Leena was so scared that she apologized again and again.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Mr. Ye!"

butler had just finished his work when he came back. He had just walked into the gym when he saw this scene.

He walked to Faang Leena's side. He raised his voice and scolded, "Mr. Ye hates being disturbed. Don't you remember? Still not... "

Before butler could finish his sentence, Ye Zimo stopped moving his hands. He said gently, "It's okay. Don't blame her." After he finished speaking, he reached out and picked up a towel from Faang Leena's tray to wipe his sweat. Then he put the towel back.

Faang Leena thought that she would be scolded by butler like Xia Yihan and be punished. She really did not expect him to plead for her.

If she was not wrong, he seemed to smile at her.

God! Prince smiled at her!

Faang Leena was instantly overjoyed and secretly rejoiced that she had taken the right step. She successfully attracted his attention.

There were more than 20 Female Servant in the room and almost everyone was envious and jealous of Faang Leena. Xia Yihan just stood there calmly. She did not look in Ye Zimo's direction at all.

He looked at her without a trace. She was so quiet and self-contained? He coldly lifted the corner of his lips.

After Ye Zimo had his breakfast and they lined up to send him away, butler started to arrange other jobs.

That night, Ye Zimo came back very late. The Ye family had a rule that if he did not return at ten o'clock, all the servants could rest and did not need to wait for him.

After they disbanded at 10 o'clock, Xia Yihan was punished and stayed in the hall alone. She used a pure white cloth to wipe the marble floor.

butler had said that she would wipe the floor until there was no dust on the white cloth.

She did not know how long she wiped, but she heard footsteps approaching her. They were very steady.

She knew he was here, but she did not want to mess with him. She did not dare to mess with him. She pretended not to know that he had come and continued to wipe the floor seriously.

Ye Zimo squatted in front of her. His tall shadow completely enveloped the little girl.

Damn woman! No woman had ever dared to turn a blind eye to him!

She should be like Faang Leena, taking the initiative to seduce him. She should not have seen him alone and still be so indifferent.

Ye Zimo grabbed her chin and forced her to raise her head. His scrutinizing gaze landed on her delicate little face.

There was a meaningful smile on his lips that made her hate him. He approached her face and opened his thin lips. He said indifferently, "How do you feel? Do you feel good about this?"

She wanted to turn her head away, not willing to meet his gaze. After all, she could be accused of seducing him at any time and become the public enemy of all the maids. She did not want to be inexplicably opposed by many people.

A faint pain came from her chin. Although he was smiling, he absolutely wouldn't allow a small maid to avoid his question.

"Answer me!" His voice revealed the aura of a king that couldn't be refused.

Xia Yihan took a deep breath and looked at him. Her expression was very honest. "Mr. Ye, I don't feel good about this. But I need this job. I need money. I really don't want to seduce you. I think you know this. "I just want to be a maid and do my job."

Ye Zimo looked at her with a faint smile. Every slight change in her face could not escape his eyes. Especially when she said she needed money, there was a flash of hesitation in her eyes, indicating that she was lying to him.

"You need money?" He seemed to be deep in thought.

"I need money, so please..." Halfway through her words, she was suddenly interrupted by the touch of her lips. She could not continue. It turned out that his hand that was holding her chin had already loosened. His fingers suddenly rubbed against her lips. It was as gentle as a breeze blowing through leaves.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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