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C13 I Am an Expert

"You dare to hit me? I'm Bigshot Dog, and my boss is Mr. Tiger!"

The tattooed man known as Bigshot Dog clutched his face and staggered back, pointing an accusing finger at Jiang Xiaoyu with a menacing glare.

"I hit you, alright!"

Jiang Xiaoyu delivered another slap, sending Bigshot Dog sprawling to the ground. "What gives you the right to bully a delivery guy like that?"

Bigshot Dog let out a wail of pain, yet his tone remained defiant. "You hit me, and I'm gonna sue. You're gonna pay for this!"

Jiang Xiaoyu just smiled.

A few days ago, he might have been hesitant to strike, despite his willingness to stand up for what's right.

But now, things were different.

Jiang Xiaoyu was wealthy!

He owned a company valued at over ten billion, had a hundred million in cash, and he had the System!

Things Jiang Xiaoyu wouldn't have dared to do before were now within his reach.

He resolved to become an agent of justice.

"Go ahead and sue me!"

With a swift kick, Jiang Xiaoyu knocked Bigshot Dog back down onto the spilled meals, drenching him in soup.

Standing over Bigshot Dog, he said, "Do you realize that your thuggish antics have been costing people their livelihoods?"

"Think of the delivery guys stuck in traffic jams, arriving late, and getting bad reviews from customers!"

Jiang Xiaoyu's words echoed the sentiments of the harassed deliveryman and resonated with the frustrations of other drivers stuck in traffic.

"He's right! Let's take down that thug!"

The crowd, fueled by pent-up rage from a night of gridlock, erupted into action.

They swarmed Bigshot Dog, unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks.

Before long, Bigshot Dog was a bruised and battered mess.

The deliveryman, witnessing the scene, was moved to tears. He gripped Jiang Xiaoyu's hand. "I can't thank you enough! You're like a hero to me!"

"I'm Lee Xiaoqiang, a delivery guy from the west side. When you've got time, let me treat you to a meal and tea, and I'll introduce you to the other delivery guys."

Jiang Xiaoyu offered a reassuring smile and righted Lee Xiaoqiang's electric bike. "I'm Jiang Xiaoyu. I've got deliveries to make, so I can't stay long."

"Remember, if you face bullies again, stand your ground if you're in the right. These cowards only pick on the weak!"

While speaking, Jiang Xiaoyu gave Lee Xiaoqiang's shoulder a comforting pat and slipped five thousand yuan into his pocket.

Jiang Xiaoyu understood the struggles of food delivery. Lee Xiaoqiang had spilled several orders tonight and was sure to face customer complaints and fines.

The five thousand yuan would not only cover the losses but also provide some extra earnings.

Then, Jiang Xiaoyu hopped back on his electromobile and sped off into the wind.

"See you, my hero!"

Lee Xiaoqiang watched Jiang Xiaoyu disappear into the distance, bowing deeply in gratitude.

"Feels good!"

Alone now, Jiang Xiaoyu reflected on his brave actions, feeling a profound sense of satisfaction. He laughed heartily as he rode on.

Just then, the voice of the System chimed in.

"Heroic deed accomplished. You have earned the intermediate legacy of Eight Extremes Boxing. With this skill, you'll be an intermediate master, capable of taking on ten opponents at once!"

Upon seeing the notification, Jiang Xiaoyu couldn't contain his excitement, "No more fear of those thugs for me!"

"You have less than twenty minutes remaining to complete your delivery. Keep an eye on the clock. Failure to complete the task will result in punishment!"

Jiang Xiaoyu's heart skipped a beat. He gunned the throttle of his electromobile and made a beeline for the designated delivery spot, the West Botanical Garden.

"At last, I've made it!"

Breathing a sigh of relief, Jiang Xiaoyu bellowed, "Who's got the takeout here? I need a signature, please!"

But his calls were met with silence; not a soul responded.

The System still hadn't confirmed the takeout as received, and the countdown mercilessly continued.

"Where's the customer who ordered this?"

Scanning the area, Jiang Xiaoyu was struck by the enveloping darkness; he was utterly alone.

Then, it hit him – a grave realization.

This delivery was no ordinary task—it was special!

Could it be that the customer was... out of the ordinary, too?

As the thought crossed his mind, a chill swept through him.

Surely, it wasn't a ghost who had ordered the takeout!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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