Rebirth: Noble Miss Returns/C283 She Had Gone Missing
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Rebirth: Noble Miss Returns/C283 She Had Gone Missing
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C283 She Had Gone Missing

Su Jin had said that she was afraid of the dark, but on such a big rainy night, she did not even turn on the lights. She must be very sad.

"Su Jin, Su Jin. " Fu Siyan entered the room and smelled the strong fragrance of wine.

He reached out his hand and turned on the light on the wall. The room immediately lit up.

The room was a little messy. Su Jin's phone was still on the table. Beside her was a bottle of wine and a cup. Even Su Jin's bag was there.

But she was the only one who was not there.

"Su Jin, Su Jin?" Fu Siyan ran upstairs and opened the doors one by one to search. He did not even let go of the bathroom, but there was still no trace of Su Jin.

Looking at the empty room, a trace of uneasiness suddenly flashed through Fu Siyan's heart.

Su Jin, did something happen to her?

The heavy rain poured all night, and the lightning also rang all night.

It was only until dawn that the rain gradually stopped, but the sky still did not clear. It was so gloomy that it made people feel depressed.

When Su Jin woke up, she only felt that her entire body was cold, as if she was in an ice cellar. Every bone in her body was aching from the cold.

She shook her dizzy head and slowly sat up.

However, she found that she was in a strange place. It was pitch black here and she could not see her own fingers.

Only a few tiny rays of light could be seen coming out from the top of his head.

Furthermore, Su Jin could also hear the sound of the waves.

Where is this?

A few sounds of seagulls chirping could be heard, and there was also the smell of the wet sea in the house.

Could it be that this is the sea?

Su Jin sat up nervously but found that her hands and feet were tightly tied and even her mouth was covered with a seal.

A trace of uneasiness flashed across her head. She realized that she had been kidnapped.

With a creak, the door opened.

A man walked in from outside. He threw a bag of bread at Su Jin on the floor and then left.

Su Jin tore off the seal in her mouth and took the bread with great effort. She tore open the packaging and started to eat.

The only thought in her mind right now was to survive.

After eating, she would have strength. She could not let her body be in a weakened state.

After Su Jin finished eating, she leaned against the boat and closed her eyes.

Since the other party did not kill her, he even brought her onto the boat. Then she still had value.

After an unknown period of time, the door opened again.

A dazzling ray of light shot in from outside, and a woman's figure appeared at the door.

When she saw the woman's face, Su Jin could not help but widen her eyes. It turned out that this person was none other than Lu Zeyu's wife, Xia Tiantian.

"It's actually you. " So it was an old acquaintance. Su Jin could not help but sneer.

Xia Tiantian took a step forward and smiled. "What? Is it me? Are you very surprised?"

"It is indeed a little. " Su Jin told the truth and her tone was more or less respectful towards Xia Tiantian. "I really did not expect you to hide it so deeply. "

From an ignorant young lady of a big family to a ruthless and ruthless killing devil, Xia Tiantian's transformation was indeed very impressive to Su Jin.

Xia Tiantian stood in front of Su Jin and looked down at her. Her eyes were filled with jealousy that could not be hidden, "Su Jin, sometimes I really envy you. There is a beautiful face, a perfect figure, and even a smart brain. All of your things make women jealous and crazy. I used to treat you as my idol. I imitate your smile, your clothes, your interest. . . I wanted to have your shadow on me, but then I realized. . . No matter how similar my learning was, Lu Zeyu didn't care about me at all. Because no matter how similar I am, it's not you. "

"So, the reason you tied me up here is to tell me how miserable your life after marriage is?" Su Jin did not want to be outdone and replied, "Then you have found the wrong person. I am not interested in your marriage at all. I am curious about what you want to do by tying me up here. "

Xia Tiantian rolled her eyes at her and snorted coldly, "I did not tie you up. The one who tied you up is Lu Zeyu. "

Su Jin's expression suddenly changed, "He escaped?"

"What else? Do you think I would let him stay in that kind of place for the rest of his life?" When Xia Tiantian said this, her eyes revealed a trace of ruthlessness.

"But I did not expect that the first thing he did after coming out was to find you. I thought that he went to kill you, but I did not expect that he would actually bring you onto the boat. Su Jin, how did you confuse him? Even at a time like this, he still wants to take you with him. "

Lu Zeyu had actually escaped from prison. This was not good.

What was worse was that he had tied himself up with Lu Zeyu.

In the vast ocean, even if she wanted to run, she wouldn't be able to.

"Do you know how much I want to kill you?" Xia Tiantian's emotions suddenly became agitated. She reached out and grabbed Su Jin's neck. Her expression was as fierce as it could be.

Su Jin could see from her eyes that Xia Tiantian really hated her, so she did not fight head-on with her.

"Calm down, cough cough cough. . . " Xia Tiantian grabbed her neck and Su Jin had difficulty breathing so she could only save herself at this time.

"Lu Zeyu did not like me at all. That's why he brought me along. He, he wants me to serve him. "

The words came out of Su Jin's mouth intermittently. Although Xia Tiantian did not believe it, she gradually relaxed her hands. "I know what he is planning. But I will not let him succeed. With me around, you can forget about being his woman. "

This sentence gave Su Jin goosebumps. Lu Zeyu kidnapped her because he wanted her to be his woman?

Her stomach started to churn. Su Jin suddenly had an impulse to throw up.

If she was with Lu Zeyu, she might as well let her die.

"Then you have to look after Lu Zeyu. It's not like he's interested in me for a day or two. Maybe one day when you're not paying attention, he will. . . "

Before Su Jin finished speaking, Xia Tiantian interrupted her violently, "Dream on. Even if I die, I will not let you be a slut. As you wish. "

Xia Tiantian shouted towards the door," Guards, keep an eye on this place. Without my order, no one is allowed to enter. "

The door closed again and the room fell into darkness.

Su Jin leaned against the board and her body was like a broken rack. Her expression became serious again.

She was not worried about her own safety, but worried about Lu Zeyu escaping. What kind of evil plan was he planning?

The ship sailed on the sea for two days before Su Jin saw Lu Zeyu.

It had been a long time since they last saw each other. Lu Zeyu had changed. The most eye-catching thing was that his chin was covered with a beard.

"Long time no see, old classmate. " Lu Zeyu raised the glass of wine in his hand to Su Jin and signaled her with his eyes, "Sit. "

The bodyguard pushed Su Jin hard and pushed her to the seat, forcing her to sit down.

There were all kinds of dishes on the table, but Su Jin had no appetite at all.

"There is no free lunch in the world. Director Lu spent so much effort to invite me here. I am afraid it is not as simple as treating me to a meal. " Su Jin smiled faintly.

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