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C31 A Good Show!

"Mrs. Lee, please retrieve the box from the safe," Old Madame directed.

A flicker of surprise crossed Mrs. Lee's eyes, yet she complied and brought forth the box.

It was a simple, rustic box that took on a mysterious air in the light.

Old Madame unlocked the box with a key, and Su Jin watched with bated breath.

Inside, an ancient jade lay in repose, emitting a soft glow upon being exposed, its mystique deepened.

Old Madame cradled the jade in her hand and presented it to Su Jin, saying, "Jin, this is for you."

Su Jin, taken aback, gazed at Old Madame, seeking understanding.

With a tender smile, Old Madame placed the ancient jade around Su Jin's neck, "This belongs to you. I've kept it safe for you until now, but henceforth, you'll be its guardian."

Su Jin, an adopted child, had no knowledge of her origins in her previous life.

Could it be that Old Madame was about to reveal her heritage with this gift of the ancient jade?

Old Madame read the longing on Su Jin's face and gently shook her head. "You already had this jade when you arrived from the orphanage. I know little of your past, but perhaps this jade holds the key."

A twinge of disappointment touched Su Jin's heart.

Knowing her biological parents didn't matter; having her grandmother was more than enough.

"Grandmother, I will always be your granddaughter," Su Jin declared, embracing Old Madame.

With affection, Old Madame stroked her hair and let out a warm smile.

"I wish to be by your side for a lifetime."

"Why stay with me? Weren't you planning to move out? Have you found a place yet?" Old Madame asked with feigned sternness.

Su Jin had been too preoccupied to house-hunt.

Now, with Su Nuo in surgery and Gu Xiangyun caring for him, Su Jin finally had the opportunity.

"I'll start looking for a house today," Su Jin replied with a smile.

Old Madame nodded, then eyed Su Jin's modest attire with a furrowed brow. "You should take care to dress up more."

With that, she paused, reflecting on her role in Su Jin's life.

She turned to Mrs. Lee and instructed, "Please bring me the card I've prepared for Jin."

Yesterday, Su Jin approached Old Madame for investment money, signaling to the elder that Su Jin was now capable of standing on her own two feet. She had matured.

Before Old Madame could say another word, Su Jin interjected, "Grandma, you already gave me the money yesterday."

Old Madame offered a warm smile. "Do you think running a business is that simple? Without sufficient capital, you won't be able to keep it afloat."

Su Jin chose not to deceive Old Madame any longer and recounted the events plainly.

Upon hearing the story, Old Madame lapsed into contemplation.

Expecting a reprimand from Old Madame, Su Jin was taken aback when instead she heard a sigh of relief. "I'm comforted to see you possess such foresight."

"You're not upset?" Su Jin asked, astonished.

Old Madame gazed into her sparkling eyes and shook her head. "You've handled things well. Why would I reprimand you? Keep this card. I wouldn't want you to be without funds in an emergency."

Seeing Old Madame's insistence, Su Jin relented, "Alright."

Only when Su Jin accepted did Old Madame smile, patting her on the shoulder. "There you go. Now, off you go to your tasks."

Stepping out of the ancestral home, Su Jin's phone rang with a call from Su Mingyuan. "Jin, your sister is undergoing surgery today. Why aren't you here?"

He was only after her blood.

Su Jin was certain that if the surgery went awry, Su Mingyuan wouldn't think twice about using her blood to save Su Nuo.

"Sure, Dad," Su Jin replied with a scoff.

By the time Su Jin arrived at the hospital, Su Nuo had already been wheeled into the operating room. Gu Xiangyun shot her a withering look. "Your sister is in surgery, and you show up late. Clearly, you have no concern for this family."

"If you dislike me that much, I can leave right now," Su Jin retorted, taking a seat with an icy tone.

Gu Xiangyun was livid but couldn't afford to send Su Jin away.

Su Mingyuan quickly diverted the conversation. "Let's not fight. Nuonuo is facing a critical moment; we need to be supportive."

With a dismissive huff, Gu Xiangyun fell silent.

Yet, her discomfort was palpable every time her gaze fell on Su Jin.

Her fists were clenched tight, yet it did nothing to quell her seething rage.

Su Jin had no interest in acknowledging Gu Xiangyun, acting as if she were invisible to her.

Their animosity ran deep.

Su Mingyuan, too, chose to ignore their tension, opting instead to close his eyes and rest.

"Dad, I'm going to stretch my legs in the corridor," Su Jin announced, rising and stretching.

At her words, Su Mingyuan's eyes snapped open, his gaze laced with anxiety. "Just don't wander off too far."

Was he worried she might sneak away? Su Jin scoffed inwardly, yet her face betrayed nothing but sweetness. "Understood, Dad."

Leaving the operating room behind, a smile played on Su Jin's lips.

The real drama was about to unfold.

In a deserted corner, Su Jin pulled a phone from her pocket, one she had pilfered from Su Mingyuan while he slept.

She powered it on and swiftly located a contact named Qin Mann, to whom she sent a text.

"I want nothing to do with the child you're carrying. Right now, I'm at my daughter's surgery, and I deeply love my wife. If you don't stop bothering me, I'll leak your nude photos."

Message sent, Su Jin promptly erased it.

In her past life, Su Mingyuan had a string of affairs, but none more memorable to Su Jin than Qin Mann.

He lavished Qin Mann with affection and spared no expense on her, showering her with houses, cars, and jewels.

But Qin Mann grew tired of being the other woman.

She tried to buy Su Jin's complicity, urging her to set up Gu Xiangyun. Su Jin, too scared, refused.

Pregnant with another man's child, Qin Mann demanded ten million yuan from Su Mingyuan. He refused, and she nearly set the hospital ablaze.

And that day was today.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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