Rebirth: Noble Miss Returns/C32 They Were Quarrelling in the Hospital!
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Rebirth: Noble Miss Returns/C32 They Were Quarrelling in the Hospital!
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C32 They Were Quarrelling in the Hospital!

Although Su Jin wanted to stir up conflict among them, she had no desire to drag innocent people into the fray. The fire had not only claimed many lives but also inflicted severe damage on the hospital.

However, if she were to warn others about an impending arson, she feared they might dismiss her as a lunatic.

Her only option was to rush to the security office and appeal to the head of security, saying, "There's a safety hazard due to aging wiring in the operating theater corridor. As a concerned relative of a patient, I am deeply worried. I urge you to implement fire safety measures immediately."

The security captain felt cornered but managed to keep his composure, replying, "Alright, your concern is noted. I'll take care of it right away."

Su Jin pressed on, "Then please do so now. Otherwise, I'll have to file a complaint."

Seeing her determination, the captain reluctantly sent two officers to inspect the wiring in the corridor and placed several fire extinguishers along the way.

Feeling somewhat reassured by her actions, Su Jin knew she had done all she could.

Back in the operating theater corridor, she stealthily slipped Su Mingyuan's phone back into his pocket while he was distracted.

Gu Xiangyun had always harbored a dislike for Su Jin. However, after being outwitted several times, she had grown wiser and stopped seeking confrontations with Su Jin.

Twenty minutes of silence passed before Qin Mann stormed in, seething with anger.

"Su Mingyuan, you're truly despicable. I'm ready to fight you to the end today."

At the corridor's end, Qin Mann, clad in a striking red dress, approached swiftly.

Upon seeing her, Su Mingyuan reacted as if he had seen a ghost.

He and Qin Mann had been secret lovers, with him once promising to care for her for a lifetime.

He provided Qin Mann with a monthly allowance of five hundred thousand and had even promised to marry her. Thus, Qin Mann devoted herself to him, content to be his mistress.

But today, she had brazenly sought him out, sending Su Mingyuan into a state of panic.

"What are you ranting about?" Su Mingyuan instinctively hid their affair, frantically signaling to Qin Mann.

Regrettably, a furious Qin Mann had already lost all sense of reason.

"You dare claim we have nothing to do with each other? Why didn't you say that when you were sprawled on top of me last night?" Qin Mann yanked at her neckline, exposing the marks on her skin. She flaunted them at Gu Xiangyun with a smug look. "Take a good look. Su Mingyuan left these. If he truly loved you, why wouldn't he come home every night? Do you honestly believe he's working late at the office? The truth is, he's with me every single day."

Gu Xiangyun's face drained of color, her anger palpable. She was aware of Su Mingyuan's affair.

But they were no longer young. Powerless at home, she had no choice but to turn a blind eye.

After all, Su Mingyuan had afforded her a semblance of dignity in public.

Should this scandal become public knowledge, she risked being cast out of the Su family without a penny to her name.

Yet now, his mistress was brazenly gloating and insulting her. Gu Xiangyun couldn't take it anymore.

"Shut up!" she snapped, her hand flying up to deliver a stinging slap to Qin Mann's face, her nails leaving vicious scratches.

Blood welled up on Qin Mann's face instantly.

With a shriek of pain, Qin Mann felt her face throbbing. She touched it to find it slick with blood. "You dare mar my face? I'll make you pay!"

In a fury, Qin Mann concocted a plan on the spot. She lunged at Gu Xiangyun, intent on a brawl.

Her goal was to provoke a miscarriage. That would force Su Mingyuan to marry her.

Su Jin quickly stepped aside, keen to avoid getting entangled in their drama.

The hospital was bustling with people who, noticing the commotion, gathered around.

The spectacle was sensational.

Su Mingyuan, witnessing the fight, attempted to intervene. But this was a battle between women, and what place did he, a man, have in it?

Before long, he too sported several fresh wounds on his face.

Gu Xiangyun and Qin Mann were locked in a fierce clash, yanking hair and exchanging slaps.

Gu Xiangyun, both spiteful and enraged, soon had Qin Mann on the ropes.

Buttons from Qin Mann's clothing littered the ground, and her neatly styled hair was now a tangled mess.

Her once-pristine face, which she had meticulously cared for, was now marred with scratches. Pinned beneath Gu Xiangyun, she was immobilized.

With a vicious swing, Gu Xiangyun slapped Qin Mann across the face. Suddenly, her wrist was seized. She turned to find Su Mingyuan, his face livid with anger. "Stop it. Isn't this enough for you?"

Seizing her chance, Gu Xiangyun scrambled to her feet. She spitefully kicked Qin Mann in the stomach, hissing, "You're nothing but a mistress! You'll never be his wife!"

Qin Mann let out a piercing scream, clutching her abdomen in agony. "My stomach... it hurts so much."

Gu Xiangyun regarded her with an icy stare. The sight of blood pooling beneath Qin Mann sent a shock through her. She was pregnant.

Qin Mann sensed the gravity of the situation as she touched the blood beneath her, a twisted joy in her heart. Yet her face betrayed sheer panic. "My baby!"

She glared at Gu Xiangyun, her eyes burning with hatred. "You've killed my child."

"Enough!" Overwhelmed by the growing crowd of onlookers, Su Mingyuan lost his patience and bellowed.

With a sorrowful look at Su Mingyuan, Qin Mann sneered, "Su Mingyuan, I'm carrying your child. How can you just stand there and do nothing?"

"I don't even know you. I have no idea whose child that is. What if it belongs to another man?" Su Mingyuan retorted callously. Now that she had miscarried, he was even less inclined to acknowledge the situation.

Qin Mann was taken aback by his ruthless words. She had never expected Su Mingyuan to be so cold-hearted.

Her plan had been to provoke a miscarriage due to Gu Xiangyun's actions. She had hoped Su Mingyuan would then pity her, see Gu Xiangyun's cruelty, and welcome her into the Su family.

But now, her plans had crumbled. Her face was scratched and bleeding, her child lost. Su Mingyuan refused to recognize her.

Without Su Mingyuan, she faced disfigurement and the loss of everything she had. That was something she couldn't allow.

"No! This child is yours!" Qin Mann wrenched free from Su Mingyuan's grasp, screaming hysterically. "You may not believe me, but to insult it by calling it illegitimate... If I've lost my child, I have no reason to live!"

She had devised yet another plan.

Qin Mann pulled a bottle of gasoline from her bag, unscrewed the cap, and began to douse the surroundings.

Yet, not a drop of the gasoline touched her.

Qin Mann had it all figured out. She would feign starting a fire, then swoop in to rescue Su Mingyuan and the rest. Her aim was to gain entry into the Su family as their heroic rescuer.

Su Ming was someone who deeply valued his reputation. With everyone watching, he would be unable to turn her away.

Her beauty was an asset; it would be easy for her to oust Gu Xiangyun. And then, she would become Su Mingyuan's wife.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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