Rebirth: Noble Miss Returns/C33 If You Want to Die No One will Stop You!
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Rebirth: Noble Miss Returns/C33 If You Want to Die No One will Stop You!
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C33 If You Want to Die No One will Stop You!

Qin Mann's excitement grew with each passing moment, so much so that she failed to notice the line beside her drenched in oil. After dousing the area, she hastily grabbed a lighter to ignite it. But her legs gave way, her hand struck the wall, and the lighter tumbled to the ground. Flames erupted instantly.

With a piercing scream, Qin Mann stumbled backward. Security guards, alerted by the commotion, rushed to the scene, restrained Qin Mann, and began battling the blaze with fire extinguishers.

As one guard twisted her arm, Qin Mann cried out in terror, "Don't grab me. I'm pregnant, please, let me go!"

The guard was unmoved, responding firmly, "You've committed arson, a violation of the law. Explain it to the police."

"Release me!" Qin Mann shrieked, turning to Su Mingyuan for aid. "Mingyuan, help me. It wasn't intentional!"

But Su Mingyuan was too preoccupied to attend to Qin Mann. The fire had grown too intense, setting off the alarm system.

Abruptly, a shrill alarm echoed throughout the hospital.

From the operating room, a doctor's voice, laced with panic, rang out, "Quick, extinguish the fire! We have patients undergoing surgery in here!"

Upon hearing this, Gu Xiangyun felt as if her feet were rooted to the spot, unable to move.

She had forgotten that Su Nuo was still inside.

If she left, what would become of Su Nuo?

"Nuonuo," Gu Xiangyun wailed, desperate to rush in and rescue her, but Su Mingyuan held her back.

"Stay calm. The fire hasn't spread inside yet. It will be extinguished," he assured her.

"No, I need my daughter. I need my Nuonuo," Gu Xiangyun sobbed uncontrollably, while Su Jin looked on with a sense of satisfaction.

The suffering Gu Xiangyun endured paled in comparison to her own.

Gu Xiangyun, you're finally tasting the agony of losing someone dear.

I've vowed to repay you manifold for the pain you've inflicted upon me.

Standing at a distance, Su Jin watched the unfolding drama with a detached coolness, her eyes simmering with vengeful hatred. This only served to turn Gu Xiangyun's anguish towards her.

"Why aren't you the one who's dead?"

Confronted with Gu Xiangyun's curse, Su Jin responded with a warm smile. "Because, mother, the one who should die isn't me."

"Why won't you die? I want your death to trade for my daughter's life!" Gu Xiangyun screamed, losing all composure.

Her deranged appearance frightened everyone there.

She had actually expected her foster daughter to die in place of her biological child. What kind of monstrous woman could do such a thing?

Feeling the murmurs of the crowd, Su Mingyuan quickly clamped a hand over Gu Xiangyun's mouth to silence her shouts.

But Gu Xiangyun bit his hand, spitting out in revulsion, "Get away from me. Every inch of you disgusts me. Your very breath is nauseating."

The thought of Su Mingyuan's dalliance with Qin Mann filled her with such loathing she wanted him dead. His hand over her mouth was the last straw.

His mother's scornful look and harsh words ignited a rage in Su Mingyuan.

"You're clueless about what's good for you!" he snapped, releasing his grip and shoving Gu Xiangyun away. "If you're so eager to die, I won't stop you."

Stung by his reaction, Gu Xiangyun charged into the inferno, desperate to save Su Nuo. But she was engulfed in flames within moments.

The fire consumed her, and she writhed in agony.

A security guard dashed to her aid, smothering the flames with an extinguisher.

Still, her hair and skin were badly burned.

"Get her to the emergency room," a nurse instructed, wheeling Gu Xiangyun away.

As the fire was brought under control and the operating theater resumed its usual rhythm, Su Jin watched with a detached coolness, a smile finally gracing her lips.

Regardless of Su Nuo's fate, Gu Xiangyun was ruined.

Her status meant nothing now. How could Su Mingyuan ever look upon a disfigured woman with a smile?

Today's events would surely dominate tomorrow's headlines, robbing Su Mingyuan of any semblance of peace.

A wave of relief washed over Su Jin, her fury dissipating. She had never felt so at ease since her rebirth.

This was, without a doubt, the most serene day of her new life.

"Su Jin," a frigid voice rose from behind her. She turned to find Fu Siyan, his face twisted in displeasure, standing there.

With such a major incident unfolding, how could he, the CEO, be unaware?

Greeting him with a smile, Su Jin said, "Director Fu."

Fu Siyan fixed her with a glare, his eyes shadowed with hostility. "Su Jin, whatever your intentions, don't test my patience. The hospital is a sanctuary for healing, not a stage for your vendettas. If you pull any stunts on my watch again, don't expect mercy."

It dawned on Su Jin in that moment—he believed she orchestrated today's chaos.

A bitter smile crossed her face. Even without her message to Qin Mann, Qin Mann would have found her way to the hospital.

Besides, in her past life, she had nearly set the entire hospital ablaze, resulting in tragic losses and fatalities.

Knowing the potential danger, she had warned the security about the faulty wiring after messaging Qin Mann, preemptively safeguarding Fu Siyan's hospital.

She didn't seek Fu Siyan's gratitude, but the least he could do was not to spurn her, not to look at her with such animosity—it truly pained her.

With a sigh, she resolved to clear the air. "If I were you, I'd get my facts straight before making accusations." With those words, Su Jin walked away, unwilling to endure Fu Siyan's piercing stare any longer.

Assistant Xu approached, his voice low, "Sir, we've misjudged Miss Su."

Fu Siyan's brow creased. "Explain."

"Security informed me that Su Jin had alerted them to the aging electrical system before the fire broke out. They checked it early, which is why the fire was contained so quickly." Assistant Xu's voice faltered as he witnessed Fu Siyan's expression darken.

He held back the rest of his thoughts, yet internally, he was profoundly thankful to Su Jin.

In a fire, lives are paramount. Thanks to the preemptive actions and swift response, everyone was spared from harm—except for Gu Xiangyun, who had leapt into the flames.

Fu Siyan's furrowed brow eased a touch, yet his face remained grim. "Why didn't you mention this sooner?"

"I failed in my duties," Assistant Xu was on the verge of tears. He had intended to brief Fu Siyan, but never got the opportunity.

Even under threat of severe punishment, Assistant Xu wouldn't dare voice such an excuse. He had no choice but to shoulder the blame alone.

Fu Siyan marched off, leaving a bewildered Assistant Xu in his wake. What was to be done about Miss Su?

She must be heartbroken.

Indeed, Su Jin was heartbroken, but the sorrow was swept away with the wind.

After all, she had saved numerous lives and families.

What did it matter if she had been slighted in the process?

In the emergency room, Gu Xiangyun was slathered in burn cream, writhing on the bed in agony.

Upon Su Jin's arrival, Gu Xiangyun's eyes bulged with fury. Despite her grave injuries, she spat venomously, "Bitch, have you come to gloat over my misery?"

The blaze had scorched away her hair, and her face and arms bore the marks of burns.

She likely had no idea just how disfigured she had become.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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