Rebirth: Noble Miss Returns/C35 Live with Him!
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Rebirth: Noble Miss Returns/C35 Live with Him!
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C35 Live with Him!

"Enough," the Old Madame said, her anger palpable as she waved her hand and delivered a sharp slap to Su Mingyuan's cheek. "You still haven't recognized your mistake. You've truly disappointed me. If you won't agree, then you're on your own to deal with the consequences."

Gasping with fury, the Old Madame was quickly attended to by Su Jin, who gently patted her back. "Grandma, please, calm down. Think of your health."

Su Jin's heart ached for the Old Madame; she couldn't stand to see her so upset.

With a stern expression, the Old Madame turned away from Su Mingyuan, dismissing him.

"Mom, I'll do as you ask," Su Mingyuan said, his voice heavy with defeat. He knew the Old Madame was seriously angry this time.

Without her help, he was doomed.

"Mom, what's your plan?" Su Mingyuan asked, fear creeping into his voice. If the scandal broke, Su's shares would plummet, and no one could save him. The Su family might even face bankruptcy.

The only way to salvage the Su's reputation was to reveal something even more significant and favorable to the family. But what could possibly overshadow their scandal?

The Old Madame's gaze settled on Su Jin, causing her heart to skip a beat with anxiety. As expected, the Old Madame spoke decisively, "The only one who can save the Su family now is Jin."

Su Mingyuan turned to the Old Madame in astonishment. "Mom, what are you suggesting?"

"Jin will marry into the Fu family," the Old Madame stated with unwavering resolve.

Su Jin's emotions were a whirlwind. She had never imagined the Old Madame would resort to such measures to rescue the family.

Su Mingyuan relented. He surrendered all his shares and left the ancestral home, his steps unsteady.

The Old Madame kept Su Jin behind for a private conversation. "Jin, do you resent me?" she inquired, alluding to the proposed alliance with the Fu family.

To say Su Jin harbored no resentment would be dishonest; no one enjoys being a pawn in someone else's game. Yet the fact that the man in question was Fu Siyan made the situation somewhat more bearable.

"You're doing this for the Su family's sake," Su Jin responded, her tone noncommittal.

Although Su Jin maintained an obedient facade, the Old Madame caught the flicker of emotion in her eyes.

"This was a necessary move, one I've already discussed with Elder Fu, and Old Master Fu has given his consent. You needn't worry; you're not truly marrying into the Fu family. We're merely using this situation to shift the public's focus. Once things calm down, I'll find the right moment to announce your separation," the Old Madame said soothingly as she stroked Su Jin's hair. "In the meantime, you'll need to spend time with Fu Siyan."

Su Jin was momentarily taken aback.

"Yes, you're to move into the Fu family's residence today," the Old Madame stated resolutely.

Su Jin felt her heart race with a mix of shock and anxiety.

Would Fu Siyan's attitude toward her worsen once he learned of this arrangement? Could he even agree to pretend to be her partner?

In her past life, it was a scandal that led the Old Madame to have Su Nuo and Fu Siyan pose as a couple. This time around, with Su Nuo's surgery scheduled earlier, she was the chosen substitute.

The thought of moving to the Fu family's home left Su Jin feeling uneasy, primarily concerned with Fu Siyan's reaction.

"Don't be nervous," the Old Madame reassured her, mistaking her apprehension for fear. "Fu Siyan is a good boy; he won't mistreat you."

Su Jin nodded, "Grandma, I'll do my best to get along with him," though she knew it would be challenging to bridge the distance between them.

When noon arrived, someone from the Fu family came to escort Su Jin.

To her surprise, it was Fu Siyan who showed up.

He sat in the car, an air of indifference radiating from him.

Suddenly, Su Jin found herself without the courage to speak. She gingerly climbed into the car, taking her seat with utmost caution.

Assistant Xu noticed Su Jin was settled and put the car in motion.

The silence in the car was palpable, making it hard for her even to breathe.

Su Jin's heart pounded fiercely, and she sat frozen in her seat, rigid as stone.

Her silence was born of sheer nervousness.

Fu Siyan remained silent, finding the situation utterly ridiculous.

The two sat in quiet contemplation, and even after exiting the car, the tension between them lingered.

Old Master Fu, brimming with joy, anticipated Su Jin's arrival. "Jin, it's unfortunate you'll have to live with him for a while. If he ever bullies you, just let me know, and I'll set him straight."

Fu Siyan's brow creased slightly. "She's going to live with me?"

He hadn't anticipated the old man's blunt approach.

Old Master Fu shot him a stern look and feigned anger. "Jin's the reason the hospital is back in business. You'd better look after her during this time. Don't you dare bully her, got it?"

"I understand, Grandfather," Fu Siyan responded coolly.

Su Jin was taken aback. She had assumed her stay would be brief at Elder Fu's residence, never imagining she'd be moving into Fu Siyan's home.

Living with someone as icy as him, she mused, might just freeze her to death.

"Grandfather, is this really okay?" Su Jin asked, troubled.

Elder Fu dismissed her concerns with a wave of his hand. "For the act to be convincing, you have to move in. Otherwise, who would believe it?"

They hadn't even finished eating when Elder Fu announced, "It's getting late; you two should head back."

Su Jin glanced at the wall clock—it was only three in the afternoon.

Fu Siyan, eager to leave, rose and strode out, with Su Jin hurrying behind him to keep pace.

Watching their departing figures, Old Master Fu shook his head and sighed, "He really doesn't know how to cherish a woman. He lacks the charm I had back in the day."

Outside, Fu Siyan's car awaited. Su Jin realized he was absent only after climbing inside.

Assistant Xu, noticing her confusion, explained, "Mr. Fu had to attend to some matters and asked me to take you there."

This turn of events didn't surprise Su Jin.

In the city center stood Fu Siyan's villa. Upon her arrival, Assistant Xu assisted her with moving in.

"Your room is all set up. If there's anything you need, feel free to give me a call at any time," Assistant Xu offered courteously.

Su Jin expressed her gratitude and began to gather her belongings.

Once Assistant Xu had departed, Su Jin hailed a cab to the hospital.

In the hospital room, Gu Xiangyun lay on the bed, her burned arms and legs bare for all to see.

Her gaze was hollow as she stared at the ceiling, devoid of any spark of life.

Upon Su Jin's entrance, Gu Xiangyun's vacant stare ignited with intense loathing. "You wretch, what are you doing here?"

Her beauty and wealth were gone, all lost due to Su Jin's actions.

"Mom, why would you say such a thing? I'm here to visit you," Su Jin said with a feigned smile, the fierceness in her eyes growing more pronounced.

She was there to revel in Gu Xiangyun's misfortune, to relish in her discomfort.

Su Jin's joy was directly tied to Gu Xiangyun's suffering.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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