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C379 Rescue

Su Jin smiled at Jiang Nuannuan. She was confident and calm.

She would never do things that she was not confident in.

This time, she wanted to see how she would slap Shen Tianxiang in the face.

Jiang Nuannuan was still worried. The experts had said that the underground situation was complicated. How could Su Jin, a layman, be so sure that she could save him in one piece?

Everyone followed behind Su Jin with curious expressions. They wanted to see how she would save the person.

A little girl really had that much ability?

When they arrived at the scene, all the staff were already in position, waiting for the order to start the rescue.

"Miss Su. " A bespectacled staff walked in front of Su Jin and said to her, "Through our observation, although the underground situation is complicated, the frame is very firm. The collapsed place is in a blind spot and there is a narrow space inside. . . "

Jiang Wuan's head was very big when she heard the technical terms behind it. She anxiously interrupted the other party and asked, "Sorry, I want to know now. Is my father alright?"

The staff member was stunned for a moment before replying, "There are signs of life underground, but I'm not sure if your father is there. "

After Jiang Nuannuan heard that, her legs immediately went soft.

Su Jin hurriedly supported her and said to that person, "Now I want you all to immediately start the rescue and save that person at all costs. "

"Yes, Miss Su. We will do our best. "

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. "

The rescue operation began and Su Jin and Jiang Nuannuan retreated to the side.

Jiang Nuannuan nervously held her hands and looked at the rescue team. Her eyes were red.

Su Jin knew what she was worried about and patted her shoulder to comfort her. "Don't worry, it will be fine. "

The reason Su Jin was so confident was because in her previous life, she knew that Jiang Wuan's father was safe and sound. The person who saved him was the staff member just now.

The time she had delayed was to find him.

Shen Tianxiang sat by the side and drank tea. His expression was very relaxed.

It was impossible for a little girl who had not graduated yet to want to save him.

He really wanted to see how the future Young Madem of Fu family would lose face.

As time passed, Jiang Wuan's expression became more and more anxious. There was no progress after half a day of rescue. If they didn't open up the blocked area, the people inside would be in danger.

"Why is it taking so long?" Jiang Nuannuan was about to collapse. Tears flowed down her face.

From yesterday until now, no one knew how much suffering she was suffering in her heart.

Her father was her only pillar of support. If something happened to her father again, what would she do?

"Nuannuan, don't worry. We will be able to save him soon. " Su Jin knew what Jiang Nuannuan was worried about and could only comfort her, "Trust me. Your father will definitely be fine. "

Jiang Nuannuan sniffled and nodded, "Of course I believe you, but I. . . "

At this point, her voice choked up.

When a person was under too much pressure, they needed to be released.

Therefore, Su Jin allowed Jiang Nuannuan to shout loudly while she silently stayed by her side.

Jiang Nuannuan cried for a long time until her eyes were red and swollen before she stopped.

Shen Ruobai was sitting not far away from her and when he heard her cry, he could not help but frown and a strange feeling flashed across his heart.

This Jiang Nuannuan was like a female wolf when she was arguing with him. Now, she was so pitiful that it made people's heart ache.

What made him even more irritated was that he actually did not bother her at all when she cried. Vaguely, he felt that she was crying. There was also a kind of heartache.

This kind of emotion wrapped around Shen Ruobai, making him unable to breathe.

He picked up a cigarette and lit it up, then slowly began to smoke.

Shen Tianxiang looked at him in surprise, his eyes full of shock. Shen Ruobai never smoked, and only smoked twice when he was troubled.

What was wrong with him today? What troubled him again?

Was he worried about the bet with Su Jin?

After that, Shen Tianxiang overturned his judgment. Shen Ruobai had always been heartless. He would never remember such things.

Since it was not a matter of the company, then what was it?

When his gaze fell upon Jiang warm body, Shen Tianxiang's heart trembled. It couldn't be because of that girl, right?

Initially, he thought that Shen Ruobai was just playing around, but seeing how he was behaving right now, Shen Tianxiang couldn't help but have a serious expression on his face.

The rescue team finally received good news in the middle of the night.

"We have found him. " The short four words were like a clap of thunder that woke up the crowd.

Jiang Nuannuan's heart, which had sunk down, immediately hung up and rushed towards the scene without caring about anything else. Su Jin hurriedly followed behind her.

The scene was dirty and messy. The ground was full of rocks and steel bars.

Jiang Nuannuan acted as if she did not see it and her footsteps were very fast. There were a few times where she was almost stabbed but luckily she dodged it agilely.

However, Shen Ruobai's forehead was covered in sweat, and even his heart was hanging up.

Seeing that Jiang Nuannuan was fine, he slowly exhaled and scolded in a low voice. "This stupid woman. "

Shen Tianxiang saw his son's expression clearly and his expression became even uglier.

But now was not the time to worry about Shen Ruobai. The workers were rescued and he lost the bet with Su Jin.

It was still unknown what kind of bet Su Jin would ask him for.

"Dad, dad. . . " Jiang Nuannuan cried as she rushed towards the people who had been rescued. She searched them one by one, wanting to find the familiar faces.

But after looking around, there was no sign of her father.

"Do you see my dad? Do you see my father?" She excitedly asked the people who were rescued, but they all shook their heads weakly and said that they didn't see him.

"How could that be? How could there not be him?" Jiang Nuannuan broke down and cried while Su Jin accompanied her in the search.

At this moment, a weak voice was heard, "Nuannuan. "

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly looked up and saw Jiang's father being supported by two rescue personnel as he walked out. His body was pitch black but his eyes were extremely bright and his gaze was firm as he looked at Jiang Nuannuan. It was filled with love.

"Dad. " Jiang Nuannuan shouted loudly and pounced towards him.

The two of them hugged each other and cried, venting their inner emotions to their heart's content.

"Be good, don't cry. Daddy is fine. "

"Dad, you scared me to death. "

Looking at this touching scene, Su Jin smiled and took out her phone to take a picture of this eternal scene.

"Nuannuan, let Uncle Jiang go to the hospital first. He has been underground for such a long time. He needs a comprehensive examination. "

Jiang Nuannuan reluctantly let go of Jiang's father's hand after hearing what Su Jin said. Her tears turned into a smile. "Yes, father. I will take you to the hospital. "

"Okay. " Jiang's father held Jiang Warm's hand tightly and the two of them got into the ambulance together.

Su Jin did not follow them. One reason was that there were too many people in the ambulance and they could not sit so many people. Jiang's father and Warm Warm Warm must have a lot to say.

Second, she had a bet with Shen Tianxiang. Now that he was rescued, it was time for him to honor the bet.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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