Rebirth: Noble Miss Returns/C38 There Is Medicine in the Wine!
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Rebirth: Noble Miss Returns/C38 There Is Medicine in the Wine!
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C38 There Is Medicine in the Wine!

Su Jin was skeptical that Gu Xiangyun could truly reform her ways, yet she couldn't voice this doubt to the Old Madame. Instead, she offered a noncommittal response, "Old Madame, perhaps we should observe for a couple of days before drawing any conclusions."

Under the watchful eye of Old Madame, Gu Xiangyun's every action would be scrutinized.

"Then she shall stay here for two days," Old Madame decided, sharing Su Jin's skepticism about any profound change in Gu Xiangyun's character.

In the kitchen, Gu Xiangyun bustled about ineffectively, her lack of culinary skills resulting in chaos.

Worried about irritating Old Madame, she switched to cleaning, her subservient demeanor eliciting headshakes from the household staff.

It dawned on Su Jin that Gu Xiangyun was strategically retreating to advance her position, playing on emotions to gain favor.

"Jin, go try on the gown," Old Madame urged, her focus now on Su Jin's upcoming engagement ceremony.

The event was a mere formality, yet Old Madame was as delighted as if Su Jin were truly about to wed.

With a smile, Su Jin agreed, "Alright, I'll try it on immediately."

The gown, a bespoke creation, was the epitome of elegance and perfectly suited Su Jin's style and youth.

Old Madame beamed with joy, nodding in approval, "Lovely, you look stunning in it."

Gu Xiangyun, observing Su Jin's radiant joy, clenched her fists. With feigned warmth, she smiled, "The engagement ceremony is tomorrow, isn't it?"

"Yes," Old Madame replied, her expression reflecting her dilemma. Gu Xiangyun, as Su Jin's foster mother, was expected to attend, yet her present state made it impossible.

Aware of her predicament, Gu Xiangyun quickly offered, "I won't attend tomorrow, but I've brought the gift."

She handed Su Jin a box, "I don't possess anything of great value, but this should be presentable."

Inside was a diamond bracelet, Gu Xiangyun's most cherished piece, purchased for a staggering 20 million.

Old Madame recognized it instantly, her surprise hidden behind a calm facade, "Since she's giving it to you, you should accept it."

Gratefully, Su Jin accepted the bracelet, "Thank you, Mom."

Gu Xiangyun was a skilled actress, and Su Jin was no slouch herself.

She was curious to see when Gu Xiangyun would show her true colors.

However, that evening, Su Jin sought out Mrs. Lee in private, emphasizing with urgency, "You must be vigilant about Old Madame's meals in the coming days."

Mrs. Lee's face registered alarm. "Third Lady, are you suggesting someone intends to harm Old Madame?"

Within these walls, Gu Xiangyun was the only one capable of such a deed.

Without any concrete evidence, Mrs. Lee couldn't be certain.

With a serene smile, Su Jin chose not to elaborate. "Just follow my instructions."

"Understood," Mrs. Lee replied, her concern evident. She hesitated before adding, "Should I inform Old Madame about this?"

Gu Xiangyun's recent behavior was so out of character that even Mrs. Lee sensed trouble. She wondered what Old Madame might be thinking.

"No. She's of advanced age and shouldn't be subjected to any shocks." Gu Xiangyun's act at the ancestral home today might not have swayed Old Madame, but it did convey a message.

She was the mother of Su Nuo and Su Jue, an unalterable truth.

Old Madame had granted her this chance for the sake of the children's futures.

A pang of sadness struck Su Jin. Old Madame's tender heart was exactly what Gu Xiangyun was exploiting.

With her engagement party on the horizon, Gu Xiangyun wouldn't pass up such a prime opportunity.

This time, Su Jin was determined to thwart Gu Xiangyun's schemes.

The news of the Fu family's engagement had already swept through the Jing capital.

On the day of the engagement, the crème de la crème of high society arrived in droves.

From her vantage point in the lounge, Su Jin observed the guests below. Today's attendees were a mix of wealth and nobility, with business magnates and dignitaries alike offering their congratulations.

Even political figures had made an appearance, a testament to the Fu family's lofty standing in the Jing capital.

Old Master Fu, donning a sharp suit, was the picture of vitality. Fu Siyan stood by Elder Fu's side, engaging warmly with the guests.

Among the crowd, Su Jin spotted Su Mingyuan, who today exuded an air of unwavering confidence. Surrounded by a circle of admirers, he seemed to be in high spirits.

"Congratulations, little sister," came a voice as the lounge door swung open. Su Nuo entered, gracing the room in a chic princess gown.

Her smile was forced, a complex blend of emotions swirling within it—jealousy, hatred, resentment, and a touch of schadenfreude.

As Su Jin's eyes briefly met Su Nuo's, she quickly looked away, mirroring the same insincere smile. "Thank you," she said coolly.

Su Jin's unaffected response caused Su Nuo's smile to stiffen on her face.

You think you're on top of the world, don't you? Today's the day you'll be humiliated. Just wait and see.

Suppressing the fury within, Su Nuo approached Su Jin, offering her a tray. "It's still early; you must be famished. I've brought you something to eat."

The tray held Su Jin's beloved Black Forest cake and a glass of wine.

Su Jin's eyes flitted over the cake, and she flashed an enchanting smile. "Thank you, Sister."

She reached for the fork to dig into the cake, but Su Nuo interjected, "Have a sip of wine first."

Nervously, Su Nuo slid the glass toward Su Jin.

"Sure." Su Jin lifted the glass to her lips but paused.

"What's the matter?" Su Nuo inquired, her voice laced with tension.

Feigning concern, Su Jin said, "My earring has fallen to the floor."

Annoyed yet concealing her irritation, Su Nuo bent down. "No worries, I'll find it for you."

While Su Nuo was distracted, Su Jin stealthily switched their wine glasses.

"I've found your earring," Su Nuo announced, picking it up and handing it to Su Jin. Su Jin accepted the earring, put it on, and smiled. "Thank you, Sister."

Su Jin took a sip from the glass. Su Nuo watched her intently, her nerves only settling once the wine was swallowed.

Su Nuo had thought it would take some convincing to get Su Jin to drink the wine. She hadn't expected Su Jin to be as naive and gullible as before.

"Why are you staring? Go on, have a drink," Su Jin said, snapping Su Nuo out of her fixation. To cover her inner turmoil, Su Nuo lifted her glass and took a sip.

Shortly after Su Nuo sipped the wine, she sensed something amiss within her. Her brow furrowed, and before she could inquire about the matter, a wave of dizziness washed over her, blurring her vision.

"What's happening? My head is spinning," Su Nuo muttered, trying to clear her head. That's when she caught Su Jin's icy stare, sharp as a lance, seemingly piercing through her.

"How can you still be standing?" Su Nuo's clarity returned slightly, her panic mounting.

Gu Xiangyun had warned of the drug's potent effects; a mere taste was enough to bring a normal person to their knees.

Yet there stood Su Jin, unaffected, while Su Nuo's heartbeat raced uncontrollably. Most disturbingly, she found herself harboring a desire to be intimate with another man.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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