Rebirth: Noble Miss Returns/C39 The Wicked will Get What They Deserve
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Rebirth: Noble Miss Returns/C39 The Wicked will Get What They Deserve
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C39 The Wicked will Get What They Deserve

Su Nuo's eyes widened in shock as she met Su Jin's icy stare. The realization hit her hard.

Had she unwittingly consumed something laced with an aphrodisiac?

"Are you surprised, sister?" Su Jin crouched down, her eyes brimming with a frosty resolve. "Just get her to eat it, and I'll ensure you become the Fu family's matriarch."

Panic surged through Su Nuo as she gazed at Su Jin, as if she were a monster. "How do you know what mom told me?"

Gu Xiangyun had instructed Su Nuo to seduce Su Jin into taking the aphrodisiac, but now, it was Su Nuo who had ingested it.

As the drug's effects began to manifest, Su Nuo felt an intense heat coursing through her body. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and her voice took on an unintentionally seductive tone.

"I know everything you've been up to," Su Jin declared, enunciating each word with precision.

Gu Xiangyun had plotted to use the aphrodisiac to sabotage her at her own engagement party, intending for Su Nuo to usurp her role as the day's leading lady—a scheme identical to one from her past life.

In that former life, Su Jin had narrowly escaped, only to become the butt of everyone's jokes.

The Fu family had no choice but to annul their engagement with the Su's, and Su Jin was branded a harlot in the eyes of all. She was the subject of relentless mockery. Despite her innocence, no one would believe her.

The stigma followed her to university, a shadow she couldn't shake off.

Memories of the past flickered through her mind like scenes from a film.

Never had Su Jin's mind been so lucid. She shed her gown, stripped Su Nuo of her clothes, and dressed her in the gown instead.

Leaning in close, Su Jin whispered the same words Su Nuo had once said to her, "Enjoy the spotlight, dear sister."

Once she was dressed, a series of three knocks—neither gentle nor forceful—sounded at the door.

Su Jin responded with three knocks of her own, and the door swung open.

A cleaner, face obscured by a mask, entered, pushing a cleaning cart. "Miss Su, I've come to tidy up."

"The items are over there. Take her out," Su Jin instructed, the exchange mirroring one from her previous life to the last detail.

The cleaner harbored no suspicions. Upon seeing Su Nuo unconscious on the bed, she mistook her for Su Jin. Swiftly, she tucked her into the cleaning cart and wheeled it out.

The entire operation was executed with such stealth that it went unnoticed.

Once the cleaner was gone, Su Jin stripped off her clothes and discarded them in the trash bin. She then slipped into a fresh outfit and followed the cleaner out.

The cleaner wheeled Su Nuo into an adjacent room before departing.

Downstairs, the hall buzzed with activity, oblivious to the drama unfolding above.

A cluster of reporters huddled together, murmuring in shock, "What, can this be true?"

"Fu Siyan's fiancée caught in an affair? This is blockbuster news."

"Let's go check it out."

The reporters crept up to the second floor, their excitement palpable, leaving Fu Siyan amidst the crowd, puzzled.

Today marked the engagement celebration of the Fu and Su families, and he was determined to prevent any disruptions.

Fu Siyan glanced at Assistant Xu, who caught on immediately. Speaking quietly into his Bluetooth earpiece, he directed the bodyguards to investigate.

The bodyguards dispersed discreetly, each taking a different route.

Fu Siyan was intent on heading upstairs himself, but someone stood in his way.

"Mr. Fu, may we have a word in private?" The speaker was a woman swathed in layers, her eyes the only feature visible, glinting with calculation.

Fu Siyan regarded her with an icy demeanor. "By what right do you block my way?" he inquired bluntly.

The voice was familiar, and he quickly identified her as Gu Xiangyun.

"This issue touches upon the Fu family's honor. Mr. Fu, if you'd rather not listen, I won't insist. But I must warn you, once this scandal breaks, the Fu family will face serious repercussions." Gu Xiangyun's tone was one of smug assurance, as if the outcome was already decided.

"What is it you're trying to tell me?" Fu Siyan demanded, his voice sharp.

"Su Jin's indiscretion with another man will soon come to light. The only one who can salvage the Fu family's reputation now is Su Nuo. As long as Su Jin isn't the woman of the hour today, the Fu family's standing will remain intact." Gu Xiangyun spoke with a sycophantic edge, careful not to incite Fu Siyan's wrath, the consequences of which she could ill afford.

Now, she was determined to pin all the blame on Su Jin. Her goal was to have Su Nuo take Su Jin's place, especially since Su Jin's reputation was on the brink of ruin. The Fu family, having weighed the pros and cons, would naturally make the right choice.

Upon hearing these accusations, Fu Siyan couldn't help but laugh derisively. "Are you threatening me?"

"No, I'm not threatening you. I wouldn't dare. Everything I've done has been in the best interest of the Fu's. Of course, I won't deny my own personal agenda," Gu Xiangyun quickly clarified. "Su Jin isn't as innocent as she appears. Don't let her fool you. If you're skeptical, just go upstairs and see for yourself. Then you'll understand."

Convincing Fu Siyan was a tall order. Only by witnessing the situation firsthand would he believe her claims.

With a frosty glance at Gu Xiangyun, Fu Siyan made his way to the second floor.

He simultaneously commanded Assistant Xu, "Lock down the second floor. I want no one up there."

Fu Siyan was adamant that no scandal should tarnish the Fu's reputation before he uncovered the truth.

Assistant Xu, following orders, had security clear out everyone from the second floor.

The reporters were visibly confused but didn't dare to protest. They complied and descended the stairs.

This was the domain of the Fu's, and they knew better than to stir up trouble.

They were disappointed, realizing they were missing out on a sensational scoop.

The second floor housed only a lounge and one other room, typically a rest area for the makeup artists, just across the corridor from Su Jin's lounge.

Finding the lounge empty, Fu Siyan's brow furrowed in concern.

Gu Xiangyun's heart raced with excitement; she was on the verge of victory. Su Jin, that wretched woman, was about to meet her downfall.

"She's got to be in the other lounge," Gu Xiangyun suggested, barely containing her eagerness.

With a steely gaze fixed on the lounge door, Fu Siyan instructed Assistant Xu, "Break the door down."

Assistant Xu signaled to the security guards, who began to forcefully kick at the door.

After several strong kicks, the lock gave way, and sounds from within the room began to spill out.

The delicate moans, seductively sweet, mixed with the rhythmic thumping of bodies, filled the ears of all present.

They didn't need to think twice to know the explicit nature of the scene unfolding inside.

Fu Siyan's expression darkened instantly as he stood at the threshold, debating whether to enter.

"Jin, your body is so soft," an excited male voice emanated from within. Gu Xiangyun's fists trembled with barely contained anticipation; she was eager to witness Su Jin's disgrace.

With a thunderous crash, Fu Siyan forcefully kicked in the door.

As the door lay in ruins, the intimate tableau inside was revealed to all.

On the large bed, a man and woman were entwined, lost in their passion. Unfazed by the intrusion, they remained engrossed in each other.

"Now do you believe me?" Gu Xiangyun said triumphantly, peering into the room. But before she could savor her victory, a scream escaped her lips as she clapped a hand over her mouth.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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