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C9 Write a Letter

Chu Yue Hua was suddenly startled. She didn't expect Zhou Ru Xin to say that!

"Bastard, you still want to rely on your sister Yue Er? Your Fourth Brother's letter is very clear. We all know what you said, and we all know what you said clearly.

"You are shameless, and you actually said your name to the Crown Prince directly. Do you think it's not shameful enough? Your sister Yue Er was accompanied by a maidservant at that time, what about you? "

Zhou Ru Xin was instantly baffled by those words, and her face was so red that it could drip blood.

She did not expect that she would actually end up with the Crown Prince. When the Crown Prince succeeded the throne, she would be the imperial concubine, just like her second sister.

She could get rid of the shame of being a concubine.

Who would have thought that things would end up like this?

"Seeing as how Second Brother's wife is still young, you should hurry up and take a look at yourself. Try to find a good family and settle the matter as soon as possible!"

In the end, the old lady said something. Zhou Ru Xin's face immediately turned pale. This was asking her to casually say a family name. She didn't want it! She didn't want to be married so casually. After all these years, she had been obediently following her mother, all for the sake of a good future.

Now, all of this...

"Yes!" The old lady lowered her head and hurriedly replied.

"Yue Er, stay in the house for the next two months. Don't leave the door of this courtyard! Since you saw it, why didn't you stop him? This is your fault!"

How could Chu Yue Hua stop him at that time? If she did, wouldn't Zhou Ru Xin hate her to death?

How could the old lady not know that this was also for the sake of her uncle and the others? Otherwise, she would be like a singer.


After returning to the room, Chu Xu Hua's face was filled with anxiety: "What happened? Why did you find me here?"

Chu Yue Hua went back to her room with her and told her everything that happened today. As for the mysterious man, she had the intention to hide it.

"Ah? There was actually such a thing? Heart Sister, why …"

"Don't talk about her. Anyway, the matter has already happened. It's useless to say anything. The old lady was afraid that the old master and the wife would feel uncomfortable, so she told me not to leave this courtyard for two months."

"What?" Chu Xu Hua was shocked.

Hua was shocked, and at the same time, he said with an atmosphere, "He Heart Sister is really something, to actually do such a thing, and even implicate you!"

"It's okay. Anyway, I don't have to go out much. If I can leave this courtyard, I can also push aside the messy matters between Big Sister Yun and Heart Sister!"

As Chu Yue Hua spoke, she went to the door and ordered Du Ruo to call Mother Shaw over.

Chu Xu Hua looked at his sister's calm face and suddenly realized that his sister seemed to have grown up a lot. When dealing with these matters, she was not sloppy at all.

"Why did you call Mother Shaw?"

Just as they were talking, Mother Shaw came over.

Du Ruo and Shi Lan were both in the room. Seeing that Jie Mei Liang Ge and Shi Lan seemed to have something important to discuss, they hesitated to leave.

"The two of you also followed me and sister from the south. You don't need to leave."

The two of them stayed in the room and closed the door.

"We remember what mother said two days ago. I want to ask mother, did we give all the things in our family to our uncles?"

Chu Xu Hua was shocked. What did his sister mean by that? Could it be that she wanted to take the things back from her uncles?

Mother Shaw was also shocked, but she soon revealed a hint of joy, "Other than the two silver coins that I told the girls before, there are some other businesses that are managed by someone. There are some profits every year. They are in the silver tower. Remember the names of the girls. When they get married, you can take them.

"But the old master's health was not good, so there was not much left."

She didn't expect that there was really a fortune. Thinking about it carefully, this was probably the last life-saving talisman that her mother left for Jie Mei Liang Ge!

If the marriage was not good, or if the uncles were ruthless and took their dowry, there was still a way out.

"Is the person in charge of this business reliable?" Chu Yue Hua asked hurriedly.

"Don't you remember Uncle Chu Hua when you were a child?"

Chu Yue Hua thought about it as she heard this. The image of a man wearing a gray robe and a friendly smile appeared in her mind.

"It's Uncle Chu Hua!" Chu Xu Hua's memory was much clearer than Chu Yue Hua's. "No wonder mother is so relieved. No one can betray our family!"

"That's right! The names of the two young ladies are related to your Uncle Chu Hua! Back then, he saved the old master's life. The old master appreciated his friendship and gave the two young ladies the name Hua."

Mother Shaw clearly trusted Chu Hua. When she spoke of him, she had a smile on her face.

"Dad begged Grandfather to bring Uncle Chu Hua back home, who was about to starve to death. Then, he told me to take the surname of Chu. He grew up with dad. Later on, when dad offended someone in business, someone came looking for a hitman. It was Uncle Chu Hua who saved dad's life. Dad then became brothers with Uncle Chu Hua."

"But Uncle Chu Hua always treated me as his servant."

Chu Xu Hua recalled that man and couldn't help but smile.

Chu Yue Hua remembered that in her previous life, she had heard Mother Shaw say that Uncle Chu Hua had taken the merchant ship out to sea and died in a storm. After that, she didn't know anything else.

Suddenly, something flashed in her mind, but it was too fast, and she didn't understand it clearly.

"Miss, you are asking this..." Mother Shaw was a little hesitant. She could not figure out what Chu Yue Hua meant.

"Mom, have you been doing well in business recently?"

Chu Yue Hua suddenly changed the topic, as if she was asking a random question.

"Good, thank you for your kindness, Madam. I gave him money to let him learn how to do business. Although business in the capital is difficult, after following Master for so many years, he has at least some ability to support his family."

"Since that's the case, can I trouble you to ask your son to send a letter to Uncle Chu Hua for me?"

Chu Xu Hua quickly asked, "Yue Er, what are you going to do?"

"Sister, don't worry. I know what to do." As she spoke, she blinked her eyes and asked Mother Shaw again.

"Of course, what's so difficult about it? We all live on the kindness of Madam and Master. What is so difficult about this?"

After saying a few more words, Chu Yue Hua seemed to be at ease, and she said that she would write the letter tomorrow.

Chu Xu Hua had a belly full of questions, but Chu Yue Hua didn't say anything, which made him very uneasy.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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