REED (Forced Marriage)/C4 Chapter Four
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REED (Forced Marriage)/C4 Chapter Four
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C4 Chapter Four


It's been a week now and I think Aaron is ignoring me, anytime he sees me, he stays away or walk away and it's annoying. I want to talk to him. I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss and I don't mind doing it all over, it was really nasty but I just can't help but want more of it. I have never felt that way before and I feel like telling someone but who?.

"Your majesty, Princess Alicia has arrived." A maid said as she walked in. I was dressed, tomorrow is my brother's Duke coronation. I was dressed in a fitted red gown that stops a little above my knees. A black heels will go.

I head straight to the living room, although, it's really stressful, I could use the middle which is the grassed land but I won't want to ruin my legs. Oh well.

Third person's POV

The family were all at the living room, Aaron and Eric waited in the front door for Princess Alicia to arrive. Now she just stepped out of the car. She smiled as she saw Aaron. She giggled, making her way to him. "Aaron" she exclaimed. He groan in annoyance. "Sorry, your highness" she bows before hugging him.

She looks to his left and her smile faded away. "Duke Eric, it's nice to see you again" she bows, he took her hand and pecked the on top.

"Like wise, Princess, I didn't think I'll meet you but here we are again" he chime.

"I see" she replied, pulling her hands away and made way to the rest in the living room.

"Very stubborn" Aaron mumbled.

"But sexy as fûck. I won't mind fûcking her in every hole in her body, her attitude towards me will change from today" he said proudly.

"Hmm, we'll see about that" he said. Alicia came back over to them.

"One person is missing, in fact two. Where's Princess Erisa and Princess Annabelle?" She asked.

"Erisa has been acting strange lately, college is really changing her I see-" Aaron was cut off by the footsteps coming through. He looked behind and saw Annabelle coming over. He cleared his throat. "I have things to do, make your self at home, Alicia, I'll see you later" he said before starting to walk off.

"Why in a hurry all of a sudden?" She asked. He turned around.

"I said I'll see you later." He restates.

She bow her head before he continues on his paste but Alicia has an idea why he's acting strange, she is his best friend. She looks at the beautiful blonde in front of her and smile. "Princess Annabelle, nice to see you again, last time I saw you, you were just seven" she said.

"Princess Alicia, like wise" she said before looking at the King who's walking away. "Uhh, I'll be right back" she walked away. Leaving Eric and Alicia.


"Could you escort me to the garden, Alicia?" Eric asked.

"Not using my title, I'm not surprised" she scoffed. "But I'll take that invite" she clutch her hand to his and he walked her out.

"So...... what do you want from me, my Duke?" She asked him as soon as they reached the garden.

He turned to her. "I want to share my bed with you" he tells her.

"You mean you want me to be-" he cut her off.

"Yes, I want you to be my mistress" he said. She shakes her head. Tears welling up in her eyes.

"No, what makes you think I would want to give you my virginity, what makes you think I would let you destroy me, I won't want that to happen" she said, a tear drop from her eyes, she knew he could force her if he has something against her.

He chuckled. "Princess, you actually think I wouldn't have anything or anyone watching you?" He asked. "You are a secret alcoholic right, you leave your castle at night to go drink. You do know it's prohibited for a Princess to drink alcohol, don't let me punish you by letting your dad know" he threatened. She cried. He brought out a piece of paper with a pen. "Now Princess, sign this, it's a contract saying you will be my mistress" he insisted.

"I'll be ruined, no one would marry a deflowered girl" she pleaded. "Please"

"You will be under my control, you will be submissive to me, you will obey all my commands and I will protect you. I don't care if you would be ruined" he grunt at her. "Sign the fûcking document" She collected the pen and signed it. "Good girl. Meet me in my room tonight" he said before walking off. Alicia sat on the seat and sobbed. What have she gotten herself into?


I tried finding where he went but I gave up. I decided to go horse riding when I reached the field behind the castle. I saw the horse stable, I saw many horses. I grabbed an outfit for the occasion, changing into it. I grabbed a black horse and dragged it out. "C'mon girl" I groan.

I hop on it and held it's rope before directing it to the field. When I got to the field, I stopped my horse as soon as I saw Aaron on a horse, I can't ride as fast as that, I could break my legs. I came down from mine, pulling it to a tree and tying her to it.

I ran up to his direction. The sun ray shining on me. "My King" he stopped his horse and faced it to me. He looks unpleased.

"Princess, what may I do for you?" He asked.

"I'll like to ride with you" I blurted out. "Me in between your legs" I blurted out again. Shut up, shut up. I felt my cheeks light up a dark pink. He looked at me intensively. Silence.

"Why?" He asked.

"I saw you ride as fast and I want to live that moment, please" I pout.

"Come here" he gestures, I walked up to his horse and in a swift, I'm pulled up by him like I was a carton with nothing Inside.

He sat me in front of him and his cologne slapped my nostrils. My legs was either sides of the horse. I felt his lower region close to my butt, his breath fanning the side of my eyes. It sends shiver down my spine. Gosh, he felt so divine and dangerous.

"Divine and dangerous, that's nice" he said from behind me. "But stop it" he said. He swag his rope and the horse started to move fast. Panic. "Do not panic, relax" he said. My body relaxed.

We went around the empty field, quiet and beautiful, what I could only feel was Aaron strong arm around my waist, I felt his lower region pressed on my back. We turned around and came back to the spot.

And met with my two brothers, Eric and Maxwell, I haven't seen Richard and Roland like forever, I should make a family date. "That's a good idea" Maxwell chime. Okay, I said that out loud.

"What is going on here?" Eric asked suspiciously. What's his deal?

"Your little sister wanted to try the fast track, I decided to take her for a ride" Aaron said, that sounded sexy.

"What do mean take her for a ride?" He replied and Aaron groan.

He dropped me down and Maxwell caught me. "Don't annoy me" he warned. Eric turned around and dragged me but I pulled away.

"I forgot something" I said as I started running back to Aaron. "Your highness, please, we need to talk, you can find me in my room" I tell him before running back to my brothers.

Third person's POV

Francis walked over to the living room entrance, appearently, he's bored, he needed something fun. His eyes caught a familiar person coming over, Justin. He smirked at his own thoughts.

He hid at the side of the entrance, as soon as he saw him about to enter, he came out of hiding and they bump into each other. "Prince Francis, forgive me, I'm so sorry-" he cut him off.

"You have no respect for royalty, do you?" Francis ask. "Bumping into a Prince is a crime" he added.

"It was by mistake-" he was cut off again.

The two guards standing at the entrance was called. "Guards, take him to the dungeon, do not do anything, just keep him there" they dragged Justin away.

Justin laughed a little as the drag him away. "How is this fair" he chuckled nonchalantly. Francis smirked at him with a shrug.


Maya slowly made way to her room, she entered the room and was startled when she saw Prince Richard close to her bed on the ground reading a book, one side of his body on the floor and elbow too.

He nonchalantly looks up at her, blank face. He looked back at his book. "Hello Princess" he greeted.

"What are you doing in my room?" She asked as she walked over to him.

"Oh, this is your room? I thought it was the library" he lied, she rolled her eyes.

"Get up, get up. Off you go" she tried to drag him up but it wasn't worth it.

He immediately stood up, looking at her intensively, he moved forward to her, she stumbled backwards. "You look beautiful today Princess" he said. Her back hits the wall.

"What are you trying to do. I.....i-ill tell my big brother" she stuttered.

"I want to do what I just read" he nudge to the books laying on the floor.

"What did you read?" She asked.

"Sold to the sheikh" he replied with a smirk. She gasped as she tries to run away but he pulled her by the waist and her lips smashed on his, he pressed her waist and she squealed giving him free invite to her mouth. He interlock his lips with hers, licking her lips before slowly trailing down to her neck. She tried moving away but he pressed her on to the wall.

"This is wrong" she whispered as he bites her neck, his hand trail down to her breasts, she gasp. His hand moved down to her lower region as he leaves hickeys on her neck. A groan escaped his lips, Maya felt her lower region getting jelly. "Stop" she stuttered.

He pulled away with a smirk. "Do you want me to stop? It's not wrong, it's only weird" he said

"You... you need go......I need to change" she stuttered.

"Okay, but the next time I ever see you in my room again, I'll get under your skirt" he says. Her eyes bulge out, she had been sneaking into his room. "Yeah, I saw you" he chime.

"I-i was just..... checking out your books" she lied.

"Hmm, okay" he hums as he made way to walk out. Setting his leg out, he was immediately met with Aaron.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

What he didn't know is Richard is a good liar. "I saw so many books so-" Aaron cut him off.

"I've heard enough" he walked away, Richard smiled at his work.


Louis was driving downtown to get some medications for the castle, well, he's a doctor, he's father built a hospital just for him. His phone buzzed by the side of the handbrake as he was driving, he crane his neck down to see it was Aaron calling, he ignored, when he looked back at the road, his car bumped into a petit lady and she stumbled down to the ground.

He heard a moan so he came out of the car and walk to his bonnet. He saw the girl rubbing her head. "Are you okay, I'm so-" he was cut off by her.

"Shut up, can't you look where you are going? Who do you think you are? Just because you have an expensive car as this doesn't mean you should bump it into a poor girl" she yelled, blazing fire in her eyes. She was on her feet. But Louis finds this situation interesting.

She picks up her box and look into it. "I'm so sorry" he apologized again. "Do you know who I am?" He asked.

"I know you're a sexy cow" she yelled. "That didn't come out well" she mumbled to herself. "You're a cow" she corrected before starting to walk away.

"Let me give a ride" he offers. She turned around.

"I'm already at my destination" she said mockingly. "Well, I don't even know anyone around here though" she answered his question he asked earlier.

"What is that box for?" He asked.

"They are pastries, for the Royal coronation ball tomorrow" she said.

"So, you are gonna be there?" He asked.

"Yes, now would you leave me alone you cow, only your face annoys me" she turned around and walk away. She has no idea who Louis is, but he likes to see the look on her face when she finds out.


It was a really boring day today. I miss playing with my brothers, especially Maxwell. I will set a date for all of us to have a family time together.

This is 9:14pm and I'm just in my room. I sigh. A knock came on the door, I wonder who it is? I stood from my bed and walked towards the door. Opening it and I think my heart just skipped a beat. Nervousness is what I get as I see King Aaron standing front of my door.

"I'm coming in now" he said before proudly walking in. He looks around my room as if it's a museum. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked, not even looking at me.

I closed the door and he snapped directly at it. "I wanted to talk about.........that thing" I bit my lips, nervous.

"What thing?" He turned as slowly mosey towards me, I moved back a little.

"Th-the k-kiss" I stuttered.

"There's nothing to talk about" he turned and started to walk to the door. I frown.

"I liked it" that stopped him on track. I saw his back tensed. Was he angry or he's resisting. "It makes me feel weak but nice" I didn't look at him as I talked but I heard his footsteps coming towards me. "I mean, it was my first kiss and your mouth did smell like that drink but there was mint in it. And my neck-" I was cut off when I felt his muscler hand wrapped around my neck.

Next thing, I felt those same lips on mine. Yes, I like this a lot. He sucks on my upper lips, I bit his bottom lip, his hand finds my hair, tilting my head back, his saliva slide into my mouth, my legs jelly. I kissed him back. He pushed me to the bed, not pulling from the kiss. He pushed me on it and hover over me, pinning my hand above my head with one of his. A unknown moan left my lips.

The kiss didn't pull one bit, his lips trail to my face, licking my face with a kiss, he trail to my earlobe and bit it, moving to my neck, he slowly and slowly as ever bit it with a nibble. Oh Lord, forgive me.

He stopped. Getting up, he looks down at me. We both catching our breaths. "Just look at your lips" he pointed. "I'm ruining you, Princess" he said.

"How?" I asked him. What does mean by that?

"You are wanting, lust, you supposed to be pure for your future husband but now I'm changing that. I'm so......" He trailed off.

"But-its my choice. I want to marry you. Please" I tell him.

"Why do want to marry me?" He asked.

"I'm fund of you" I said honestly.

He only shakes his head and turned around, walking straight to the door. He opened, craning at me. "No, I'm bad for you" he finalized before walking out.

Oh Lord, save my soul. What if my brother finds out about this? Who knows what will happen.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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