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C3 A dear friend

Aim, that might be a dangerous word.

The days of my childhood swiftly flowed as water, not knowing how it ended. I was already fourteen, and now I got admission to one of the best school—a military school. I was just a child who needed assistance like every child. But, as I spent most of my time in hostels, I was a lot different from most children.

"Fine by me, I have stayed before also, mom," I said to my mom.

"Still, you're my child."

Then, at that point, abruptly, all of a sudden came the guards, "Sorry, sir and mam. It's already past time. Your son needs to be present in the evening toll."

"Of course, yet one minute, sir"

"Just a minute. He needs to hurry. All children are already there." Said the guards and went to back where they came from.

"Shimada, we know it might be hard to be here for 6 years. However, it's everything for your future."

"I know."

"Then, son. Now, we need to go. Have this money," My father took some money out of mom's purse and handed me and continued, "Have many friends."

With such, these were my last words with my parents before school. Man, I was just built different. Even when seeing my mother's sad gaze; filled with buckets of water, which was also true for my father, though. I didn't even drop any tears. Neither did I cry nor had miserable expressions. Just with a plain articulation, I was waving my hands. Who cried, me? Haha, you got a few pleasant jokes. Remarkable, would be perfect for thy man's. As such, I directly went for my assembly.

The hostel life was going pretty smooth, yet

"Why the hell am I alone?"

I yelled at a really late hour on roads which was loaded with different seniors and my colleagues. All besides students looked at me, yeah, everyone was in a group except me.

"What a creep. It should' a sucked."

"Haha, that is some otaku there."

Were the babble, I was hearing at that point. These words were just plain in saying, yet all at once certainly conveyed enormous significance. As military school was emphatically subject to gathering, everybody should have been in bunch to live. I understood that thing, and discreetly left. Our school was divided into mainly three parts: one where we eat called—mess, one where we sleep and spent most time called dormitory, and lastly class blocks. There were also areas like playground, basketball, swimming, but they were other things. So, all the time, I became alone. That was only until I met a joker, Otani after living two years in military school.

A freaking talk- machine. We were in same class, yet didn't talk until we were in eighth grade. What a misfortune!

" Oi, Ah. Ya should be Shimada."

"Ok, yes. Do you want something, mate?"

"That is some formal. Haha. In any case, it's a significant inquiry. Do ya plan to offer fair response or not?"

"Lmao, could be better? What's this? Totally"

"Ahmm," As if attempting to make a sound as he speak, "am I attractive?"

Huh? Did I hear something wrong? Am I hand—

"Ah-ha-ha, mate. You're certainly amazing. Ah-ha-ha."

"Why, so?"

"Apologies, my terrible. No doubt, you're." I truly couldn't keep my chuckle, so I burst out my butt off. Picture just somebody unexpectedly shows up before you, and his inquiry is am I attractive? That would be a moron.

"Ok ha."


"Apologies, I can't."

"Bud, why ya giggling that way? Ain't I?"

"You are.."

And, that's how my hostel life began to bloom. I had many great friends afterwards because him started to add me also. We spent time doing funny things like buying lays, dalmoth which wasn't even allowed in school premises. Time became great, certainly a greatest days. Following long term's went loving through and through euphoric days,

"You're restricted, shimada." One of the head said to me.

Since I cussed a basic word to Otani while sweeper was behind got hauled me into this present circumstance. Everybody cuss, isn't that so? This contemptible sweeper; I'm certain it's was all his doings. Getting those lines, I had none permits to remain in. So, I went to my own room and stuffed my all things. As the tenth grade rule was to live with two companions, me and Otani used to live in same room.

Unexpectedly a surged sound came," Shimadaaaa, what was the deal? Do you truly got confined?"


"Why? You just.. basic word."

"I don't have the foggiest idea."

And, I guess he didn't know how to react situation. So, he was just standing dead still, observing my movements. It required close to one hour to prepare and I went directly to entryways. Behind were gatherings of my people.

"Shimada, remember us and carry us noodles every now and then." One said.

"Ok, likewise dalmoth."

"Furthermore, live it up there."

"Ah, ah." I mumbled. Getting those reactions, I ventured out and met my parents outside who were hanging tight for me.

"Mom, sorry."


"We know, son. It's not your fault." Hearing those hearts, I first time dropped a tears, and was getting pat on my head. It was everything except a genuine response.

Following a month after,

I again joined to another school and then began to realize a pitiful thing; a enormous pile of burden was on my head. To take care of my family, the duty of their child. Therefore I chose a choice: doctor. From that time on, Otani and I were separated, but we kept talking until the end of classes through social media. As a matter of fact, he even used to find ask in the chats.

"Do you think girls like me?" so, I also carried out the dear companion responsibilities.

"Yes! You are attractive kid. Furthermore, just sit back and relax; I realize most women have eyes only for you."

Receiving such answers, he used to exhaust a braggy grin upon his face. Eventually, he never got any sweetheart. Not so much as a one. What a disgrace for comeliness to be squander — Haha

The high school ended and I joined pharmacy. Obviously to have good future in a short time. Whereas Otani joined university to pursue his dream of being a physicist. The time was minimal for us, which is why our communication ceased for almost 15 years. I pursued my path while he bore his passion unlike me.

Now, though, I was married to my lover whom I met in my final examinations of my last semester. That's also why I wanted to meet him after a unexpected period. I called him and told him to meet. The only thing that irritated me was the question: why did he choose the job of engineer? I knew he didn't have anybody he could call his family besides me and his uncle. Yes, not only was I his close friend, but I was also a member of his family.

I headed to where we had agreed. While I was getting on my way, I also kept my radar open in case Otani was searched. As the location got more closer, the people numbers also gradually began to thin out. Frankly, it wasn't much, so just to be defensive; I kept my senses in check. Right then, I saw him — leaning on a pole at the intersection of the road, he was still little; yet bluffed with muscles, and already had expressions of anger on his face. I hastened to him.

"Oh, hello, buddy. Sorry, I'm late!" I smiled, facing to him.

"Yeah, you're." He replied and asked, "Why do you want to see me suddenly?"

"Oh, my friend. Now I can't see you personally. We haven't seen each other for a long time. So I thought it was the right time to do so."

I was lying about that. The whole point was to give him good news.Well, I was also excited to meet him, but I really wanted to talk to him about my wife's pregnancy.

"Let's go." He chattered and began to move.

There was no chat at all. He was in rear whereas I was in front. A dead silence was filling hanging on our faces. He was different than the Otani I knew. Nearly 20 years ago we called him a child in our class and now he was a mature person. I never realized he was really back in that day. If only I had noticed before. Bahhhh.

"Hey, mister. Put your hands up. I have a gun." A croaky voice interrupted with some wobbly effects.

" Who the fuck you are, dude? " i replied and continued further, "Do you need money? Then, I don't have any."

"Bitch, he's saying to submit yourself, not to bitch." A another voice commented.

Who the hell did they say bitch? I, therefore, got filled with rage at that time and punched the black hoodie man before me. As for the rest, I heard Otani sprinting here. So, without time, I have my engine running.

"Then, fucking bastards. Have it by yourself." I aggressively shouted.

The black hoodie got my fist in the face and fell to the ground, and I checked Otani's condition; he also got another one in a funny way. The thug's face was really red, and likely saw glittering stars – I bet. There was a sharp knife out there but I totally overlooked it.

"Well done." Otani said, clapping our hands.

Right then, I got pushed by Otani.


The reaction landed me on the ground when I noticed a splash of blood globbed from him. My mind got totally empty. Nothing came to mind. It happened in a second, I couldn't see the situation.

At the background was police shouting, "Put your gun down." From the distance.

"Ah, run for it."

I had no idea how the cops arrived there. Torpid me — I crawled to Otani with all my strength.

"Otani, you're bleeding badly.... you won't stop bleeding!"

"Otani, you're.....the blood...." I held him up, the scent of blood was ragingly bold. A drop of tears streamed, gushing its way to Otani.

My sentiments, everything, right then bottled up and so I started crying. I was in pain for almost a minute, and I heard an ambulance honk. It really took me out of my desperation.

"Hurry, come here!" I blurted — that really was worse thing I had ever done.

Again, I looked at Otani, his eyes were open, which was a relief. Then the transporter dashed where I was and moved him on the bus.

We were racing to the hospital. Now, though, my brain was functioning correctly. Suddenly,

"Shimada. I won't make it in time... live a happy life with your family, okay? Don't have regrets in your life, now smile my handsome fellow...."

That statement was enough for me, my eyes again swelled with tears.

"Hah-hah! That's not like you . We're gonna make it . Believe me."

"All I wanted was to tell you about my wife's pregnancy report to you, too..." I continued to speak.

That was my last conversation with him, my dear friend.

It became a wild dream afterwards. I had never ever imagined what it'd feel to lose someone special. That incident, a nightmare, happened just before my eyes and took my dearest friend in a second. I wasn't ready to accept it.

The next day, I digged up Otani's uncle whereabouts and directly departed to his home.

"Yes, I've already been briefed by the police department."

"Sorry, uncle, it was totally my fault. I wish I hadn't."

"Stop nuisance. Whatever happened, don't blame yourself anymore."

"But ....( sniffing )"

"Now, we can't bring a dead person. To me too, he was only a member of my family. And remember, you need to look after your family."

I didn't have any to say. I realized that this is what Otani wanted and why he rescued my life.

"Now let's leave him alone. His parents were killed in a terrorist attack right before his eyes." Uncle added and further said: " He suffered a lot from the child that a child should never have suffered."

Then, crematorium had been held for him in which most of the people who knew him came to visit him.The final day also ended, and at last it got end with nothing.

"What is going on?" Something miraculous or strange would be acceptable. I began to vanish into thin air, as if my bodily colors were being dissolved.

(What is this? No. No. No. I've never witnessed anything like this.)

"What's wrong with my body?"

I was the only person in my pharmacy shop during the pitch-black, silent night. Just as I was getting ready to close my store at eleven at night, it happened. My body started to vanish. It was definitely questionable from a month ago. My regular clothing, which were the ones that fit me best in reality, or neither of those things, were appropriate for me. That was only accurate in terms of colour, though.


""No!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

The most thing that worried me at that point was—I had my family. My wife with my 5 years old son were in the house, waiting for me. A salty taste entered my mouth.

"Huh?! What is this?" I reached for my mouth. I was crying.

"Am I really crying?" The tears made their way to the corner of my mouth once more. How long had it been since I had actually cried like this?

"Ah, six years, I think." The fact that I remembered that occurrence increased the strain in my situation. As a result, I began to cry like a child. All that mattered to me was my family. However, to die in this manner. I couldn't bring myself.


That fear completely trembled my heart.

"I had a precious time with them."

"I guess. I'm meeting Otani."

After that, I thinned out. This was the story before 8 years, and all I saw at the end was us, including Otani, having fun.

At the creepy mid-night, the opened store fell into a deep silence, and the road in front of it absorbed the white lights illuminated by the store.

The sudden disappearance of Shimada shook the entire world and became one of history's most famous urban legends afterwards.


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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