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C5 A usual day

As I stood in front of the window, a few petals leaped from the softly flushed group of sakura flowers as they swayed with the rhythm of the wind swooshing. Nearly every color under the gleaming sun was present in the garden.

I was already more than two years old at this point—more precisely, I was two years and three months old.Thanks to the calendars, I was able to figure out my exact age.The calendars in this place were made in a similar manner as the earth. A year had 365 days, and months were divided into 12 months—Regulus, Sturnus, Ciconia, Turdus, Arquata, Epops, Fulvus, Buteo, Morus, Platalea, Crecca, Vanellus. So did the four seasons. Epops, Fulvus, and Buteo were in the summer; Vanellus, Regulus, and Sturnus were in the winter; Ciconia, Turdus, and Arquata were in the spring; and Morus, Platalea, and Crecca were in the fall. The current month was Ciconia, which signified that the spring season had officially begun.

(Undoubtedly, it does remind one of earth. Hah! In those good times, all I can do is to swim in it.)

Similarly, there was day and night. There were clocks to tell the time, as well as paper newspapers and a leather calendar to record the events.

Even though this planet's evolution was comparable to that of the earth, the key distinction was that it was clearly rich in natural beauty. Additionally, there were three moons, which was a significant difference from the earth. One of the moons was about the same size as our moon, while the other two were significantly smaller. Joon and Loon, smaller moons, and Callisto, a larger moon, were given these names.

Now that I think about it, there was one specific thing I witnessed that my mother did that was ludicrous in scientific terms. Her hands released a steady stream of freezing vapours. I initially thought I was hallucinating, but it turned out to be authentic. So I knew there was some type of magic in here from that scene. The only question was, "Will I be able to do it?" It was also six months ago. I hadn't seen anything like that since that day. But it was a little aberrant.

Ah, that brings to consider my physical changes. My walking progress had been around 70% up until last year, but it was now 100%. That implied that I could walk briskly or engage in vigorous activity like jogging. Either option was viable. As much as this was apparent in my body, my tiny wings had grown into gigantic wings that were larger than my body. Compared to before, my communications were off the charts. From a tiny purple cat, this body transformed within a year into a full-grown lion. Good things happen to good people. Now no one will try to speak to me. Thanks to my mother, I had excellent language and communication skills. Contrary to my father, my mother didn't have the opportunity to learn to read. However, she read on her own. She might be the most effective educator ever. That was all the information she knew.

In order to complete the remaining components, I only needed to concentrate on my study and magic. That was the social norm. What did the society consider to be most crucial? What? Knowledge and power. Well, I don't believe a child needs it. What shall I do? I would unquestionably be eaten by a monster if it appeared out of nowhere in front of me. Creep! Then, from now on, my primary concentration will be magic. Go, Otani! There are millennia just for you.

Figuring that power was something that could wait, I used my wings and headed towards to down.

"''"Flap! Flap!""" In the hallway, there was a sound of wings flailing through the air.

There wasn't much I could do as a newborn. When I was bored, all I did was interrogate my mother. The only thing left to do was to learn more about it and keep seeking clarification. My mother didn't have a job like my father; all she did was housework. Every time I asked my mother a question, she would simply respond, being the ideal parent that every youngster wished for. Not that I could say anything in this regard, but I do in fact know a bit about ideal parents.

Let's not overlook my father. He was also quite cautious about spending time with me. He told me interesting stories, which was what I found most engaging. Actually, I hadn't paid attention to anything he had told me. Maybe as I focused on those things, my body depleted. Yes, it might sound unusual that I enjoyed these things, but I actually do find them strange. The only thing that made me act like a child was the fact that I was one. Otherwise, I would have taken it easier. Am I in heaven?


Yes, I could speak, could that be a problem? No, I know what you were thinking. Dragons don't speak. Unlike simple dragons, divine dragons were intelligent beings and could talk like humans if they practiced daily.

"Yes, dear," my mother responded, continuing her work.

Our house was enormous, as were all of our rooms. The lower floor was separated into three sections: a living area, a kitchen, and a wine shop. And the upper story housed almost all of the bedrooms, playrooms, and other recreational areas. The lower floor was hollow, thus every part was visible from the living room, although the other floors weren't. To be more specific, classical house.

Aaah great, I got carried away once more.

What should I ask her, then? The fundamentals or any other. It was challenging to think of an usual inquiry to quench my middle-aged curiosity. Imagine that I asked questions such, "Is there any magic math?" They will believe that a demon has kidnapped their child.

"How to use magic? I wanna do icy things like yours."

"Oh my. Now, my baby wants to learn magic." My mom replied, giving an impeccable smile.

Of course! In this magical world, magic was the first thing I would want to study. It's every earthling's fantasy: imperceptibility, time travel, flying abilities, and psychic comprehension. Nevertheless, I was too young to be able to use it. So let's start by being strong in academic areas.

"Yes, mom"

"So, what do you want to learn, honey?"

"Hmm, perhaps some basic knowledge of magic?"

As Socrates once put it, to know is to realize that one knows nothing. That is what true knowledge is all about. Right now, that was all I could think of. Having knowledge is power, and as a former programming engineer, I had a keen interest in learning new things. If computers hadn't been such a significant problem where I lived, I would have declared physics as my major. Well, I guess I just had some poor luck there.

"Are you listening, honey? If you want to learn about basic? Then, what about mana?" The difficulty of the object my mother was chopping was evident in her voice as she spoke.

"It's good." I said.

If I happened to walk in at an unexpected time, like right now, there was a chair set up next to her, ready for me to sit in. My mother and father used to visit my room together the most of the time. That's why it was never a problem until I started flying and walking on my own. They also understood that their child enjoyed learning about intellectual matters. This is why it was here. And now that moment had arrived.

I sat down in the seat. Just sitting there allowed me to feel how plush it was.

I fell silent, and accentuated my concentration to mother. This was to persuade my mother that I was excited to listen since young children have little desire to listen and focus for long periods of time. I couldn't do it for another hour at my level.

"Listen, honey. I will let you know what I know....."

The conversation lasted an hour, until Dad returned from work. This was end for today, I thought at that moment. However, I was proven incorrect at the time. Both my mother and father taught me the fundamentals. We argued about who would tell, but in the end, it was Mom who won the battle. Dad took on the role of cheerleader. Dad was unable to win over his lovely wife. Neither could I.

So, to sum up, there was this minuscule substance called mana. That was the fundamental unit of all life. And, regardless of whether something was living or not, this substance was present in everything. The mana was like the atoms from which all matter originated. There would be nothing without it.

Contrary to atoms, this substance gave matter a unique ability. Which was the ability to perform magic. A sword, for instance, or even a tiny microscopic microbe, could employ magic. This was where the concept of variation originated. It said that mana differs in type and quantity between every living and non-living objects. Which caused the creation of the three constraints on matter—evolution, diversity, and the mana reservoir. These three were also known as matter constraints. They were the ones who determined the amount of mana. Otherwise, everyone may use unimaginable mana, destroying the cosmos.

They didn't tell me about a particular situation called collision that affected mana output. They left me hungover, perhaps because they believed it was too much for a small person like me?

Back to business, though. The three constraints were interdependent, with each representing three sides of a triangle. A triangle cannot be created without one. This also applied to the three constraints.

First of all, a mana reservoir was a hypothetically defined space inside a body where manas were stored. It established the maximum amount of mana that a body could hold. If you imagine a mana reservoir as a jug, the water it held would be the mana. There could be no more mana than the amount stored in its reservoir. Furthermore, a mana reservoir was divided into five major tiers, which was obviously not disclosed to me. You see, I was being left on a cliffhanger.

The "evolution" came next. It also included imaginative features. Evolution was the term used for the process of skill or ability leveling up. The creature's power increased as it leveled up, surpassing that of earlier incarnations. It wasn't at all like a massive, shining beam appeared from the body; rather, the body became even more amazing. There were several unique situations in which a person could not advance if they were unable to meet requirements. Hence individual differences in evolution also exist.

And last, there was racial and species diversity. It simply determined the mana reservoir, affinity, and skills of the individual. And, often, divine dragons already had a gold-level mana reservoir.

On this world, there was a strange law. That is why each creature was seen as belonging to a specific race. Humans, for instance, were referred to as the human race, dragons as the dragon race, and dwarves as the dwarf race. The species represented the variance within a race, as emperor dragons and simple dragons were species of dragon race.

I was appreciative for the lengthy explanation, but many aspects remained unanswered. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. Being really honest, it was beginning to scare me. Because it was unclear how harmful this mana-related material actually was.

I knew nothing about these. So I was taken aback. Naturally, in my head.

They also exposed their mana reservoir. This was something my father actually said. My mother's reservoir was aureate class, much like the dragon queen, he remarked. And Dad was gold level. So, assuming what I hear is correct, my mother was a powerful woman.

We were the royal family, which was revealed later on. Freaking hell in the sell, was my reaction at that time. That was why my father arrived so late, according to him. I assumed my father was a typical servant to someone wealthy. Who could have imagined, though, that he would ruin my delusion? His full name was [Rhine, the gold dragon]. Such a majestic name. He explained that as monarch of the land, he was constantly preoccupied with administration and upkeep. Homecoming was restricted to the evening hours. By a long distance, my father was even more of a kid than I was. That was a true heart attack for me. I should have expected it given that I had my own butler. Why didn't I know it sooner? Wait, it made sense. This was not your normal house. This magnificent property had a vast garden. Once I realized it, I felt genuine stupidity.


I was on my fanciest bed. It was finished in an instant. I'm not sure if I was satisfied despite eating two pots of soup.

Thanks to luck, I was in ecstasy this evening. I ate dot mushrooms with chicken meat, one of my favourite dishes. We eat cooked food, just to be clear. The tender brown meat was oozing with clear fluid and was seasoned with a variety of unidentified spices, some of which had sour and spicy flavours. That was the meal we were discussing. Although though I was a dragon, we didn't eat any uncooked flesh.

For the time being, I didn't want to get up late tomorrow; after all, it was a special day for me. My father and mother announced a great day for tomorrow.

I couldn't imagine anything more galvanising than being revealed as a royal tomorrow. I mean, I didn't do anything wrong. For the first time in my life, I was being unveiled as the crown prince. Wait? For the first time? When did I become a prince-in-waiting? Once more, my own foolishness struck me.

Mom and Dad, you can't hide it. All things considered, your child is a 100-year virtuoso. A virtuoso like me has no limits. FuHahahaha, I bursted out laughing.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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