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"It seems you do have a destination in mind, Third Prince Devon," Seymour remarked with a sneer as Devon reentered the room.

"Seymour, sarcasm won't solve anything," Sarah chided, shaking her head in disappointment. "And who said the Prince has to leave?" she probed.

Devon let out a soft sigh. "He's actually right. I do have an important place to be," he admitted, puzzled over how Seymour had guessed his need to depart. Was his computer genius also paired with a touch of clairvoyance?

"Really? And where might that be?" Sarah inquired.

"I can't share the details with you, but my departure is necessary," Devon replied, massaging his temples. "I'll return shortly," he assured them.

"So, your errand is more pressing than our current task, is that it?" Zane interjected with a hint of defiance, though his voice was subdued. He was wary of Hector and keen to avoid conflict.

"If it weren't critical, I wouldn't budge from here," Devon said with a calm resolve. "I must go, but I'll make haste. We'll pick up where we left off as soon as I return."

"What should we do in your absence?" Lucas asked.

"Return to your rooms and rest. Sleep if possible, because we have extensive map study ahead, and it's going to be exhausting. I'll contact you when I'm back so we can dive back in," Devon instructed, ensuring everyone vacated the dining room before he exited the building.

Stepping outside, he directed the maids to tidy up the dining room, and they set to work without delay.

Choosing to ride his giant beast rather than walk the considerable distance to the Beetle Kingdom, Devon pondered Olivia's sudden request to meet. She typically would have sent a message; her insistence on a face-to-face meeting was troubling. He hoped against hope that she intended to call off their impending wedding, now only four days away. A cancellation would buy him precious time to strategize his escape before the looming threat of the expansion war.

Not that marriage would entirely prevent his escape plans, but it would certainly complicate matters. Olivia moving in would demand time and attention he had no intention of giving, inevitably leading to marital strife. The fallout could prompt her to confide her unhappiness to her father, and that alone could prompt the Beetle King to retract his vital support—a disastrous outcome indeed.

Devon exhaled deeply as he reached the gates of the Beetle Kingdom, steeling himself to maintain the charade until he could find a way out. The guards greeted him with an air of reverence, which Devon attributed to the upcoming nuptials between their princess and the Third Prince of the Devil Clan—a significant event indeed.

Upon entering the palace, Devon was ushered straight to the room where Olivia awaited him. The space was as uninviting as her personal quarters, which he had the displeasure of visiting days earlier. He mustered a smile as he neared Olivia, and when she rose to embrace him, he reciprocated with a hearty bear hug.

"Devon! I've missed you so much! It feels like forever," she exclaimed.

Internally, Devon rolled his eyes, but outwardly, he offered a warm smile. "Oh, Olivia, it's only been a few days since our last encounter," he replied, forcing himself to keep his gaze on her repulsive face.

Her smile revealed bits of food lodged between her teeth, nearly causing Devon to gag.

"Are you alright?" she inquired, drawing closer and resting her icy, coarse fingers on his arm, making him flinch.

Could he really endure this for the rest of his life? Absolutely not.

"Yes, I'm fine... just dealing with random bouts of nausea now and then. They say it's a residual effect from my accident," Devon lied with ease, sparing her the truth that her very presence was nauseating.

A look of concern washed over Olivia Tara Miller's face. "Oh, I'm so sorry, sweetheart," she murmured. "You're enduring so much. I regret causing you stress by having you travel here. Had I known you were still unwell, I wouldn't have asked you to come."

A twinge of sympathy flickered within Devon, but he quickly dismissed it. "It's alright, Olivia. I'll be okay. But tell me, why did you summon me?" he inquired.

"I wanted to give you this," she said, presenting him with an amulet.

Devon eyed the object warily. "And what might this be?"

"It's an amulet I commissioned from the goldsmith for us—for good luck in our marriage," Olivia explained, her smile beaming with pride.

"I see," Devon said, taking the amulet in hand.

Damn, Olivia was all in on this marriage idea.

"Do you like it?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Devon offered a dazzling smile, though it was as genuine as a three-dollar bill.

"Absolutely... thank you so much," he replied.

"You're welcome! I'll see you on our wedding day!" Olivia exclaimed, embracing him before she withdrew to her private quarters.

As Devon watched her depart, the only words he could muster under his breath were, "Oh, shit."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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