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Truth be told, Devon was deeply troubled by the unfolding events. He perched on the edge of his bed, racking his brain for solutions. He desperately needed to confide in someone, but the question was—who? After some thought, he concluded that Liam was his best option. Liam had always been a steadfast ally, and Devon was confident in his ability to offer assistance.

Resolved, Devon headed to the bathroom to spruce up before seeking out Liam. Despite his reluctance to leave the comfort of his room, he knew it would be inconsiderate to summon his brother to him. He let out a resigned sigh, got dressed, and was promptly reminded of his hunger by a grumbling stomach.

Indeed, it had been four hours since his last meal.

As though responding to his thoughts, Sia entered the room bearing a tray of food. “Master, it's time for your meal,” she announced, placing the tray on the table. “I trust you'll find it to your liking,” she added with a smile.

“Thanks,” Devon replied, rolling up his shirt sleeves. Peering at the dish Sia revealed, he inquired, “What's this?”

“A quinoa salad with chicken, specially prepared for you,” Sia replied.

“And who's it from?” he pressed.

“The Royal Father,” she answered, a respectful bow accompanying her words.

Devon nodded, the message clear. His father had sent this human fare as a taunt, a reminder of his recent failings.

He attempted to eat, but his appetite had vanished. His mind was elsewhere; he needed to see Liam.

Suddenly, Hector's voice pierced the silence. “Master,” he called out, causing Devon to jump.

Hand to chest, Devon exclaimed, “What the hell? When did you get here?” His frown deepened as he regarded Hector.

“My deepest apologies, Third Prince. Sensing your confusion and distress, I felt compelled to discuss the situation with you,” Hector explained, kneeling and bowing before his master.

“And what might that be?” Devon asked, cautious not to get his hopes up.

Hector looked up, his expression earnest. “I'm here to assure you that I will exhaust every option at my disposal to help you avoid marriage to the Beetle Princess.”

Devon observed the man now kneeling submissively before him. A part of him was inclined to place his trust in Hector, but he hesitated. What could an Undead possibly do to aid him?

"Alright, ensure this entire issue is resolved within two days," Devon commanded.

"Consider it done, Master!" Hector responded, bowing as he exited the room.

Once Hector had departed, Devon found his spirits lifted. He returned to his meal and polished off every last bite.

Perhaps things would turn out alright after all.


In the throne room, Liam stood before the Royal Father, Christian.

"That rogue son of mine is beyond comprehension!" Christian exclaimed in a fit of rage. "Can you make any sense of why he insists on defying me, especially after all I've done to fortify his domain?"

Liam always dreaded when matters escalated to this level. He looked into his father's eyes, seeing the fury there, so palpable it seemed to make the throne itself quiver.

"Father, I'm at a loss for his behavior. Could the accident have injured him more severely than we thought? Maybe he's still dealing with the aftermath of a concussion?" Liam ventured.

"Save me your excuses, Liam!" Christian roared, slamming his iron fist onto the armrest of his throne. "He's assimilated the Soul Lock Bone, which means he's in peak health! There's no doubt he was fully aware of his actions when he spoke to me that way!" Another fist pound sent a tremor through the throne room doors.

"I'm truly sorry, Father. Perhaps his human nature is influencing him," Liam suggested gently.

"You may be right, Liam. I've done everything to impress upon him that he's more Devil than human, but it just doesn't sink in! I've strived to be a good father, yet he repays me with ingratitude, making me feel like a failure. I regret ever having a child with a human," Christian lamented with a heavy heart.

Liam felt a pang of sympathy for his father but was at a loss for words that might offer comfort. He also recognized that Devon's hybrid nature was likely at the root of his behavior.

"His affinity for humans is clouding his judgment, Father," Liam remarked.

Christian and his other sons had delved into the cause of Devon's accident, yet the truth eluded them. Their sole desire was for Devon to dutifully protect his territory by marrying Olivia Tara Miller. It was utterly disheartening that he refused to comply with their wishes.

A heavy sigh escaped Liam as he recalled the events from four years prior, when the Devil Clan's borders were breached by those very humans. The Clan had waged and won a war against the humans, capturing around a hundred of them. Devon, tasked with leading the charge, had taken prisoners but had not taken a single life.

Christian had tried to convince him to end the lives of the humans, yet Devon had flatly refused. Instead, he confined them to the dungeon within his domain, ensuring they were fed twice daily. Royal Father Christian, seething with anger, had been eager to execute those treacherous scoundrels, but his hands were tied without Devon's consent, as it was Devon who had apprehended them on his own turf.

"I can't fathom his attachment to those humans! How can a devil flit between our Continent and the human realm? He even pursued his studies there! It's utterly disgraceful!" Royal Father Christian lamented.

"I get where you're coming from, Father, and I'll make sure to have a word with him the moment I step out from here," Liam promised his father.

"You'd better knock some sense into him, because my patience is wearing thin!" Christian warned.


After finishing his meal, Devon watched as Sia entered to clear away the dishes. Once she departed, he resolved to seek out his brother. Anticipating that Liam would be in his own quarters, Devon was taken aback to find him already at the door.

"Jeez, you gave me quite the fright, brother," he exclaimed.

Liam, his expression grave, declared, "We need to talk, now."

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