Rich President Spoils His Wife/C9 The Card Was Frozen
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Rich President Spoils His Wife/C9 The Card Was Frozen
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C9 The Card Was Frozen

In the adjacent presidential suite, Ho Yucheng took a leisurely sip of tea after wrapping up some official matters.

Casually, he turned to Jiang Mo and inquired, "What's she up to now?"

"She? Are you referring to Miss Mo? She polished off most of the meal she had prepared and then retired to her room to rest. The housekeeper reports she's currently enjoying a bath and seems to be in high spirits."

Eating over half her meal and still in a good mood? Ho Yucheng's thoughts drifted to Mo Wanxi, who had stood in the lobby, on the verge of tears from being bullied, yet holding them back. The image unexpectedly brought a smirk to his face.

Noticing the slight curl of his boss's lips, Jiang Mo recognized that Ho Yucheng was in a pleasant mood as well.

"Shen Baihao and Mo Zhendong must be feeling sore after losing face. They wouldn't take it out on Miss Mo, would they?"

"It's inevitable!"

"Then why go to such lengths to defend Miss Mo so publicly?" Jiang Mo was puzzled.

"Is it wrong to like her?" Ho Yucheng responded coolly.

The events of the previous night involuntarily surfaced in his mind: her face flushed as she clung to him, and the crimson imprint on the bedsheet resembling a flower petal.

A sudden warmth spread through his body, leaving Ho Yucheng in disbelief. He was well aware of his own self-control, yet the mere thought of Mo Wanxi could elicit such a reaction. It was uncannily peculiar.

Mo Wanxi had slept blissfully, not waking until nine o'clock the following morning.

After freshening up, the attentive butler presented her with breakfast.

The breakfast at Hua Feng was exceptionally tasty, leaving Mo Wanxi satisfied and ready to check out of the hotel.

It then struck her that since her arrival the previous evening, she had enjoyed meals and accommodation without once opening her wallet.

Hua Feng had allowed her to eat and stay without payment. What was their angle?

Weren't they concerned she might just slip away unnoticed?

Of course, Mo Wanxi wasn't the type to sneak off without settling her debts. She approached the front desk to take care of the bill.

The cashier tallied the charges and presented her with the invoice: the presidential suite cost 168,888 yuan for one night, with the food graciously included at no extra charge.

True to Hua Feng's reputation, the presidential suite came with a steep price tag, but Mo Wanxi didn't seem too concerned about it.

Having relished the exquisite dining service and secured a stay in the coveted presidential suite that money alone couldn't guarantee, she felt the expense was justified.

She pulled out a card from her pocket and handed it to the cashier. The cashier swiped it, then looked up with a smile at Mo Wanxi. "I'm sorry, but your card has been frozen."

Mo Wanxi was taken aback and tried another card, only to find it was frozen as well.

One by one, she offered all the cards from her wallet, but to her dismay, each was met with the same fate—frozen.

It hadn't crossed her mind that Mo Zhendong would freeze her accounts. Flustered and fuming, she immediately dialed Mo Zhendong, but he didn't pick up.

The cashier maintained her smile while Mo Wanxi felt a growing sense of embarrassment.

She had indulged in the luxury of the presidential suite and the finest cuisine, but without the means to settle the bill, she feared they might see her as a freeloader.

The thought of not being able to pay was mortifying.

In the midst of this awkward moment, the VIP elevator doors parted, and Ho Yucheng emerged with an air of elegance.

Noticing Mo Wanxi at the front desk, her face flushed with distress, he approached and inquired, "What's the issue?"

Mo Wanxi seethed with resentment. Was she cursed to have run-ins with this man?

Just the night before, he had claimed her innocence. Yesterday morning, he witnessed her tearful moment on the street, and now, she encountered him again, penniless and unable to pay for her room.

Why did all her misfortunes seem to involve him?

She bit her lip, staying silent, as the cashier spoke up, "Miss Mo's cards have been frozen, and she's unable to pay for her room."

The cashier's words only deepened Mo Wanxi's embarrassment, causing her to stare down at her toes, her face burning red.

Then, a voice as smooth as a cello reached her ears, "Charge it to my account, please."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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