Rise Of A Loser Youth/C10 Killing the Manager
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Rise Of A Loser Youth/C10 Killing the Manager
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C10 Killing the Manager

"Be careful, Chu!" Yang Hu bellowed. He was well aware of Chu Lin's formidable strength and talent, evident from the day Chu Lin repelled Hu Zhi with a single move. Even if he couldn't overpower Lyi Laomu, he wasn't at a disadvantage.

But Lyi Laomu was a manager, a high-ranking one at that. If he chose to make trouble for them, he could easily exaggerate the withering of the panacea before the presbyters, and they would be inescapably at fault.

Unbeknownst to Yang Hu, a chilling intent to kill had already surged within Chu Lin's heart.

Chu Lin carried the Enigma Shard, which was clearly the cause of the panacea's withering. If Lyi Laomu were to downplay the incident, allowing them to face only standard punishment, all would be well.

Yet, Lyi Laomu's current behavior suggested he was not only aiming to make Yang Hu the fall guy but also to escalate the situation, taking it straight to the presbyters.

The presbyters might only be from the outer court, but given the Martial Academy's esteemed reputation in the Southern Region, their power could be formidable. More critically, should those venerable figures detect the Broken Copper within Chu Lin, it would spell great trouble for him.

"Lyi Laomu, since you're adamant about singling me out, don't expect me to hold back," Chu Lin said, his lips curling into a frosty sneer. He had endured countless humiliations at House Mu and had nearly been killed by Mu Rui. His resolve was unshakable, his decisions swift and lethal.

"Kneel!" Lyi Laomu roared, his palm striking forward with the intent to bring Chu Lin down in one fell swoop.

However, his forceful blow did nothing to intimidate Chu Lin. In a split second, Chu Lin raised his own palm to meet Lyi Laomu's, his spiritual energy swirling with a potency that far surpassed his opponent's.

"How can this be?" Lyi Laomu's eyes bulged in astonishment. A foreboding feeling crept into his heart, prompting him to withdraw his palm and start to back away.

"Do you want to leave?" Chu Lin's foot suddenly propelled him forward, and he surged ahead with incredible speed. In an instant, he caught up to Lyi Laomu, his palm striking squarely against Lyi Laomu's chest.

Accompanied by the sound of cracking bones, Lyi Laomu coughed up blood and was sent flying backward.

"You've actually broken through to the third level of Body Tempering?" A sharp pain throbbed in Lyi Laomu's chest as a flicker of fear crossed his eyes. He hadn't expected an ordinary servant disciple to possess the strength of the third level of Body Tempering. In the outer court, individuals with such power at this age were notable. Nonetheless, Lyi Laomu was intent on crushing Chu Lin's prospects for the future.

"Die!" As Lyi Laomu was consumed with thoughts of how to eliminate Chu Lin, a furious roar erupted. Yang Hu, with a massive rock hoisted high, brutally brought it down on Lyi Laomu's head.

Blood sprayed as Yang Hu obliterated Lyi Laomu's skull. To the very end, Lyi Laomu could not have imagined that he would be killed by a rock wielded by a servant disciple at the first level of Body Tempering.

"Tiger," Chu Lin said, looking at Yang Hu with astonishment.

"Lyi Laomu was in cahoots with Hu Zhi; that's why they've been so relentless. This situation was unsolvable from the start, and I've dragged you into it. If we let Lyi Laomu go, our future would be bleak. Instead of waiting for his vengeance, I chose to end him now."

Yang Hu, his face a mask of frenzy, continued to hammer the stone down on Lyi Laomu's head repeatedly. Eventually, he regained his composure, tossed the stone aside, and turned to Chu Lin. "Chu, rest assured. I alone am responsible for today's actions. I won't let you bear the burden."

"Since we're brothers, we should face our challenges together," Chu Lin said, placing his hand on Yang Hu's shoulder.

Chu Lin had harbored thoughts of killing Lyi Laomu, but he hadn't anticipated Yang Hu's sudden lethal strike. Yet, Chu Lin knew that it was his own involvement that had driven Yang Hu to act.

The panacea in the herbal garden had withered away. Indeed, by taking Lyi Laomu's life, Yang Hu had spared Chu Lin from future troubles.

The herbal garden was under the vigilant watch of Lyi Laomu, and it was unusual for anyone to visit. Chu Lin and Yang Hu swiftly disposed of Lyi Laomu's body and removed all the withered panaceas.

News that the panacea had been stolen and Lyi Laomu had vanished without a trace quickly reached the presbyters of the outer court.

Over the next several days, multiple groups were dispatched to investigate the incident. Yet, nobody suspected Chu Lin and Yang Hu, the servant disciples. Moreover, Lyi Laomu had kept it a secret that he had been deliberately tormenting Yang Hu. As a result, no one was aware that Yang Hu had once tended to that herbal garden.

It seemed that Lyi Laomu had fallen victim to his own misdeeds.

In the end, the presbyters of the outer court had no choice but to declare that Lyi Laomu had fled after stealing the panacea.

Subsequently, the outer court issued a mission, promising a panacea to whoever captured Lyi Laomu. The disciples of the outer court sprang into action, clearly enticed by the substantial reward.

However, their efforts were in vain. Lyi Laomu had already been slain by Yang Hu.

Under the soft glow of the moonlight, Chu Lin proclaimed, "I've finally advanced to the third level of Body Tempering."

Seated cross-legged on a rock within the thick forest, Chu Lin was enveloped by a burst of pure spiritual energy that filled his limbs and bones.

In that instant, Chu Lin felt an overwhelming sense of power. Having absorbed over a thousand drops of ichor, he had achieved a breakthrough to the third level of Body Tempering.

"Ever since I soaked the Broken Copper in the ichor, it has become many times purer than before!" Chu Lin revealed, holding out a piece of the Broken Copper that radiated an ancient presence.

He was now convinced that the Broken Copper had absorbed all the spiritual energy from the panaceas that day.

The Broken Copper had undergone a transformation after absorbing so much spiritual energy, seemingly merging with Chu Lin. He could summon the Broken Copper whenever he wished.

"This truly is an incredible treasure!" Chu Lin's voice echoed with amazement in the night.

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