Snuggling Into His Heart/C8 She Only Wanted a Name!
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Snuggling Into His Heart/C8 She Only Wanted a Name!
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C8 She Only Wanted a Name!

In the Garner family's villa.

Nathan actually brought her back to his home?

This was too surprising. He had said that he would take her back to the Garner family, but it turned out that he was just bringing her back to the Garner family.

Rosie felt relieved. After all, she did not want to see the people from the Harrisington family at all. She needed time to calm down, to plan, and to think of a countermeasure.

Otherwise, if she went back like this, she would only be manipulated by Rachel and Warren.

No, she would never go back. There was no one left in that house that she could still remember.

Now that her mother had passed away, Rachel was finally able to marry into the Harrisington family, and she even brought Warren with her.

Other than the urn of ashes, she had nothing else.


How laughable.

Rosie could not laugh. Her current situation did not allow her to laugh.

"Why did you bring me home?"

She asked her own question.

Nathan smiled and stared at her. "You didn't want to be my grandmother, so I naturally gave you a chance."

"... Opportunity?"

In her confused gaze, the man had already pushed the door open and got out of the car. She followed him closely.

She had just recovered from a serious illness, and her body was weak. She felt dizzy after a few steps. Rosie supported herself by holding onto the tree trunk of the potted plant by the roadside.

"Miss Harrington, are you alright? Do you need me to help you?"

The driver's voice sounded.

Nathan stopped in her tracks and turned around. She looked so weak that she looked like a willow. It instantly aroused the man's desire to protect her. Of course, that was on the premise that she didn't bar her fangs and brandish her claws.

Protective desire...

Did he want to protect this little girl?

Realizing what he was thinking, the man couldn't help but frown. Just as he was about to turn around and hug her, he saw that she had already reached out and held the driver's arm.

It was so easy for him to accept someone else's goodwill, and he didn't care if it was a man or a woman... It was really annoying.

He didn't love himself!

Nathan quickened his pace and no longer cared about her. In a short while, he had already disappeared from the villa's entrance.

The driver had worked in the Garner family for more than twenty years, so he could roughly guess the Second Young Master's temperament. He had only helped the young lady up, so was the Second Young Master angry?

As she walked into the villa, Rosie changed her shoes and walked into the living room. Although it was a strange place, the second time she came here, she felt a sense of belonging to this place. She was probably sure that she was going to marry into this place.

Nathan was nowhere to be seen. He had probably gone to the study room. She had heard many rumors about this man being a workaholic, but Willard was sitting on the sofa with a smile on his face, as if he was waiting for her.

Rosie walked over and politely said, "Old Mr. Garner, I'm sorry for bothering you and your grandson these few days."

"Are you feeling better?"

Willard's question was filled with concern, as if he was a real elder.

She nodded, not forgetting her goal at all. "Old Mr. Garner, did you have an answer to my question?"

Willard pointed at the sofa across from him with his cane and said, "Come and sit."

She sat down obediently and said impatiently, "I don't want your property. You only need to give me a title …"

Rosie paused for a moment and quickly changed her words, "No, I don't really want a title. Actually, you don't have to marry me. It's just … It's fine to announce it to the public, let everyone know that I'm from the Garner family."

What she wanted was just a title, Mrs. Garner's title.

Seeing that the old man didn't say anything, she asked again, "Or have you already decided to marry me?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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