Supreme Dragon System/C92 Stories Of Associated Divinities
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Supreme Dragon System/C92 Stories Of Associated Divinities
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C92 Stories Of Associated Divinities

Suddenly, Feng Wushuang’s smile froze on her lips.

“Cough, cough…”

After clearing her throat, she said while pronouncing every syllable to each word to ensure he heard her loud and clear, “The reason why I pulled you away was because Zhang Bao was crying. His tears will awaken the Guardian Spirit Beast. That Silver Thunder Snake is especially terrifying. Other than Zhang Bao, it will strike at anyone standing in its way.”

“Guardian Spirit Beast?” The words struck Zhan Tianming’s heart with fear.

“Yes, it is like how my Phoenix and self are combined. You could say it’s like a divine object with life proponents.” Feng Wushuang nodded her head after giving Zhan Tianming this information.

“A living creature?” Zhan Tianming marveled at such a thing.

“Yeah, you’ve never heard of this before?” Feng Wushuang was a little shocked by how little Zhan Tianming knew about spirit creatures.

Everyone in the entire Sky Wind Country knew of this phenomenon. The Zhan Tianming standing in front of her wore a confused look on his face as if hearing about these strange creatures for the first time. Has he been under a rock all this time?

What in the world was this?

The Zhan Tianming in front of her, is he such a bumpkin that he just came out of the deep forest?

Zhan Tianming wracked his brain but came up with nothing in regards to the magical creatures just mentioned.

“You… You’ve really never heard of them?” Feng Wushuang confirmed this once again.

Zhan Tianming stiffly shook his head in a wooden manner.

No words came out of Feng Wushuang’s mouth as she looked down on him.

After hesitating for a second, she waved her hand around and said, “Forget about it. I’ll give you the gist right now.”

Hearing this, Zhan Tianming eagerly sat down, perked up his ears, and proceeded to listen.

“Around 21 years ago, the County Prince concubine of Jiuyuan County gave birth to a son. At that time, nothing was amiss. It wasn’t until that very night that thunder rumbled across the land and lightning ignited the night sky with flashes of light over the Nine Dragons Continent. The lightning and thunder went on for a long time, about as long as it takes to burn an incense stick. After that, everything returned to normal as if nothing had happened. Everything went back to its calm and peaceful state.”

“However, the next night, something extremely strange happened in the Jiuyuan County Palace.”

Feng Wushuang's words were vivid as if she was speaking from experience. Her expression held a look of shock as she passionately told this story.

After a short pause, she continued with her storytelling.

“The princess consort who gave birth to a baby boy soon after disappeared. Nurses who came to check up on the baby saw standing next to him was a strange silver snake with lightning patterns all over it.”

“The onlookers that day were amazed. The weird snake was coiled around the baby boy like a mother, protecting her young.”

“Later on, there were some who were saying that Princess Hua-Yang had transformed herself into the Silver Thunder Snake. However, there were others who said that the Silver Thunder Snake had swallowed up Princess Hua-Yang whole and then was influenced by her love for her son as a result. To keep the baby safe, it had turned into a spirit beast. There are also those who believe that Princess Hua-Yang is a Silver Thunder Snake from the very start.”

“Anyway, as word spread, more and more rumors began developing around the baby.”

“After that, the Silver Thunder Snake became a constant companion of Zhang Bao. It’s fine if everything was okay, but if he gets injured in any way or form and cries, this will call upon the spirit of the Silver Thunder Snake and it will appear and attack anyone in close proximity to Zhang Bao.

Speaking until there, Feng Wushuang’s face soon revealed a menacing expression. She pretended that she was on the prowl about to pounce onto Zhan Tianming at any moment.

Finally, she said, “You asked why I was dragging you along when I ran, is that correct?”

Zhan Tianming fell into silence as he thought this over.

There were actually such things in this world?

It seemed that the strange things that happened in the Nine Dragons Continent were much odder than he had originally thought.

If he wanted to unlock The Mysteries of The Nine Dragons Continent himself, such an undertaking would not be so simple.

Anything that said ‘ultimate mission’ was indeed an ultimate task.

Ten years would not be enough time to get this done.

If this mystery could not be solved, there was no saying what kind of trouble he would be in.

What about sleeping with the ugliest woman?

Would her ugliness overly repulse him?

Zhan Tianming pictured a woman with a face full of pustules, disheveled hair, a pale bloodless face, and wrinkled features. When she opened her mouth to speak, it would reveal a few front teeth that would be missing.

Damn, if it really had to be that way, he would rather prefer to smash his head in.

After she finished telling Zhan Tianming Zhang Bao’s story, Feng Wushuang then told him about her accompanying phoenix spirit.

“Wait a minute…”

All of a sudden a frown could be seen on Zhan Tianming’s face.

"Right after he was born, Zhang Bao fell under the protection of the spirit of a Silver Thunder Snake. Does this have anything to do with the symbol of a dragon? At the same time, you are followed around by the spirit of a phoenix. One dragon, one phoenix. Are you two a pair all this time?” Zhan Tianming loudly put two and two together.

Hearing his words, Feng Wushuang stared at him with her eyes wide open, as if she wanted to tear Zhan Tianming limb from limb.

“Humph! It’s you and that fool who are a match.”

In the end, she directed Zhan Tianming in the right course and said, “You idiot, listen carefully to what I have to say.”

“The so-called ‘Phoenix's Cry’ refers to two divine birds.”

“One is male and the other is female. So the phoenix is both male and female. It would be nonsense to say the dragon and phoenix are a pair. To make it clear, this princess and that fool have nothing to do with one another.”

“Also, how can you compare the Silver Thunder Snake to that of a dragon?”

“Nine Dragons Continent is the only place where you can find a True Dragon. The founding father of our Sky Wind Country had personally slain the Divine Dragon and afterwards used the Divine Dragon’s blood to rejuvenate and cleanse his body, giving him the power of rebirth and therefore, becoming one of the top 10 strongest people in the entire Nine Dragons Continent. Under his strong leadership, it was he who single-handedly established the Sky Wind Country.”

“The dragon and the serpent are two different species. You have no idea about this? Never have I met someone so ignorant and ill-informed.”

“Hmph, in the future, I’d appreciate it if you pretend we don’t know each other to avoid any further embarrassment.”

After several snorts, Feng Wushuang gave Zhan Tianming an extremely disdainful look, as if Zhan Tianming was something disgusting under her shoe she couldn’t bear to deal with at this time.

This was way too embarrassing.

Seeing Feng Wushuang express her contempt for Zhan Tianming’s intelligence or lack thereof, Zhan Tianming felt that she was being overly rude.

There was no need for such over-the-top displays, right?

Then, steadying his resolve, he turned to Feng Wushuang and said, “Hey, hey, hey. Beauty, you don’t need to act like this, do you? Anyway, I’m a handsome guy. If you look carefully you might see something that you like. Have another look and you might be able to see that I make a very good point.”

Zhan Tianming leaned in closer so that Feng Wushuang could have a better look.

“Hmph, you really think you’re so handsome? Hur, hur, your face is full of pride.” Feng Wushuang tossed this insult at him, leaving him with no face at all.

“Forget it, this is a losing battle. I’m only a good man fighting the good fight against a wicked woman,” Zhan Tianming said.

“Repeat what you just said.” Hearing Zhan Tianming call her an evil woman, Feng Wushuang’s eyes flashed with displeasure. Her red eyes glared at him, revealing a mouth full of silver teeth. Suddenly, she resembled an angry tiger about to pounce and tear into Zhan Tianming’s flesh viciously.

“Nobody’s stopping you. Say it again.”

Feng Wushuang’s face darkened visibly as if she was an active volcano about ready to explode.

“I… I don’t think I said anything wrong.” Zhan Tianming looked around himself, with an innocent expression on his face.

Feng Wushuang was so livid, she did not care if Zhan Tianming admitted it or not.


She immediately pounced, tearing, and biting into Zhan Tianming’s flesh.

“Ahh, help! She’s attacking me. Help!”

Zhan Tianming’s screams echoed loudly in the house.

The more he shouted, the more viciously Feng Wushuang gnawed with her teeth. She was seeing red, and the smell of blood made it impossible for her to stop.

Though the maidservants and guards heard his cries, they did not dare come to his rescue. They didn’t even dare to glance in the direction of the scruffle, because they knew very well that provoking Princess Wushuang would equate to death; she was a hundred times more terrifying than the advances of a real tigress. Forget about it, it was better to let that Young Master Zhan get out of this on his own.

Barely able to hold back their laughter, the maidservants and guards all watched on in silence as Zhan Tianming was mauled to pieces.

“Ai… I feel sorry for that Young Master Zhan.”

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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