The Jealous Cold Prince/C3 No3 His Little Sister Was Delighted
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The Jealous Cold Prince/C3 No3 His Little Sister Was Delighted
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C3 No3 His Little Sister Was Delighted

"Cough, cough …"

Coughing sounds rang out. Not far from her, a small figure suddenly sat up. Without coughing twice, the child seemed to recall something and looked around for someone.

"Elder sister, right, look for elder sister …" "Sis, Sis!"

Yu Xinrann suddenly felt despair. If her elder sister died, her sky would collapse.

Yu Xiyuan was trying to force out the poison in her body. She had heard Yu Xinrann's shouts, but at such a critical moment, she moved. She had done everything in vain.

Resisting the urge to find Yu Xinrann, she sped up her efforts to force out the poison, but it had already settled in her dantian for many years, so how could it be forced out in such a short period of time? Furthermore, Yu Xiyuan currently did not have any Spiritual Energy, so it was the opposite.

"Puff …"

The taste of blood filled her mouth. Looking at the black blood she spat out, Yu Xiyuan sighed. For a while, she had no way to recover her cultivation.

'Forget it, I'm going to be reborn. Is he still in a rush? '

"Sheena, stop shouting."

When Yu Xinrann heard the sound, she saw that behind a small corpse mountain, Yu Xiyuan had helped the corpse stand up and quickly ran over.

"Sis." Yu Xinrann threw herself at Yu Xiyuan's waist while crying, as if she had found a treasure she had lost and was unwilling to let go. "Big sister, luckily, luckily you're alright. If something were to happen to you, what would I do …"

Yu Xiyuan's body stiffened, and she seemed to be at a loss of what to do.

His heart was clearly in pain, but that was the pain of the original owner, and he … On Earth, he cultivated by himself, even after arriving at the Divine Realm. The only one he was close to was the Heaven Sealing Sect Ancestor and it was Yu Xiyuan's first time being carried by a child like this.

However, she unconsciously squatted down and wiped away Yu Xinrann's tears. She even patted her back and comforted her, "Don't cry, I'm fine."

Her voice and movements were stiff, but she was still able to comfort Yu Xinrann.

Yu Xinrann shook her head and wiped her face clean. "Stop crying."

Yu Xinrann couldn't bear to look at him like that either.

No matter what, he was the one who had taken over the body of the original owner and owed the original owner a favor. So naturally, he had to protect her sister well.

But unfortunately, he was temporarily unable to tell her that her elder sister was already dead.

Yu Xiyuan's men were getting gentler and gentler.

Yu Xinrann stopped her crying. Staring at Yu Xiyuan with her pair of big pure eyes, she asked, "Sister, are we going back?"

Yu Xiyuan shook her head. "It was not easy to escape. How can we just leave like that?"

"Then where are we going, sister?"

Yu Xiyuan asked her, "Where do you want to go?"

Unexpectedly, Yu Xinrann didn't hesitate to say, "Sister, I'll go wherever you go."

Yu Xiyuan looked at her with red and swollen eyes. She hadn't recovered from her crying a moment ago, but her eyes were firm.

Yu Xiyuan smiled faintly and said, "Be good and come with me."

General's Estate —

"Is everything done?"

"Madam, you can rest assured now that everything has been completed." The servant who had carried Yu Xiyuan away knelt before a beautiful woman and said in a polite manner.

His appearance could be described with one word — flattery.

Beside the beautiful lady stood a man and a woman. They were the siblings who had previously beaten Yu Xiyuan to death. The man was called Yu Jie and the woman was called Yu Xiang. Only after hearing what had happened to Yu Xiyuan did they finally heave a sigh of relief.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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