The Unwanted Mate/C10 Chapter 10
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The Unwanted Mate/C10 Chapter 10
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C10 Chapter 10

Aurora's POV

“That'll be all for today, I tell them. Tomorrow, same time, same place".

I've been training the young hybrids. This hybrid pack, consists of Werewitches, Vampire - Witch hybrids, Werewolf - Vampire hybrids and so much more.

When they've all left, I start the long journey home. Finding this hybrid pack, is the greatest blessing that I've ever come by. The Luna, the leader of the pack was very hospitable when I cake. The pack members, so welcoming. Unlike the coven I previously stayed in. I had lived with Aunt Pam, a very powerful witch. She told me that she found me by the creek at the rear end of her cottage. She was the person that trained me, and taught me all I know today. The other witches hated me, because I wasn't pure blooded like them.

They always bullied me and made fun of me. I never told Aunt Pam how u was being treated. Even the day I was pinched at school. I got a black eye and a busted lip. I told her that dust went into my eyes, and I tripped over a large log in my way. Luckily for me, she believed me and didn't question me any further. She really loves me, but all that changed the day I found her dead after school. I cried and cried, but I had no one to turn to. I was accused if murdering her. I was summoned by the council and was immediately banished. I lived on my own for two years, before I found my new family. “The Glamazons" which was a female hybrid pack.

When I finally get to my house, I'm very sweaty and exhausted. I run a shower, and soak in the tub for a long while to wash away the clamminess I feel.

Ben's POV

“The time's not yet right, he says “We'll attack when they least expect us to" My father yells. I storm out, anger written all over my face. That old fool has always been a coward, and I don't see him changing anytime soon. And to think he's the Alpha of the rogues wolves, HA, that's pathetic. There's only one Alpha male, and that's me.

I've managed to draw most of his men over to my side. I want to attack Luka's pack now, but my father has been saying the same thing since we built this rogue pack.“ it's not time" when I overthrow him and become the new Alpha, I'll love to see the shock in his face, cuz he'll never had thought that he'll dies by my hand. If he thinks he's the only one that knows something about right timing,he's very DAMN WRONG, OHH, I'll show him right timing.

I'm going to train the newly joined rogues. The wolves that have been kicked out of packs, abandoned, banished, we accept Al of them and train them to be killers. We give them a sense of belonging, a home and when we take over Luka's pack, I'll have the last laugh. HAHAHAHA.

“Run faster you fools!!!

“Is this how you're going to defeat the strongest pack in the country?......

“Now who's going to spar with me?

When nobody comes up, I choose someone.

In a minute, I've beaten him. He's lying lifeless on the ground, gasping for air.

So pathetic, they re weak. I'm going to train them harder. Because Luka has the strongest pack in North America, so taking his warriors down, won't be easy. But with what I'm seeing here, they won't even survive a minute with his warriors.

Rachel (Moon Goddess)

My heart aches, knowing that the time is near. I've done all I could to prevent the prophecy from taking place. Separating Autumn and Aurora, was the hardest thing to do, but it was only a temporary measure taken, to prevent the prophecy from coming to pass.

It's all Naomi's fault. She's my younger sister, the creator of the witch race. I have an elder sister, Tacha, the creator of all vampires. I haven't seen them in ages. Naomi was jealous that the werewolves were recognized as the strongest and most dominant of all races. I had paired the twin's father with a pure blooded werewolf, but Naomi, being the master manipulator she is, his his mate and made him feel a witch was his mate. When the twins were born, she placed a curse. That if they unite, they'll end both races. That way, no race will be superior to the other. I tried my best by separating them, but I just had a vision that they were going to cross paths and the prophecy will be fulfilled. Oh boy.

All these are going to happen because Naomi was jealous. Because of her, hybrids were made and are being maltreated all over the world. I can't tamper with their destiny, but the only way they'll survive is by finding their mate and are loved by them That's why I had to stop Autumn from rejecting Luka. That's a 50-50 win for Autumn, but sadly, Aurora hasn't found her mate.

I know Luka will open open to her, and they'll mate, but it's Aurora I fear for. If she doesn't find her mate, she won't survive. I know she's not my direct creation, but she has werewolf blood flowing in her. My hands are tied now, but I hope she finds him soon and they get to live there different lives.

“It's going to be all right", my mate Randy assures, planting a kiss on my forehead.

“I pray so"I say, tensed.

“Sooo.........about the massage you talked about"

“Randy, you're the best", I said blowing him a kiss.

He carries me effortlessly, and we head inside.

He helps me run the affairs of the wolves. I assign mates to wolves, and he finds potential mates for hybrid wolves. Together, we run everything. I found him, when I was just an ordinary wolf, not yet the moon goddess.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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