Universe Storage Box/C5 What Exactly Happened?
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Universe Storage Box/C5 What Exactly Happened?
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C5 What Exactly Happened?

"Ran into some trouble?" Manager Liu asked with a furrowed brow. "Huang, I made it crystal clear yesterday—no tardiness. And yet, here you are, late on your very first day. What impression does that leave with our leadership? You should realize that your job is coveted by many. I took a chance on you because you seemed trustworthy. If you're not serious about this job, let me know now."

"I am serious, and I appreciate your support, Manager. I assure you, it won't happen again," Huang Feng responded. He had no excuse; he was late, and while there was a reason, he chose not to share it—it wouldn't change anything.

"Let's make sure it doesn't. Here's your uniform. Get changed and start your day," Manager Liu said, mercifully opting for a stern lecture over termination.

"Thank you, Manager," Huang Feng expressed his gratitude.

"Quite the start, being late on day one," remarked another security guard as Huang Feng got dressed in the security room after Manager Liu had left.

"Big brother, I was just unlucky this morning. Otherwise, I would've been on time," Huang Feng replied. "By the way, what's your name? We're colleagues now."

"Just call me Old Wang," the guard said.

"Alright, Brother Wang, I'm counting on your guidance. If I step out of line, feel free to set me straight," Huang Feng offered, extending a cigarette as a gesture of camaraderie.

"Thanks, but no. You're new, so you might not know—smoking's not allowed during work hours. Plus, we've got a lot of ladies around," Brother Wang declined the cigarette. "Don't worry about formalities. We're all on the same team here. If you've got questions, just ask. The job's easy enough—just keep your eyes to yourself."

Leaning in, Brother Wang added, "This company's known for its beauties, even the boss is a stunner. The last guy lost his job because he couldn't keep his eyes in check, especially not from the boss. So, he was sent packing. Manager Liu's right; this position is in high demand. So mind where you look."

"Thanks for the heads-up, Brother Wang. I'll be sure to keep that in mind," Huang Feng said. "Are we the only two security guards here?"

"Of course not. Tianjiao is a major company; it wouldn't just rely on the two of us for security. We've got a dedicated security office. We're assigned to stand guard at the gatehouse, while the rest of the team usually stays in the office unless needed. The conditions are better there, and the boss approves of this arrangement," Brother Wang explained.

Huang Feng nodded in understanding. It made sense why so many people were eager to work here—the treatment of the security staff was indeed exceptional.

"Go ahead and take a break first. I'll stand outside, and you can relieve me later," Brother Wang said, grabbing his cap and heading for the door.

"No way, Brother Wang. You stay and rest; I'll take the first shift. I'm the newcomer; it's a good chance for me to get accustomed to the job," Huang Feng insisted, knowing this was the sensible thing to do.

Brother Wang didn't object. With the sun already up, the outdoors couldn't compare to the comfort of the duty room, with its air conditioning and newspapers. It was clearly more pleasant inside.

"Alright then, just give me a shout when you need a break."

"Will do," Huang Feng replied. He donned his security cap and stepped out of the security room to take his post at the entrance.

The company really looked after them, providing a sun umbrella at the gate. Under its shade, Huang Feng was spared from the direct sunlight, though the air itself was still hot. It wasn't as cozy as the duty room, but for Huang Feng, it was more than adequate.

The area was bustling with people. Security guards started their shifts half an hour before the other employees, so it was peak time for the staff of Tianjiao to arrive for work.

Many employees rushed into the building, but quite a few took notice of Huang Feng, the new face on the security team. They were accustomed to the previous guards, and Huang Feng was a fresh sight.

Despite the curious looks from passersby, Huang Feng remained steadfast and attentive at his post. His role as a security guard was akin to a public relations project, aimed at leaving a positive impression on those entering the company. Naturally, he was determined to put his best foot forward.

Around 9 o'clock, the influx of employees into the company had dwindled to nearly none, allowing Huang Feng to finally relax a bit. It was then that he noticed a peculiar trend at the company: an overwhelming number of women compared to men. Such a gender imbalance was a rarity in Qing Province, let alone the rest of the country.

Furthermore, many of these women were quite attractive, and their office uniforms, especially the skirts revealing elegant legs, were undeniably eye-catching. Huang Feng now understood why standing guard here was such a test of willpower; it made sense that his predecessor had been dismissed for letting his gaze wander too much.

With the immediate distractions waning, Huang Feng turned his thoughts to his own experiences. He pondered over the morning's incident when he chased down a thief with uncharacteristic speed. It wasn't just a slight increase; he was significantly faster than his normal pace. Had there not been so many pedestrians, he felt he could have pushed himself even further.

"What exactly happened?" Huang Feng mused, puzzled. Outsiders might assume he was always that swift, but he knew better. His speed today was at least double his usual rate.

Inspecting himself from head to toe, Huang Feng found nothing amiss. He hadn't done anything out of the ordinary the day before, so what could explain the sudden change?

"Could it have been a latent burst of potential? No matter, I'll have to test it out again when I get the chance," he resolved.

Just then, Huang Feng's attention was drawn to a car exiting the company grounds. He snapped out of his reverie and swiftly operated the electric gate.

"Hey, why is it him?" The woman in the passenger seat murmured, spotting Huang Feng as he managed the door.

"Who?" The driver glanced at Huang Feng and inquired, "The new security guard? Sister Su, do you know him?"

The driver was puzzled. She was aware of the new hire but hadn't heard anything about him being acquainted with Sister Su.

"I suppose you could say I know him. He's someone with a bit of intrigue," Sister Su remarked, giving Huang Feng another look before turning away.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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