When There Is Nothing Left But Love/C12 The Hoodlums Caused Trouble
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When There Is Nothing Left But Love/C12 The Hoodlums Caused Trouble
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C12 The Hoodlums Caused Trouble

Too much had been mentioned recently, and I didn't know how to deal with it. It was why I didn't think much when I had left and gone to Yetta.

At the Bar.

It was still pretty early, so there weren't people on the dance floor yet. Yetta quickly ordered a cocktail and pushed it toward me. "Why are you here?" She finally asked. "Did something happen?"

I glanced at the poles standing in every direction. The deafening music and the high-pitched screams echoed across the room as my fingers wrapped around the glass. "Nothing."

"Did Ashton do anything? That man has never been good for you." She scoffed. "If he does all these things to you, just get a divorce! With your looks, you'll find a man in no time. Why spend your life protecting a relationship that isn't there in the first place? Aren't you exhausted?"

Yetta had always been a straightforward person, yet she had been able to get along with almost everyone—except Ashton. She hated him to the bone.

"Even if I have the looks, do you think any man would accept me if I have this?" I pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to her. It was my ultrasound.

Her eyes widened. "Six weeks?" She glanced back at the ultrasound before gazing back at me. "How? I thought...I thought you and Ashton didn't do anything."

"It was when Ashton had come to pick me up last month at the club. I was drunk."

There was silence before she took a deep breath. "Then what do you plan to do?"

I shook my head. At that point, I was also at a loss.

"Then let's fight back then," Yetta protested. "You and Ashton...You've never been compatible, and now that the old man is gone... let's figure it out. You can't keep chasing after one person for the rest of your life?"

"Just go and talk to the other guests. I'll think about it."

Yetta sighed, tightening her apron around her waist. Instead of convincing me some more, she quickly changed the cocktail to some fruit juice.

As the night went by, the bar gradually became busier. Yetta didn't have time to focus on me as she was too busy entertaining the other guests. I gazed at the crowd.

As the men swayed and the women laughed, the lights brightened and glowed around them. They all looked like they were enjoying their time.

Just then, an ear-piercing scream startled everyone.

I looked to the side to see a group of old men surrounding Yetta. Everyone was scrambling away from them, and soon enough, the loud music was turned off.

The men were all holding sticks in their hands as they neared Yetta. She had her arms raised as a nervous smile slipped into her lips.

"Everyone, calm down. Why don't we skip the trouble and have some fun instead?" she stuttered. "Let's have the DJ turn up the—"

"Little Girl, if you really want to have fun, why don't you have fun with us first?" One of the thugs moved forward, reaching out to touch her face.

However, before he could, I yanked my glass and threw it at him. The glass shards flew everywhere as it hit his palm, and he immediately retracted in pain.

"What the fuck?" He groaned, looking around. "Who did that?"

"I did." I stood up from my seat and moved toward them.

Yetta gazed at me. "Why are you here?"

"Shouldn't I be here with you?"

"Dumbass!" Yetta snapped, immediately pushing me behind her. She stood in front of me, her hands stretching to either side. "Look if a fight breaks out, just escape."

"I..." I immediately glared back at the men. "Do you think it's fair for a group of men to bully her?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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