Yin Yang Ghost Alchemist/C18 I Am the Source of Goods
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Yin Yang Ghost Alchemist/C18 I Am the Source of Goods
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C18 I Am the Source of Goods

"Xiaoxiao, come over here and check this out!"

I beckoned Bai Xiaoxiao to the corner where the old ghost's shadow had manifested. She seemed a bit bewildered.

"Why did you bring me to the corner all of a sudden? It's kind of eerie..." Bai Xiaoxiao shuddered involuntarily.

I burst into laughter.

"Eerie? The whole room is built with Profound Soul Stones, which are the eeriest things for both the living and the dead, right? Right now, this corner is the only place safer than the area outside the iron door."

Bai Xiaoxiao's brow furrowed, but as she felt the Profound Soul Stone and tapped on it, her eyes sparkled with excitement, and she became so thrilled she could barely form a sentence.

"I've got it! The Profound Soul Stone isn't just a brick, and what we saw wasn't the old ghost's shadow, was it?"

I smiled and nodded in affirmation. The Profound Soul Stones might resemble bricks, but they're actually transparent. They only appear tainted because they've absorbed the essence of souls.

It's like ice made of ink; it seems black, but it turns clear when you shine a strong light through it. So, what we saw wasn't the shadow of the old ghost—it was the old ghost himself, squatting right behind the wall, similar to a shadow puppet show. We've knocked on solid spots before, not knowing how many layers of Profound Soul Stones were there, but the spot where the old ghost was squatting was hollow, which is why the light and shadow could pass through so easily.

I was gearing up for a showdown with the old ghost, but I wasn't too confident. After all, even Zhou couldn't take him down when he was alive.

I hadn't expected to battle so many malevolent spirits, so I hadn't packed any potent charms—just some standard ghost-suppressing ones. They might be basic, but their sheer number could do some damage. It's like how even a handful of firecrackers can tear off chunks of flesh when thrown at someone; these talismans were certainly more effective than firecrackers.

There might be some sort of secret revolving door in the corner, but we didn't bother searching for it. I applied a bit of black juice to key areas on Bai Xiaoxiao's body and ingested some myself. Then, with a solid kick, I forced the corner section open.

After all, it was a single-story structure, and I had a physical body—how could I not kick it open?

Once the wall gave way, it revealed a small dog hole, just large enough for a child to pass through. I was slender enough to squeeze through, so I instructed Bai Xiaoxiao to check it out first. She confirmed it was clear, and I followed suit.

On the other side of the stone wall, we found ourselves surrounded by lead, with only the dog hole left uncovered. No wonder we had initially mistaken the stone for green bricks. This protection was likely in place to shield the ghosts outside from harm and to prevent any forceful escapes from within.

Emerging from the other side, we were greeted by the pine forest once more, indicating we had escaped the Ghost Messenger's formation. Back in familiar territory, both Bai Xiaoxiao and I felt a profound sense of relief from our narrow escape.

"What do we do now if the old ghost isn't here?" Bai Xiaoxiao asked, exhaling deeply.

I scrunched up my nose, taking in the scents around us.

"There's a potent ghostly presence nearby that hasn't dissipated. I suspect the old ghost hasn't strayed far and will return shortly. Xiaoxiao, you move faster than I do. Take this note; once you're out, give it to Dali and tell him to prepare the items listed. I'll hold off the old ghost in the meantime!"

Hearing my plan to confront the old ghost alone, Bai Xiaoxiao's face twisted with concern.

"...The old ghost is no ordinary specter. Are you sure... you can hold him off?"

I let out a hearty laugh.

"Let's give it a shot. Who knows? If you return quickly enough, maybe we can manage it!"

With a determined nod, Bai Xiaoxiao clutched the note and transformed into a breeze, drifting away through the pine forest. After her departure, my smile faded to a grim line. The persistent ghostly aura intensified, signaling the imminent appearance of the old ghost.

Indeed, the old ghost had always been present, merely biding his time until Bai Xiaoxiao had left.

Now, with no stone wall to separate us, I was about to come face to face with the legendary old ghost—the one who could bargain for a chance at reincarnation.

The old ghost donned a pitch-black robe, his stature short, reminiscent of a dwarf. His visage bore the marks of age, yet his body was unmarred by blood or decay. Nonetheless, his complexion was deathly pale, his features twisted into a grimace, and his eyes glinted with a sinister crimson hue.

"Tsk tsk, you little rascal, you may not be very skilled, but you're clever enough to send that young lady away first. Otherwise, neither of you would have stood a chance of escaping."

Confronted with such an adversary, I furrowed my brow. The intensity of the ghostly aura emanating from the Old Ghost was unparalleled in my experience. Yet, that wasn't the most frightening aspect of him. The truly terrifying thing was that he emitted no glow, leaving me unable to discern whether he was a green specter or a red wraith, thus obscuring his true power.

"I think you're mistaken. I had her leave first simply because I didn't want to accidentally harm a child in a potentially violent confrontation."

After my words, Old Ghost let out another chilling laugh. He gestured towards the Soul Devouring Prison and remarked,

"It seems your mentor taught you well, pouring his heart and soul into it. You managed to walk out of there alive. But it's no matter. It just means I'll have to waste a bit more time, and time is something I have in abundance..."

With that, Old Ghost opened his mouth and exhaled strands of black mist, which shrouded him in an aura akin to a demon from the depths of hell. I hadn't even touched it, yet I could already feel the chilling coldness of the mist.

"Why have you taken such an issue with Old Zhou? What's your reason for targeting me?" I asked, genuinely puzzled.

Typically, ghosts don't tend to cross those who are alive and spiritually cultivated, as the living realm is their stronghold. Any Daoist technique can subdue spirits, and even the most formidable ghost can be easily overcome. Hence, unless a ghost harbors a deep-seated grudge, they would usually step back and afford a Daoist some respect. This is often why Yin Yang Masters are successful in mediating between the living and the spirit world.

But Old Ghost was an exception. Once he learned of my connection with Old Zhou, he seemed hell-bent on my demise! Had it not been for the vial of black juice I carried and Bai Xiaoxiao's timely intervention, I would have perished within the Soul Devouring Prison.

Although I had stumbled upon the Ghost Market, it wasn't anything monumental. I hadn't unearthed any profound secrets, so what was Old Ghost's reason for picking such a fierce battle with me?

Old Ghost glared at me with venom in his eyes and spoke with a raspy voice, "You were born with an incomplete soul. At the age of ten, you nearly met your demise. It was Zhou who rescued you and had you drink a concoction made from ghost spirits to sustain your life, correct?"

I nodded in agreement. The thought of it was unsettling, but it was the truth, and I had no reason to conceal it. Nobody wants to face death, after all.

"When Zhou was alive, he provided me with the black juice I needed. After his passing, I began gathering ghosts on my own. Does that somehow infringe upon your affairs? You're allowed to harm people, but I'm forbidden from refining a few ghosts?"

To my surprise, Old Ghost's face contorted with emotion. Had he been alive, tears would surely have fallen. His voice, already gravelly, became even more strained with his heightened emotions.

Old Ghost pointed at me, and the swirling black mist around him surged in my direction. Amidst this, I could hear his angry curse, "Damn it, for the past eighteen years, I was the supplier!"

Libre Baskerville
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