Yin Yang Ghost Alchemist/C9 Ghost Market
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Yin Yang Ghost Alchemist/C9 Ghost Market
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C9 Ghost Market

Initially, we observed the ghosts each standing in their designated spots, chattering away in their ghostly language, though it was hard to make out what they were saying.

However, once we applied the black juice to our eyelids and lips, these ghosts no longer appeared as rigid monsters. They seemed to come to life! It was as if they possessed a life force similar to our own! Suddenly, we felt as though we could understand and hear them.

Naturally, it was us, coated in the black juice, who had grown closer to the ghosts.

In reality, this forest is far from quiet. The sounds are quite cacophonous, and there's an unexpected vibrancy that seems out of place among the ghosts.

"Yoohoo, come check out the new shrouds! The latest fashion in the netherworld, all the rage throughout the City of the Wrongfully Dead! Whether you're an ancient specter or an immovable deity from hell, you won't be able to resist the allure of our shrouds!"

"Recently deceased, young widows without a patron down below, hurry and buy!"

"Take a gander at this, the ashes of a beauty! In life, her face was as lovely as peach blossoms, her skin as smooth as cream. Purchase these ashes to apply to your face, and maintain an eternal ghostly grace, surpassing even the beauty of a skeleton in a medical school's anatomy lab!"

"Traditional paper effigies right here! I snatched these up from freshly departed souls on the road to the underworld. Red lips, white teeth, a paper-crafted beauty. Just fifty years of spiritual practice and she's yours! And for those willing to part with five hundred years of practice, I'll reluctantly part with the most popular inflatable dolls from the world above!"


Wang Dali and I ventured into the throng of ghosts. Dali's eyes were wide with amazement. Despite the somewhat unsettling nature of the ghosts and their less-than-reputable wares, the sheer novelty was captivating. Dali wished he had extra eyes to take it all in.

"Wang Xu, what are all these things? They look so bizarre, yet the shouting is quite lively..."

I surveyed the surroundings and replied with a wry smile,

"Dali, I was puzzled earlier. Even if this forest is saturated with dark and malevolent energy, it wouldn't naturally attract such a multitude of ghosts...

Now it's clear to me. Over the years, this forest has drawn in countless lost souls and wandering spirits from miles around. After years of development, it has evolved into the fabled ghost market..."

"What exactly is a ghost market? Is it less expensive than the black market?" Wang Dali asked, clearly bewildered.

Noticing his puzzled expression, I felt compelled to clarify what a ghost market was.

In our country's ancient texts, there's mention of a ghost market, which can be interpreted in roughly three ways.

One interpretation is that it's a morning or evening market within the antique trade, either before dawn or after dusk. Dealers in antiques would convene in secluded alleys or desolate hills, lining up in an orderly fashion to display their treasures on the ground for trading.

The antique trade is fraught with superstitions, and silence is observed during transactions, so participants communicate through hand signals. Their peculiar and secretive mannerisms resemble ghosts, hence the name Ghost Market.

Another version of the Ghost Market is a phenomenon among mountain dwellers. Those who climb the mountains at dawn sometimes glimpse a bustling, lively scene, as if a slice of human prosperity has been transplanted there. Yet, when they approach, all that remains is a dense fog.

Some say this Ghost Market is the work of mountain spirits, while others believe it to be an optical illusion, a mirage.

"...The third kind is what we're witnessing now—the 'real' Ghost Market, which, as the name suggests, is a marketplace for ghosts to trade among themselves.

Ghosts have their own needs, especially during the Qingming and Zhongyuan festivals when offerings are essential. But offerings alone can't fulfill all their desires, so they also have these markets to exchange goods," I explained to Wang Dali.

Wang Dali seemed distracted, his attention captivated by the odd and curious wares of the Ghost Market. And who was I to judge? Despite the majority of the merchandise being macabre and gruesome, there were many intriguing items that drew me in as well.

However, I quickly realized the danger of this place. Having been exposed to various experiences with Zhou, I knew that no matter how novel the ghosts' wares might be, they shouldn't have this pull on me. Yet, here I was, drawn in just the same. It appeared that these otherworldly items possessed a unique allure, and Wang Lele's ghostly pact might very well be connected to it.

"Dali! Dali! Quit ogling that inflatable doll—it's all fake. How could you do this to Little Feng from the next village?"

It took a considerable effort to drag Wang Dali back from the ghost market's allure. He was so entranced that he resisted leaving. It wasn't until I slapped him a few times that he snapped out of it, breaking into a cold sweat from the shock.

"Wang Xu, this place is too eerie. I'm sure my sister got into trouble here. What are we going to do?"

I scanned the area and spotted a ghost. I grabbed Wang Dali and headed over. The reason for applying black juice to our eyes and lips was to communicate with the ghosts here and gather some information. I chose one that seemed the most approachable.

The ghost, apart from her pale skin, looked just like a living person—a frail little girl dressed in coarse clothing. She wasn't interested in the bizarre wares for sale; she simply watched from a distance, her eyes filled with a softness not seen in the other ghosts.

The real reason I approached her, though, was that unlike the other greenish ghosts, she radiated a faint white glow. Zhou had mentioned that ghosts with a white aura might not necessarily be benevolent, but they were usually more docile. So, I led Wang Dali closer to her, quietly.

"Hey, young lady, what's caught your eye?" I said, resting my hand on the ghost girl's shoulder, mimicking the greeting style of the ghost market.

The ghost girl stepped back, startled, looking at me and then at Wang Dali with wariness.

"I... I'm just looking at what they're selling. I don't want to buy anything. What do you want with me? You can't force me to buy anything!" she said, her voice trembling towards the end, clearly frightened by our approach.

"Miss, there's no need to be scared. We're not associated with the sellers; we're just curious about what you're looking at. Why are you so frightened?" Wang Dali asked with a straightforward innocence.

Perhaps reassured by Wang Dali's guileless demeanor, the ghost girl's defenses seemed to lower as she timidly shared with us:

"I... I'm just curious to see what's for sale. But I absolutely won't buy anything! I won't buy it!"

After she spoke, the girl's ghost backed away several steps, creating a significant distance between us.

The current situation was that the only ghost in the ghost market radiating white light was adamantly refusing to purchase anything from the market, and she seemed to be quite frightened of us.

Hold on, frightened of us... I think I might understand why!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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