You Are My Life Love/C3 Will This Man be Little Luo's Father
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You Are My Life Love/C3 Will This Man be Little Luo's Father
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C3 Will This Man be Little Luo's Father

Five years later.

Hilton Hotel.

Su Xiaomian pushed open the door to the hotel room. The pungent smell of smoke filled her nose.

Her eyes swept around the room and finally saw the person she was looking for lying on a man's body, drunk as mud.

"Young Master Chu, come, let's have another drink." Lan Yinyin burped and crossed her legs as she sat on the man's legs and asked sweetly, "Am I not pretty?"

Chu Lenghan drank with an expressionless face. He was not interested in the woman who suddenly got entangled with him. On the contrary, his eyes were fixed on the woman who had just pushed the door open.

The woman was wearing an ordinary cartoon T-shirt. It looked like a cheap brand. However, her skin color was very white. There were delicate facial features on her palm-sized face.

She looked very young, like an underage child.

Pure and charming.

Su Xiaomian did not know that she was being stared at. When she saw Lan Yinyin sitting on the man's lap, she could not help but roll her eyes in her heart. She walked over and snatched the wine from her hand.

"Sister Lan, Jee asked me to send you home." Jee was Lan Yinyin's manager. Because there was something at home, he temporarily let Su Xiaomian come and pick up the drunk Lan Yinyin.

"I'm not going home!" Lan Yinyin pushed Su Xiaomian and looked at Chu Lenghan with her eyes closed. "You have not answered my question!"

Chu Lenghan pushed Lan Yinyin to the ground with a backhand push. He looked up at Su Xiaomian and asked, "One million. I will buy you one night. How about it?"

Su Xiaomian paused for a long time before she realized that he was talking to her.

One million, another one million!

Su Xiaomian's heart was trembling! Could the man from five years ago be him?

If it was really him, would he agree to save Lo?

Su Xiaomian had countless question marks in her heart.

"Okay, Su Xiaomian, you actually came here to steal my man." Lan Yinyin heard this and got up from the ground. She looked at Su Xiaomian and said fiercely.

"Sister Lan, you are drunk." Su Xiaomian frowned and continued, "I will send you home first."

"Stop pretending. Su Xiaomian, don't think that I don't know what you are thinking." Lan Yinyin looked at her with disdain and sneered, "You have already been played till you are rotten. Don't pretend to be virtuous."

Su Xiaomian held back her anger and thought that if Jee did not owe her a favor, she would not be bothered with this crazy infatuated girl.

"Mom, there is a call."

The phone rang and Su Xiaomian regained some reason.

She turned around and was about to go out to answer the phone when she was hugged by someone from behind. The phone was also taken away by that person.

"Give me back the phone!" Su Xiaomian turned around and glared at Chu Lenghan angrily.

Chu Lenghan smiled and put the red wine in his hand to her mouth. His low and sexy voice was filled with an unprecedented temptation. "Drink it and I will return it to you!"

Su Xiaomian was embarrassed and angry. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth as she stared at ___.

The man laughed evilly. His fingers slid gently and turned off the phone that had been vibrating.

"Accompany me for a night. I will let you act as the female number one." He had seen many women like this who were rolling around in the entertainment industry. They just wanted to be famous.

Su Xiaomian was so angry that her entire body trembled. This man was too vile!

If this man was really Lo's father, what would she do?

Should she really let Lo follow this man?

She felt a little hopeless. She clenched her fists and looked around. She saw that everyone in the private room was looking at her reaction.

These people's eyes were filled with envy, contempt, disdain, and coldness.

"Really?" Su Xiaomian blinked her eyes and deliberately revealed a flattering smile. "I have something to tell you. Can you let them all go out?"

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