Murder Headlines
Murder Headlines
After accidentally discovering a hidden archive room in his father's detective agency, Lu Wangshu becomes intrigued by the bizarre cases within. As he solves these cases, he not only hones his detective skills but also revitalizes the declining reputation of Lu Guang Detective Agency. As each terrifying and mysterious case unfolds, it becomes clear that the real horror in Yongzhou City is not supernatural but the evil lurking in people's hearts. Will Lu Wangshu manage to unveil all the dark secrets?
Corpse Finder
Corpse Finder
Twenty years ago, his father had mysteriously died. His head had been cut off and placed in front of his house. Twenty-three years later, I began to investigate my father's death. In the process of investigating, one strange and unexpected event after another followed after. Thousand Corpses Secret Burial, Yin Woman's Nascent Soul, Twin Corpse Bind Coffin … I am a body hunter, and I tell you all the strange things I have seen, the strange things I have seen.
Village Vigil Keeper
Village Vigil Keeper
I'm a wake, and I've been through a lot of weird things over the years. I use my own experience to tell you: Do not disrespect the gods, reincarnate; if you do not believe, look up, the heavens are staring at who? ( Acoustic novels have been synced online in the Himalayan FM.)
Years Of Trading Haunted Houses
Years Of Trading Haunted Houses
The Evil House was too cowardly to enter! People talk about the haunted house and the color changes. I became a businessman who sold the haunted house by chance. Copper bowl Soul-Sealing Spike, Eight Python Bind Dragon, Paper Man's birthday, Yin Bridge Change of fate … The archives of the ten weirdest houses appeared once again! Behind every haunted house, there was a horrible and secret story. (Acoustic fiction has been synced online in the Himalayan FM)
Corpse Measurer
Corpse Measurer
One could see the new book "Recruitment of Immortals" through search. At the age of seven, he could measure the body of a ghost, and he could go out in eighteen sleeping coffins and souls! Since the day I was born, my life has been in chaos. At the same time, he was also surrounded by a hundred ghosts, and his life was hanging by a thread many times! It was only by a stroke of luck that I finally discovered that there was another me in my body … After that, the recruitment of immortals began. Thank you for your support
Criminal Investigation Unit Nine
Criminal Investigation Unit Nine
The Snowbush City’s Public Security Bureau had a Special Investigation Unit made up of the most elite members of the police force, and was known by the name Unite Nine. Their task was to solve the most challenging criminal cases in Snowbush. Because of their effectiveness, they were targeted a while back when three special unit members disappeared while investigating a high-profile case. Since then, the higher-ups have considered shutting down the unit. The police chief, Sun Limin, fought to keep the unit from being shut down, but he needed new members to fill the positions. That is how he recruited Xiao Chennai, this year’s top graduate from the Police Academy, who loved solving complex criminal cases. With Xian Chennai as the center, Unit Nine will again bring light to all mysterious criminal cases plaguing Snowbush City.
Mythical Life Chronicle
Mythical Life Chronicle
Enter the world of Zhang Zhen, a once-skilled special forces medic whose life takes a drastic turn after a disabling injury. Reduced to a lowly son-in-law, Zhang Zhen feels trapped in a bleak existence, until a mysterious spark connects him to countless realms, offering him a chance for a remarkable rebirth. Embedded within his body is the "origin pellet," a powerful catalyst that unlocks extraordinary abilities reflecting his skills and knowledge. Despite his injured hands, Zhang Zhen surprises everyone by excelling in combat, culinary arts, and medicine, displaying a remarkable aptitude that defies all odds. As Zhang Zhen delves deeper into his newfound talents, he encounters various challenges, opponents, and mysteries that test his resolve. With each step forward, he uncovers forgotten memories of his past as an elite soldier, adding intrigue and depth to his journey. Amidst his quest for self-redemption and healing, Zhang Zhen must also navigate complex relationships, especially with his once-distant wife Qingge. As she witnesses his remarkable abilities, her perception of him evolves, leading to a newfound understanding and a deeper connection between them. However, suspicions arise as Zhang Zhen's abilities raise questions and attract attention. Balancing family obligations, unforeseen challenges, and hidden enemies, Zhang Zhen's adventure demands wisdom, perseverance, and a kind heart. Through it all, he discovers that his journey is not merely about overcoming disability but also about discovering the true power that resides within him and finding love in unexpected places. This immersive novel takes readers on an extraordinary journey where disability becomes a catalyst for self-discovery, unlocking hidden potential, and embracing the profound connection between Zhang Zhen and Qingge. Prepare to be enthralled by a story that explores the depths of human resilience, the pursuit of redemption, and the transformative nature of love.
Corpse Whisperer
Corpse Whisperer
Death is a scary thing. And so are the dead. This story is about a young boy whose life is centered around the dead. He was picked up from a pile of corpses. As he matures, an inexplicable illness befalls him, resisting all conventional medical remedies, ultimately leading to his demise. Yet, surprisingly, after seven days, the young boy crawled out of his grave. The young man had some eerie abilities. He could hear the whispers of the dead. And foretell a person’s impending demise. Follow the story of this young man, who is innocent by nature and is willing to do anything for his loved ones. See how he understands the cruelty of this world and faces its dark side. And how his innocence makes him pay a terrible price.
The Super Son-in-law in Disguise
The Super Son-in-law in Disguise
Only one thought kept Zhang Fann going as Quelled rebellions in the north, and that was finally being reunited with his wife, Han Qingya. So he travels with his beautiful 4-year-old son to meet Han Qingya and his daughter, hoping to become a family again. Unbeknownst to Zhang Fann, during his absence, the Han family was planning to marry off Han Qingya so they could infringe on her assets. Zhang Fann Weapon, a man regarded as the most powerful in all of Jiangcheng, found himself in a Son-in-law selection race for the precious Han Qingya For all Zhang Fann's many talents being a husband and a father was almost foreign to him, He was prone to being rash and quick to anger, but he was willing to do whatever it took to win back Han Qingya, even if it meant being a Stay-at-home In-law. Han Qingya still blames Zhang Fann for the situation she’s in because he left her all those years ago Zhang Fann’s sudden return angered a lot of powerful families who had been scheming to infringe on Han Qingya’s assets, and they’ll stop at nothing to ensure Zhang Fann and Han Qingya are not reunited. Will Quingya ever forgive Zhnag Fann? Does Zhnag Fann get the family he’s always longed for? Will the external forces that threaten succeed in driving Will Quingya and Zhang Fann apart? How much is Zhang Fann willing to sacrifice for his family?
Revenge of the Dragon Lord
Revenge of the Dragon Lord
Alien is the humble son-in-law of the Murphy family. He was looked down upon and humiliated by the Murphy members. Only a few knew who Alien is and what is hehind him. Five years ago, Alien was persecuted by his family and almost died in a foreign land. Luckily, an elder save him. The elder taught him a lot for two years, and then passed down the position of Dragon Hall Master to him. The premise was that he had to temper his character by being the son-in-law in Murphy Family for three years… Now, the test ends and he returns as the dragon lord.
Return of the Ruler
Return of the Ruler
Robert was on the verge of becoming one of the most powerful beings, just when destiny slammed the door in his face. When he opened his eyes again, he saw the beautiful face of his fiancée, an emotion welled up from deep within, causing his heart to beat rapidly. It wasn't longing, nor was it love... it was hatred, a deep-seated hatred capable of bringing forth the most basic and primal instincts. The flashbacks from his past life were painful, a life of debts, misery, and suffering, some because of his fiancée and her lover. But Robert was no longer the same person. With an icy gaze, he recognized each one of those who had tormented him in the past. Revenge is a dish best-served cold, and Robert planned to take his time.
Hidden Riches, Hidden Heart
Hidden Riches, Hidden Heart
Young Master, your punishment period is over, and the restrictions have been lifted." "All your accounts have been unfrozen. If you need assistance, please contact the family." For a span of three long years, Zack had lived the life of a househusband, dutifully attending to household chores, tackling every conceivable menial task. Throughout this time, his lack of employment had become a source of mockery and scorn, particularly from his wife's family. No one could have fathomed that the seemingly idle Zack, whom they deemed a mere dependent relying on his wife for survival, actually bore the title of the young master of the super rich Blanchard family. Now that Zack had reclaimed his noble status, an intriguing question loomed before him: Would he persist as the virtuous househusband, or would he revert to his former persona as the wealthy Young Master Blanchard?
The Unexpected Heir
The Unexpected Heir
Fischer, shackled by fate and circumstance, struggles daily with a harsh reality. Desperately trying to meet his ailing mother's medical bills, he finds himself trapped in an opulent world of disdain and deception after being roped into a loveless marriage with Rosailla, a peerless beauty he once admired from a distance. Fischer's love for Rosailla saw him reluctantly step into her world, a realm brimming with deceit, vendettas, and the weight of old money. But as Cornell, Rosailla's wealthy ex, re-enters the scene with flowers and old promises, Fischer feels the chasm of class more than ever, making the Silver Club, a haven for the city's elite, his unlikely battleground. Yet, just when the weight of his outsider status seems too much to bear, a revelation strikes. The Silver Club, this epitome of privilege, is but a fragment of the colossal Myers Group empire, and Fischer is its heir. Overnight, the game changes. Those who once looked down upon him now vie for his attention, and the walls of the Silver Club that once kept him out now beckon him in. But with his newfound power comes the shadows of betrayal, the intricacies of the elite, and the siren song of revenge.
World Check-In
World Check-In
A "precarious" situation in a public toilet unfolds as he finds himself devoid of toilet paper after using the facilities. He only hoped to find someone with a big heart for help but didn't expect that the System would arrive to his rescue. With a shining gaze, he thought that one often needs to encounter "difficulties" before unlocking the cheats in life. As the System activates, it assesses his needs and grants him a roll of toilet paper as a newbie reward. His gaze couldn't help but get dull, and he wondered why he did not think of immortality or invincibility like the salted fish? He resisted the thought of throwing it away and used it with tears in his eyes. He soon learns that its functions resemble a game, complete with check-in rewards and more. Unexpectedly, it could also allow him to travel to different worlds and attain unimaginable strength and rewards. From moving mountains to overturning seas, suppressing demons to deifying gods, cultivating immortality with a harem of beauties, and more... The magnitude of these unknown possibilities overwhelms him, sparking both excitement and anxiety. Though enticed, he's aware that recklessly venturing into foreign realms could prove fatal, even if it's just in neighboring territories. Seeking advice, he turns to netizens and quickly sifts through fantastical suggestions and meaningful insights. After sorting out numerous noteworthy points, he checks in, unlocking an uncharted realm of possibilities!
The Rise of An Abandoned son-in-law
The Rise of An Abandoned son-in-law
Rollins, once dismissed by the Ramirez family as a penniless drifter, unexpectedly becomes their sole hope when Hasten, his father-in-law, accumulates an eight-million-yuan debt from breaking a priceless vase. As the family's tensions mount, a secret emerges: Rollins is the heir to the Lewis legacy, once benefactors of the Ramirez wealth. This revelation propels Rollins to acquire Wandos Company with the aid of the Lewis family steward, Flinn. His new corporate stature faces challenges from power players within the company, but Rollins proves he's not to be underestimated. His loyalty to Zoie, his wife, is tested when she is lured into a dangerous situation with the notorious Wensel. In a tense standoff, Rollins confronts Wensel, jeopardizing his freshly acquired corporate status to save her. As Rollins settles the family's debt and reveals corporate corruption leading to arrests, he emerges as an unexpected savior. Yet, Zoie is left grappling with questions about her husband's newfound power. Who exactly is Rollins, and what else doesn't Zoie know?
Shawn Stuart From Zero to A Voltage Hero
Shawn Stuart From Zero to A Voltage Hero
After being unfairly expelled from Broughton City's elite high school, Shawn faces public scorn and a brutal assault by Leon, his ex-girlfriend's new beau. This attack awakens hidden abilities within Shawn, enhancing not just his physique but also his cognition. Back home, his adoptive parents, Mr. Stuart Aiguo and Perry, are devastated, having hoped his education would improve their modest life. As college exams near, Shawn's talents emerge, notably in a masterful guitar performance. Determined to restore his image, he intensively prepares for exams. At City No.1 High School, Shawn meets Chasity, an academically-gifted student whom the principal, Donny, seeks to exploit. Unexpectedly, Shawn joins the lesser-known Marpolis Middle School. His remarkable grades there catch English teacher Eliot's eye, who, knowing Shawn's past, suspects foul play. A confrontation between the two is imminent.
The Return of A Mysterious Supreme
The Return of A Mysterious Supreme
Garrett, once a struggling student, stands at the precipice of two worlds on the iconic Whitehurst's River-Crossing Bridge. On this fateful night, as he teeters between life and death, memories of a past existence as Eorr, a universal conqueror who fell from grace, engulf him. Haunted by a history of betrayal on Earth, where a man named Lennon brought ruin upon his family and triggered the tragic end of his lover, Sloane, Garrett's purpose is reforged. Barely escaping the clutches of the malevolent gangsters Rriocard and Reece, his determination is palpable. Garrett's reincarnation has ignited a force within, a cosmic power he harnesses by the banks of the River. Driven by the ancient 'Ethereal Void Refining Art,' Garrett's transformation is swift and profound, advancing his spiritual energy at an unprecedented pace. In the heart of Whitehurst stands Ormont Acad., where shadows of his past lie. As the sun's first rays illuminate the city, his quest for retribution, particularly against the elusive Blake, is set in motion. What dark secrets tie Garrett to Ormont Acad., and can he truly transcend his past to shape a new destiny?
Elemental Enchanter
Elemental Enchanter
On their way to their first day of high school, Zhao Lei and his best friend Yu Wei stopped at a store to buy some candies. The store's elderly owner, a grotesque-looking man, welcomed them with a smile and a foul-smelling puff of smoke escaping his mouth. The old man's hands held a cigarette as he handed over the candy bars. "I don't have change, but I'll give you a prize instead." and handed Zhao Lei a mysterious yellow ring as change. The ring looked ordinary, with nothing special about it except for its weight. As he left the store, getting scolded by his friend for being ripped off, he put on the ring. As he expected, nothing happened; life wasn't like in novels. "Lei, be careful!" A car sped by and hit Zhao Lei, sending him flying several meters. While a terrified Yu Wei repeated his friend's name, Zhao Lei got up as if nothing had happened. He was amazed himself. "Lei, is it possible that you awakened your superpowers before entering the Advanced High School of the First Inherent Power, and you didn't tell me?" "Advanced High School of what? Superpowers? What are you talking about?"
Milky Way Overlord
Milky Way Overlord
As the world convulsed in violent tremors, the very earth beneath trembled in a symphony of chaos. Volcanoes unleashed their fiery fury, and the populace bore witness to harrowing moments of dread. But when the tremors ceased and calm befell the land, a peculiar transformation began to unfold. Individuals across the globe awakened to newfound abilities: some took to the skies, while others could shatter unyielding minerals with bare fists, and there were even individuals with incredible healing powers. Amid this awakening, Chu Xing plunged into a profound slumber, wherein an enigmatic elder accepted him as an apprentice, imparting the secrets of cultivation. Profound divine arts, wisdom of distant realms, and an otherworldly ring filled with boundless resources graced Chu Xing. Foremost among these blessings, he inherited the Cosmic Oddity. With the dawn of a new era, Chu Xing had gained a great advantage. Yet, shadowed by the legacy of his newfound power, he also inherited the vendettas of his mentor's age-old foes. Can Chu Xing harness the potential of the Cosmic Oddity before confronting these deadly adversaries?
Attack On Zombies
Attack On Zombies
After graduating from the police academy, one naturally had to enter the police force for work. But that was not the case for Jiang Feng, whose parents had been police officers themselves while alive. No, Jiang Feng was not in any way a lazy guy. He had no option since it was his mom's dying wish. With his career aspirations abruptly halted, Jiang Feng resigns himself to a mundane existence, his potential untapped. Languishing in a menial job born out of necessity, his life becomes a shadow of its former promise. A futile foray into the dating world leaves him disheartened, especially when a blind date reveals her materialistic motives. However, Jiang's fate takes a surreal twist, plunging him into a reality stranger than fiction. In a bizarre and unlikely twist, a mysterious little girl materializes in his room. Astonishingly, she claims to be his daughter, a child sent from the future to avert an impending zombie apocalypse. Armed with a USB drive containing crucial information from his future self and accompanied by this unexpected daughter with a mission, Jiang Feng finds himself at the crossroads of destiny. Can he leverage the knowledge from the future to alter his own trajectory?
