Bought By The Ruthless Alpha
Bought By The Ruthless Alpha
My brother put his hands between my legs after an Alpha raped me. Then he watched the privileged teenagers in the pack sexually assault me and torture me to no end. I’m an Alpha blood. But, instead of getting respected by my pack members, I became a humble slave. The beta always wants my body. My father’s guest thinks that he can fuck me as he wishes… Until one day, my father sells me to the Alpha who is my mate and the only one in the world who doesn’t hate me, for $100,000… But, will he accept me after he knew my history? ….. Bridget Smith lives in a pack where her father is Alpha and her mother Luna but she is no different from a slave. She works her bones all day and is constantly harassed sexually by her brother Shawn and another wolf in the pack. There are constant threats to sell her off to an evil Alpha even though she works as hard as she can. She is timid, shy, doesn't talk back and endures all the injustice without a word.   What happens after Bridget finds her mate, who she finds out had to pay heavily for her? Does she finally get her happily ever after life or there's more to it than what she can imagine? FIND OUT MORE IN THE STORY.
La maldición de Alpha, El enemigo interior
La maldición de Alpha, El enemigo interior
¡Advertencia! ¡Contenidos maduros! ***Extracto*** "Tú me perteneces, Sheila. Solo yo soy capaz de hacerte sentir así. Tus gemidos y tu cuerpo me pertenecen. ¡Tu alma y tu cuerpo son todos míos!" *** Alpha Killian Reid, el Alfa más temido de todo el Norte, rico, poderoso y ampliamente temido en el mundo sobrenatural, era la envidia de todas las demás manadas. Se pensaba que lo tenía todo... poder, fama, riqueza y el favor de la diosa de la luna, pero sus rivales no sabían que había estado bajo una maldición, que se había mantenido en secreto durante tantos años, y Sólo aquel que tiene el don de la diosa de la luna puede levantar la maldición. Sheila, la hija de Alpha Lucius, quien era un archienemigo de Killian, había crecido con mucho odio, desprecio y maltrato por parte de su padre. Ella era la compañera destinada de Alpha Killian. Él se negó a rechazarla, pero la odiaba y la trataba mal porque estaba enamorado de otra mujer, Thea. Pero una de estas dos mujeres era la cura para su maldición, mientras que la otra era un enemigo interior. ¿Cómo se enteraría? Averigüemos en esta pieza trepidante, llena de suspenso, romance apasionante y traición.
His Mate, Her Fate
His Mate, Her Fate
LILA KING is somewhat notorious in her old wolfpack - as a child she led a rebel crew of delinquents who caused havoc in the reserve and fought vampires. She was one of the best fighters in the pack, but following her best friend's death at 18 she left the pack to live with humans. For her 25th birthday, she finally returns, but only to introduce her werewolf family to a human fiance. What no one expects, though, is that at the party her family throws...she will encounter her destined mate. He is no other than DARIUS CARTER - the new alpha of the biggest wolf-pack in the region, holding a bad rep for killing the former alpha to assume his righteous position. But there is much more to him than just a pretty face and a fabulous six-pack... Can Lila fight destiny? Does she even want to? And why are those vampires starting to appear again with her return?
Fated To The Kings
Fated To The Kings
***His Beauty Queen (Book One)*** She was a beauty queen with history, trying to live a new life in a big city. Little did she know, she is in for a big surprise destined to change her life forever. He is a king with a longing so soul-deep, craving for the gift he had been waiting for his entire existence. What will he do when he finally finds her? Is he willing to share all his secrets just to be with her? Romance/Non-human MATURE CONTENT 18+ ***His Silverhand (Book Two)*** She is the epitome of joy. Bubbly, adorable, and innocently sweet. All her life she had devoted herself to caring for her loved ones. All of a sudden, her dreams came true. No, there's no time for love. Food is her romance, cooking is her passion. But what if, unexpectedly love comes knocking on her door? Will she run or stay? He doesn't care for a mate. In fact, he doesn't care for romance at all. His energy is too much drained from managing his realm. He doesn't even have the energy to bed a woman. But what if, unexpectedly he meets his silver hand? Will he fight for her or let her slip through his fingers? Mature Content (18+) Explicit Language ***His Symphony (Book Three)*** She has no memory of him. Yet she dreams of him. The mind might forget but the heart will always remember. All his thoughts were of her. The beloved that he once left to save from himself. Too long have they waited. Too long have they suffered in silence. Will love conquers all when all has been forgotten? Their journey to love and forever proved to be difficult. Lies and betrayals could cost them more than they could ever comprehend. Could he still claim her after leaving her with a broken heart and no memories of their time together? Will his beloved accept him back in her life after he rejected her?
The Hybrid Bed Warmer & Her Mates
The Hybrid Bed Warmer & Her Mates
Did she just find her second chance mate? She thought. Her heart went wild, and so with her wolf inside. But the gorgeous man just looked at her with cold eyes. There were no traces that he felt what she felt. Her mate's pull toward her seemed to be not working. Until she realized by sniffing at him that he was not just a wolf. He was something more! “Moon Goddess, I was just rejected by my mate, but here you are again, giving me a second chance mate, who is as cold as an iceberg,” she thought, whining. Her wolf shouted, “Mate! He is ours!”
Steamy Stories
The Alpha's Chosen Breeder is a Zeta
The Alpha's Chosen Breeder is a Zeta
“You will start your duties as the chosen Alpha's Breeder, whether you like it or not,” he hisses at her as his anger rise even more. She braces herself and looks at him with her eyes dancing with mockery, “Let it be then, Alpha King Dantes. Bring me to the lair of any mateless Alpha and watch as he rips me off, listen as we moan, and never close your eyes as he thrusts into me so deep, fast, and repeatedly until we both gasp for air and shudder in ecstasy.” With his face burning with anger, the King of all Alphas snatches her waist and plunges her onto his right shoulder like a caveman. “You pissed me off completely, Zeta! Wait for a moment and you will find yourself being ripped off, gasping for breath thereafter, and writhing in ecstasy as you reach your goddam peak!”
The Alpha's Curse: The Enemy Within
The Alpha's Curse: The Enemy Within
Warning! Mature Contents! ***Excerpt*** "You belong to me, Sheila. I alone am capable of making you feel this way. Your moans and body belong to me. Your soul and your body are all mine!" *** Alpha Killian Reid, the most dreaded Alpha in all of the North, wealthy, powerful, and widely feared in the supernatural world, was the envy of all other packs. He was thought to have it all... power, fame, wealth, and favor from the moon goddess, little was it known to his rivals that he has been under a curse, which has been kept a secret for so many years, and only the one with the gift of the moon goddess can lift the curse. Sheila, the daughter of Alpha Lucius who was an arch enemy to Killian, had grown up with so much hatred, detest, and maltreatment from her father. She was the fated mate of Alpha Killian. He refused to reject her, yet he loathed her and treated her poorly, because he was in love with another woman, Thea. But one of these two women was the cure to his curse, while the other was an enemy within. How would he find out? Let's find out in this heart-racing piece, filled with suspense, steamy romance, and betrayal.
The Pack's Weirdo: A Mystery to Unveil
The Pack's Weirdo: A Mystery to Unveil
In the world of werewolves, witches and vampires, aadhya a human always wondered if this is really the place she belongs to. No matter how many times she asked the question, the answer always remained the same… YES Her parents were one of the strongest beta couples (second in command) of their time on the whole continent. But even after having beta blood running in her veins, aadhya knew that she is different from all the werewolves that she have met in her whole life. She doesn’t have heightened senses of werewolves, she didn’t even transform into her wolf when she came of age which automatically made her “the pack’s weirdo”. Even after being treated as an outcast, bullied by other wolf kids and waking up every day with that eerie laugh and nightmare which always felt too real to be just a nightmare, she never let herself feel weak. She pushed herself to the most and trained herself as every wolf of their pack was trained. It was the day of her twentieth birthday when she suddenly felt the ‘mate-tingles’ from the touch of her number one bully, the to-be-alpha of their pack Ethan Smith. She knew that nothing is going to be normal from the time she felt that first tingle but she didn’t know that there is nothing normal in her life from the time she came into this world to start with. Will Ethan accept the gift of mate bond and leave his rank-holder girlfriend behind for a human? Will aadhya be able to survive all the things that are soon going to come her way? Join aadhya on the journey of her life which is filled with mystery, action, romance and many twists and turns.. Read “The Pack’s Weirdo: A mystery to Unveil” to witness the rollercoaster of emotions and see how the life of a normal human ‘aadhya’ unfolds in the world of werewolves. Already loved and appreciated by thousands of readers all over the world on different ebook platforms. The first signed creation of author Mudita Upreti.
The Alpha King's Ugly Bride
The Alpha King's Ugly Bride
"Take off your clothes, I want to see the body I'd be living with for the rest of my life," he commands, moving to the other side of the room where the red armchair was. She hesitated, and that displeased him. He growled, clearly infuriated. “Do you need some kind of motivation? Because you will not get it. Take off your fucking clothes!” he thunders, making her jump and her legs shake. With shaky hands and a trembling body, she grabbed the hand of the silk gown again and dragged it down. Her eyes stayed glued to the floor, not having the audacity to look up at the alpha king across the room from her. “You’re not done yet!” *** Mia Asika had wanted only one thing for the longest time, enlightenment and the freedom to travel the world in search of it. Mia's dreams however ended the day Ariel, her beautiful and fair older sister who was betrothed to the alpha king, died the night before her marriage and she became the last resort. Hated at sight, the alpha king moved to make her union to him that of misery. Can Mia's will for survival withstand the alpha king's cold and unloving nature? Love and Chaos series Book #1 The Alpha King's Ugly Bride Book# 2 His Forbidden Mate Book #3 The Alpha King's Runaway Bride Book #4 Alpha Koz: The Abnormal Alpha
My Alpha Mate
My Alpha Mate
Erik Smith is the Alpha of the Silver Growlers pack. He is 22 and still hasn't found his mate. He's the most powerful alpha. His pack is the strongest. He's caring and nice to his pack or to his close friends, but he's ruthless to rogues, his enemies. Clara Lee is the daughter of the Alpha of the Hollow Angel Pack. Everyone loves her. She's like the princess of the Hollow Angel Pack. She is now 18 and still hasn't found her mate, but that all changes when a group of rogues kills her pack, and she's the only one who survived, thanks to her parents and pack who sacrificed their lives for her to live. When her brother Vincent heard this, he went to Hollow Angel Pack as soon as he could and saw his sister crying at the dead bodies of her parents. Clara moves to the Silver Pack with her brother and finds out that Alpha Erik is her mate.
Mated To The Alpha Alien
Mated To The Alpha Alien
He pins me against the wall, all 7ft of him, towering over me. "Tell me to stop. Tell me you don't want this and I will walk away." He mutters with his hot breath fanning my face. "I want you, Zion," I whisper breathlessly against the shell of his ear. "If you walk out that door, you'll never get to feel how good I'll feel wrapped around you." I nip at his earlobe with my teeth. Something snaps within him as a low rumble vibrates from the back of his throat. "Mine..." He snarls as he picks me up from the ground and crushes his lips against mine. --- The moment I met Zion, I knew my life was never going to be the same again. Being in his presence did crazy things to my body. He is my fated mate, the other half of my soul and the only male who can save me from myself. Turns out I'm not your average human and I have the entire universe questioning my very existence and what energy I possess. They fear me and they have every reason to. Including Zion, his elite of warriors and light oracles.
Rejecting My Rogue Alpha
Rejecting My Rogue Alpha
Have you ever been disappointed and embarrassed at yourself? Then Maybe you might understand what Aiden had gone through when he couldn't shift into his wolf at the shapeshifting ceremony. He had failed not only himself but his mother and even the pack who trusted that he would be a strong wolf. For this reason, the great Alpha Lundamous threatened his daughter to reject the useless werewolf who is not worthy of her. But Adelia loves Aiden and rejecting him will be too much to bear. However, Alpha Lundamous is persistent and he swears to kill Aiden if he is not rejected. But what no one knows is that Aiden isn't one to be joked with, but one to be feared.
The Blind Luna
The Blind Luna
"It's a command and not a request, look me in the eyes," he let out. "I said look me in the eyes," he yelled louder that I couldn't help but shiver. "She's blind," someone let out in the crowd. I could feel my legs go weak. "Are you blind?" he asked but I kept mute. "Don't let me repeat myself, are you blind?" he yelled in frustration. "Yes," I said with a teary and shaky voice. "A blind Mate," he yelled out for everyone to hear. "The moon Goddess must be great to have given me a blind-mate, a useless and weak one! What can a blind person do? They are of no use," he let out as those words hit me hard. "You would never be good enough for me and therefore it would be a waste to have you as my mate," he said as my legs went weak, I couldn't help it as I fell on the floor. I wished that he could just stop because all his words were assassinating to the heart. "I, Alpha Ace ray d king reject you for a mate.
Between Two Alphas
Between Two Alphas
What happens when two twins who hate each other and who will do anything to put each other down, want to achieve the same goal and become the next Alpha? And what would happen when they find they both have the same mate? Who also will decide their future about who'll become the next Alpha? Especially, in a place that was and always will be dominated by males? Would she be able to adjust or she would be tamed by her mates?
Prince's Assassin Mate
Prince's Assassin Mate
"No," She stood up straight and took his hand off her thigh. She straightened her dress and began to walk away. He grabbed her wrist and leaned against the wall, saying "How long do you think you'll be able to run away from me? I'll catch up to you eventually." _________________________ They said she was nothing less than the darkness, a living embodiment of terror. She was the assassin who has been roaming the earth for centuries, killing and hiding! But no one lived to tell her tale. She had known blood and death her entire life, but what she didn't know was that the biggest battle awaited her, one with her soul and her mate. He is ruthless and he is powerful. Everything bends to his every whim. And everyone respects him, more importantly, fears him. Lycan Prince Aiden, heir to the Kingdom of Werewolves, soon be the Alpha of all Alphas. He knew things were going to change when he found his Moon-blessing, but he wasn't ready for the storm she brought with her. While he bend himself to her will, fate twisted him to its own accord.
Claimed by The Rogue Alpha
Claimed by The Rogue Alpha
18+ Erotic Werewolf romance book Olivia Sold to pay off a debt, sinfully hot Matteo has thrown me into his dark mansion, with no intention of letting me go. He’s dominant, ruthless, cold… And he’s also something wicked—a sexy as hell alpha male. I should run the second he puts his rough hands all over my innocent body. I shouldn’t let him tear my panties off. But I do. He’s going to break me, turning me into his slave. He demands complete obedience, and I want to resist. I do. But my dark, rebellious heart won’t let me. Matteo I’ve never wanted to ruin someone as much as I want to ruin her. She’s the picture of innocence. Soft skin free from the toil of real work, pretty lips for sucking and the defiance in her eyes. I can’t wait to break her. To make her beg for mercy. To cry out my name when I steal the one thing she’s never given to another man. She thinks she can charm me into letting her go. But she doesn’t recognize the way the devil dances in my soul. I never expected her to become my obsession. But she is. And now I need to get rid of her before she consumes me.
Prisoner To My Mate
Prisoner To My Mate
Ana was like every young she-wolf out there. She couldn’t wait to meet her mate. She didn’t expect the way things would go the day she finally met him or the way he would treat her once they met. Ana’s mate wants nothing to do with her but won’t let her go. Ana feels like a prisoner to her mate. Her mind is torn on what to do. She wishes her mate would love her, but he shows no hope of that happening. She wants to try and build something with him, but he makes things difficult for her. He treats her horribly, and Ana doesn’t know why. Ana wishes he would reject or let her go, but he won’t. She feels like he is determined to make her his prisoner forever. Read and find out how Ana survives being a prisoner to her.
The Crazy Hybrid Of A Mate
The Crazy Hybrid Of A Mate
"Fuck you. Get off me now!" He towers over me and his hands move under the covers, going higher and higher until I gasp. No matter how I want to push him away and stomp on his body, I can't. The heat and pleasure coming from his touch makes me go crazy. "Get off me, you dimwit." Through the heat, I force out words and I close my eyes as I moan when his lips descend on my neck, teasing and nibbling. "Oh goddess. Why won't you get off me." I try to push him off, in the mist of pleasure and he looks down at me with hooded eyes. My back touches the headboard when I shift backwards but he drags me back to himself by my ankle. "I am the King, Minerva. That means what I say goes." "Well, you can go fuck yourself or better yet, let your other mate do that for you." He climbs over me with his hands on each side of my head. Luckily, the heat is subsiding due to our close range. "I've told you a thousand time. I don't want you, I need you." "Fucker! I've told you a zillion times, I don't want to be your baby making machine, you stupid son of a mammoth-" He immediately shuts me up with a deep kiss, exploding my insides. ~~~~ It's every she-wolf's dream to be the mate of the wolf king but not Minerva's. She didn't plan to even know him, she didn't bargain to become a second mate, or a baby making machine to the King who has an unusual plan set up in his head; neither did she plan to be a hybrid. All these were a surprise to her, maybe being the King's mate comes with a few benefits, and being crazy comes with the chance to plan his death... Slowly, a very very slow death. Her multiple personalities has no bounds but what happens when he finally breaks her and gets his way. The once crazy mate turns into mush but even under all that events and whatnot is a new arising evil, hiding from their sights and rapidly growing in power. 'The Crazy Hybrid Of A Mate', didn't get the name for show... Er- maybe she did.
Mated To The Alpha King
Mated To The Alpha King
After werewolves took over the world and became its supreme ruler, human women (ages between 18 and 35) were locked away in dungeons then forced to become the sex slaves of male werewolves who had failed to find their mates. Once you are chosen by a werewolf, you will become their possession for the rest of your life. Sarah Fibb is a sex slave who had been in the dungeons for five years. After being there for so long, she had lost the hope of ever being chosen by a werewolf. But one night, a strange thing happened....She got claimed by Damon Kalesto; The Alpha King. *** Damon Kalesto is the ruthless Alpha King. He rules by instilling fear into everyone around him. He doesn't believe in love nor fate, so he was convinced that he would not succumb to the mate bond...but all it took was one look for him to fall in love with Sarah Fibb.