(18+) "Please doctor, please fuck me please". Ann begged. Her hands were handcuff below her knee which made her legs to hang up in the air. Marcus observed her pussy that were spread wide open for his eyes to feast on. His cock hardened and trying to break free out of his pants but he tried suppressing his urge as he stared at her wet entrance with lust filled in his eyes. "Please touch me doctor, please touch me down there doctor it hurts so baaaaad.....". Ann begged, she tried touching her pussy but the handcuff around her wrist were depriving her. Marcus smirk, he strode to the bed where she was positioned at the edge of the bed and swat down. His face, facing her swollen pussy as he maintain direct eye contact with her drippy wet entrance. THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE "SEX DOCTOR" WANNA READ MORE??? PLEASE CONTINUE...
Steamy Stories
Her Guardians
Her Guardians
They are standing in front of me, looking at me as predators see their prey. They come close to me. I close my eyes in fear as well as in excitement. " You know what you have done, kitten. Right?", Christopher asked me. " I think our pets need more punishment. She has forgotten the rules already", Travis said. " Our baby girl has been a very bad girl hiding such a thing from us. She needs to be spanked. Don't you baby girl", Andrew asked. I still didn't answer them. I know I am in big trouble but don't know why I am feeling excited. " Open your eyes and Answer him, kitten", Christopher whispered in my ears. I open my eyes and see him with fear and lust. " Yes, Sir", I replied feeling breathless. Want to know more then press the read button and enjoy this journey filled with her as well as your darkest secret desires. This story is 18+.
Steamy Stories
Torn Between Brothers (She's Mine)
Torn Between Brothers (She's Mine)
At 15, Valeria Startam finds herself in the midst of two handsome and wealthy sons of a billionaire. . Ergon Mickelson is the youngest of two brothers, who Valeria fell in love with. Noah Mickelson is the elder brother of Ergon who hate Valerie's guts for no good reason. Things got ugly when Valeria is to work as the assistant maid in the home of her boyfriend, Ergon. Valeria, though was a maid did not get the treatment deserving of a maid all because of Ergon. This further aggravated Noah's hate for Valeria. He went as far as humiliating her in public and calling her a gold digger. But one night, something strange happened in her bed in the house of the Mickelsons. Ever since that night, it became a regular routine until the day doom knocked on her door in the form of an unwanted pregnancy. Valeria faced the worse part of life when she is rejected by her very own boyfriend who denied ever having sex with her. Would Valeria be able to face the trauma and birth an unwanted child whose father she knows nothing about?
Steamy Stories
She has been a virgin her whole life but one night changed everything. A blackmailer came out of nowhere just after her marriage and messed up her beautiful life. Read her story as she makes out her way from all the abuse and takes her revenge. "Brooke, please," Tanner pleaded, "we're almost married. Can't we have sex now, sweetheart?" "Do you love me, Tanner?" I suddenly asked. "I love you more than life itself," Tanner replied. "I wouldn't marry you if I didn't love you." "I want to wait," I explained for maybe the hundredth time. "I want to come into our marriage as a virgin. I don't want to have sex until our wedding night. You know I love you, but this is very important to me. I've saved myself for this long, I'm not going to buckle with a week left to go. Please, quit asking. I want our first time to be when we're married, and not a second before." "What about a blow job, then," Tanner laughed.
Steamy Stories
Under the Incubus's Protection
Under the Incubus's Protection
Do you have the guts to sleep with a sex spirit? They say that they will give you protection and much more and the only thing they need in return is sex with a young beautiful woman. Cassie Black is an ordinary girl who could never think of entering such an arrangement, but when horrors from her family's past threaten her life and the lives of her loved ones, she needs protection to discover the truth and make things right. The pleasures of sleeping with an incubus are addicting and otherworldly until she discovers her night visitor has a personality that revolves around more than only sex. Will she be able to remove the threat in her life? Or has she only created another problem by getting a secret night lover?
Su obsesión curvilínea
Su obsesión curvilínea
"No soy una opción secundaria; o me eliges o me pierdes". ~**~ Su prometida lo dejó plantado el día de su boda. Ella necesitaba un empleo de día, pero por desgracia, su camino se cruzó con el mundo nupcial. Él necesitaba una sustituta. Ella se convirtió en esa sustituta. Para él, era la opción de último recurso. Para ella, él era su primera elección. ~**~ La vida de Angelina cambió radicalmente cuando dejó el país de su padre para mudarse a la ciudad de Nueva York, gracias a una beca que había conseguido. Luchaba contra sus inseguridades y la ansiedad de ser una mujer de formas curvilíneas y mestiza. Nathaniel, uno de los solteros más codiciados del estado, poseedor de una sonrisa cautivadora y un cuerpo de infarto. Único heredero de las empresas familiares y un novio fiel a su pareja. Su prometida lo abandonó el día de su boda, dejándole una carta de ruptura. Debido a los paparazzi y a los ojos del público, se vio en la necesidad de encontrar una sustituta. Grupo de Discord: #notyourtypicalbwwmbook © Adeyemi Mariam (Um_royhan).
Sentimientos encontrados
Sentimientos encontrados
"Eres mía. Nadie tiene derecho a tocarte, abrazarte o amarte... Eres completamente mía, grábate eso en tu cabezota... Acabaré con cualquiera que desee poseerte o incluso piense en hacerlo. Me perteneces, solo a mí: tu alma, tu cuerpo, todo es mío, exclusivamente mío... ¿Entiendes?" Dijo él, sujetándome la barbilla con fuerza, obligándome a mirarlo a los ojos. "Por favor... me estás lastimando", le dije, intentando zafarme de su agarre implacable. "¡Dilo!" gritó en mi cara, apretando aún más mi barbilla. "Sí (sollozando), sí... Soy tuya", dije entre sollozos, luchando por liberarme de su presión.
Esclavitud: Una serie de juegos eróticos (Libro 04)
Esclavitud: Una serie de juegos eróticos (Libro 04)
A Julia le fascina sumergirse en la lectura de novelas eróticas con temática BDSM. Un día, su esposo la sorprende inmersa en una de estas historias y, llevados por la curiosidad, deciden experimentar con juegos sexuales que convierten a Julia en la sumisa. Estos juegos de pasión y sumisión se vuelven una práctica que ambos disfrutan en su intimidad. Sin embargo, surge la pregunta: ¿Podrán estos juegos tener alguna repercusión en su matrimonio? Descubramos juntos el inicio de esta aventura y cómo se desarrolla actualmente. Nos encontramos ante el cuarto y último volumen de la serie sobre la esclavitud, un desenlace que promete ser revelador.
El rey licántropo
El rey licántropo
"Él era su salvador y ella, su redención." Durante ocho años, Avalyn vivió en la esclavitud bajo el yugo del asesino de su padre, hasta que fue vendida en una subasta. Nikolai nunca se imaginó encontrando a su compañera destinada, pero una vez que la descubrió, estaba decidido a no dejarla ir, ya fuera como su pareja, su señor o su amante. La aceptaría de cualquier manera que ella lo aceptase a él. Acompaña a Nikolai y Avalyn en su odisea, desde ser el Alfa y la Luna de la Manada de los Renegados hasta convertirse en el Rey y la Reina Licanos. Advertencia: Esta obra contiene actos de violencia sexual y su contenido es explícito.
Su desesperación
Su desesperación
"No quiero tener que repetir esto", dijo él con voz firme, "Abre bien las piernas para mí, amor, o serás castigada". Arthur Spencer, de 30 años, es el director general y heredero de oro del colosal imperio empresarial Spencer Enterprises. Este poderoso multimillonario es uno de los solteros más codiciados de Nueva York. Se caracteriza por ser frío, egocéntrico, impulsivo y extremadamente posesivo. Posee la capacidad de arruinar la vida de alguien en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, y su familia es conocida como la Realeza Oscura. Por otro lado, Davina Ellis, una dulce e ingenua mujer de 27 años recién divorciada, se desempeña como gerente del restaurante Neens. Gracias a su esfuerzo y determinación, en tan solo tres años ha logrado que este local se convierta en uno de los más populares y exitosos de la cadena. *** ¿Qué sucederá cuando Arthur descubra que fue el exmarido de Davina con quien Olivia, su prometida y el amor de su vida, mantuvo un affaire que la llevó a abandonarlo?
Esclavizada por la mafia despiadada
Esclavizada por la mafia despiadada
"No me toques, no soy tu prostituta", escupí con los dientes apretados, mientras mis ojos se teñían de rojo por la furia. Él esbozó una sonrisa de suficiencia y alzó una mano hacia mi cabello. Me encogí al sentir su tacto y desvié la mirada de la suya. "Escucha bien, bella...", pronunció con lentitud, una expresión cruel deformando su rostro. Luché por reprimir el gemido de dolor que luchaba por escapar de mis labios. "Soy tu maldito amo y puedo azotar ese hermoso trasero tuyo tan fuerte que se marcará...", hizo una pausa y añadió: "Y no vas a hacer nada al respecto porque te haré gritar tan fuerte que me rogarás ser tu amo". *** Cuando Arianna es vendida como esclava sexual a una casa de subastas, se da cuenta de que su vida jamás volverá a ser la misma. Para empeorar las cosas, es comprada y entregada al despiadado rey de la mafia, Gabriele Andino. Él es cruel, peligroso, insensible y, sin lugar a dudas, el hombre más atractivo que Arianna ha visto jamás. A pesar de que debería odiar a su amo, hay algo en ella que anhela su toque. Tanto es así, que estaría dispuesta a ser su esclava sexual. ¡UN ROMANCE OSCURO CON ESCENAS QUE PUEDEN SER PERTURBADORAS!
Esclavitud: Una serie de juegos eróticos (Libro 01)
Esclavitud: Una serie de juegos eróticos (Libro 01)
A Julia le fascina sumergirse en la lectura de libros eróticos con temática BDSM. Un día, su esposo la sorprende con uno de estos libros en las manos, y juntos deciden experimentar con juegos sexuales en los que Julia asume el rol de sumisa. Estos juegos amorosos se convierten en una pasión compartida con su marido. Sin embargo, surge la duda: ¿tendrán estos juegos algún impacto en su matrimonio? Descubramos cómo comenzó esta aventura y cómo se desarrolla. Este es el primer volumen de la serie sobre esclavitud.
Bet With The Billionaire
Bet With The Billionaire
Tamantha Stolly is carefree woman. Fun to be with and has a great humor. She's a wonderer and conquerer. She could be a pageant queen because of her wit and beauty, she doesn't pass it's body standards. Weston Remington, the kinkiest billionaire is prime and proper. He grew up in the wealthiest family. He's a cassanova, every girls want her and he wants them. But in one night it all change because of her and he will do anything to have her. She was insecure about her body but it's what he likes. She's a simple girl thriving to pursue her career while he is a successful billionaire who desires her. Will Tamantha Stolly give in to the billionaire's kink?
Her submissive
Her submissive
“You dare not cum fireman” my lady said as she licked my hard shaft with the vibrating rings still on, i hate it when i am commanded to do this, i can’t control my body, and she knows this arrg, fuck!I can't bear this anymore! Martin's famous porn star gets hired by Sinclair to become a submissive for a year. This becomes intriguing for him, as all his years of being in the porn industry, he had always been on the dominant side and never has he been commanded by a woman. What happens when life happens in their relationship?, as love slowly blossoms in their heart, but there is more to their relationship, than just paper work.
Steamy Stories
Ha sido virgen toda su vida pero una noche lo cambió todo. Un chantajista surgió de la nada justo después de su matrimonio y arruinó su hermosa vida. Lea su historia mientras se sale de todo el abuso y se venga. "Brooke, por favor", suplicó Tanner, "ya casi estamos casados. ¿No podemos tener sexo ahora, cariño?" "¿Me amas, Tanner?" Pregunté de repente. "Te amo más que a la vida misma", respondió Tanner. "No me casaría contigo si no te amara." "Quiero esperar", le expliqué quizás por enésima vez. "Quiero llegar a nuestro matrimonio como virgen. No quiero tener relaciones sexuales hasta nuestra noche de bodas. Sabes que te amo, pero esto es muy importante para mí. Me he salvado para este tiempo, "No voy a ceder cuando falta una semana. Por favor, deja de preguntar. Quiero que nuestra primera vez sea cuando estemos casados, y ni un segundo antes". "¿Qué tal una mamada entonces?", se rió Tanner.
(18+) "Por favor doctor, por favor fóllame por favor". Ann suplicó. Tenía las manos esposadas debajo de las rodillas, lo que hacía que sus piernas colgaran en el aire. Marcus observó su coño que estaba bien abierto para que sus ojos se deleitaran. Su polla se endureció y trató de liberarse de sus pantalones, pero intentó reprimir su impulso mientras miraba su entrada húmeda con lujuria llena en sus ojos. "Por favor tóqueme doctor, por favor tóqueme ahí abajo doctor, duele muchísimo...". Ann suplicó, intentó tocar su coño pero las esposas alrededor de su muñeca se lo estaban privando. Marcus sonrió, caminó hacia la cama donde ella estaba colocada en el borde de la cama y la golpeó. Su rostro, frente a su coño hinchado mientras mantiene contacto visual directo con su entrada húmeda y goteante. ESTO ES SÓLO EL COMIENZO DEL "MÉDICO SEXUAL" ¿QUIERES LEER MÁS??? POR FAVOR CONTINUA...
The Alpha Behind The Mask
The Alpha Behind The Mask
“You are not just a human, but you are weak and also fragile, so different from my type.'' He yelled and pressed her to the wall while his wolf howled against it, but he totally ignored him and glared straight into her eyes, which held fear and pains. ''I will never accept you as my mate, not because you are a human, but you are totally not my type, and I love someone else and will make her my mate.'' He yelled those words in a great rage which made her knees quivered with fear. Alpha Eric hated and rejected his mate the very day he set his eyes on her, and would do anything to get her out of his life, but everything changed when he met her in a bdsm club and had to disguise himself in a mask. PS: In this book werewolves lived among humans and their existence are not known to all. PS: This book has high rate of sex ,specifically dominant and submissive displays.
From Mr. to Hubby 18+
From Mr. to Hubby 18+
Frederica Austin was a small-time actress who was trying to make it big. By day she acted in small films and by night she met up with Yates Castillo for their rendezvouses. But if it was left up to her, she would opt out of her nightly sessions entirely with Yates. Every time she met up with him, he left her with scrapes and enough bruises to make the film studio executives suspicious. The more she objected, the more he punished her. Though she constantly wished he would be gentler toward her, she was left with no other choice but to continue meeting up with him. But the more she got to know Yates, he didn’t seem so bad. She calls him ‘Mr. Castillo’ but before she knew it, all of sudden others are calling her ‘Mrs. Castillo.’ When and how did this happen?
Modern Romance
Enslaved To The Ruthless Mafia
Enslaved To The Ruthless Mafia
"Don't touch me, I'm not your whore," I spat out through clenched teeth, my eyes turning red from anger. He smirked and lifted a hand to my hair. I flinched as he did that and averted my eyes from his. "Now listen bella. . ." he said slowly, a cruel expression on his face. I tried to bite back the moan of pain that almost escaped my lips. "I fucking own you and I can spank that pretty ass of yours so hard that it'll bruise. . ." He paused briefly and continued, "And you won't do a thing about it because I'll make you scream so hard that you'll beg to be my whore." *** When Arianna is sold off as a sex slave to an auction house she realizes that her life would never be the same again. To make it worse, she is bought and given to the ruthless mafia king, Gabriele Andino. He is cruel, dangerous, unfeeling, and undeniably the sexiest man Arianna has ever seen. Despite the fact she should hate her master, there's something in her that yearns for his touch. So much that she would be willing to be his sex slave. A DARK ROMANCE WITH TRIGGERING SCENES!
Steamy Stories
Bound To The Ruthless Alpha Mafia
Bound To The Ruthless Alpha Mafia
"I will ruin you for any other man. I will be your first and your only, Arabella. You will not survive me." His voice whispered in my ear, rough and husky. *** Arabella You see the werewolf society is a structured one. The strong rule, the weak follow. Without this rule, chaos would ensue. That was the reason I was getting married after all. So that my fiance's pack and mine would join resources. But it was all gone the moment the ruthless alpha mafia kidnapped me. Alpha Luciano Romano. My savage mate and captor. Luciano Since the day I watched my family die before my eyes, I have craved revenge. To inflict pain on my enemies. And now, that revenge is in the form of my rival’s daughter. Sweet, innocent Arabella Bianchi. My plan is to make her my sex slave, breaking her until there is nothing left of my captive. But as time goes on, my wolf threatens to undo my hatred for her. Slowly, the lines between love and hate begin to blur, a bond I cannot accept. And I won't because monsters like me deserve no love.
