An Offer For The Bad Billionairelg...
In the beautiful town of Bardstown, Kentucky, the broad-shouldered, handsome, and brash billionaire, Jake Courtland, had been sending his real estate lawyer to the gorgeous and lonely spinster, Lisa Wolfe, in other to convince her to sell her best thoroughbreds horses to him so that he can participate in the horseracing event in the town.
But Lisa had always rebuffed the idea, saying her horses were not for sale. Jake took it upon himself to visit her in her ranch to persuade her, but Lisa did not bulge even though flames of desires had sparked between them when they had met. For Lisa, the horses were like her family, and not even the good looks and the money of the billionaire could make her consider the idea of selling the horses.
So it came as a great surprise to Jake when Lisa showed up in his ranch house one morning and told him she was ready to make a deal with him. But there was a catch; She wanted a child, most importantly, a son from Jake, in exchange for the horses. The child will take away the boredom and loneliness that was to come when all the horses are gone.
Jake, who was not ready to be a father in a way like that, loathed this idea. But Lisa assured him he needn't worry about the responsibility of being the child's father. This was purely business, and as a strong-willed woman, she was ready to fully take control of the child's welfare when it was born. Grudgingly, Jake agreed to the deal. But even though they could not stand each other's guts, what they both didn't bargain for in this deal was falling hopelessly in love with each other.