Authoress Naughty

Stories: 2

Stories by name

"¡Chúpame los pezones, ahora!" ordenó antes de continuar. "¡Sí! ¡Te perteneces a mí! Eres exclusivamente mía. No olvides que me debes y si no puedes asumir esa realidad, aléjate y enfrenta el encarcelamiento. Tú decides," dijo. Se llamaba CEO Evidence y era el dueño de una empresa de condones. Su arrogancia era tan grande como su fortuna; un joven billonario que encarnaba el sueño de toda mujer. Adicto al sexo, estaba convencido de que, dado que el 90% de las mujeres deseaban estar con él, ninguna le rechazaría jamás. Pero, ¿qué sucedería cuando este arrogante Dios del Sexo, el sueño de toda mujer, fuera rechazado por una plebeya a la que afirmaba amar? ¿Se tomaría por la fuerza el placer de su cuerpo? ¿O esperaría hasta que ella decidiera entregárselo voluntariamente?
Modern Romance
"Suck my nipples, now!" He ordered before he spoke again. "Yes! I Own you! You are mine alone. Remember you are indebted to me and If you can't accept that fact, walk away from me and be imprisoned. The choice is yours." He said. His name was CEO Evidence. He own a condom company. He was arrogant and was a young billionaire of every woman's dream. He was addicted to sex. He thought that since 90% of women craved to have him, he would never get rejected by any lady but what happens when the arrogant Sex God who was every woman's dream got rejected by a commoner whom he claimed to love? Will he pleasure himself with her body by force? Or he would wait until the day she accept to willingly give her body to him?
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