
Stories: 3

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El CEO posesivo y yo, su secretaria
El CEO posesivo y yo, su secretaria
Circulan rumores de que el adinerado y atractivo Presidente Jay Young es simplemente un narcisista arrogante que trata a su secretaria peor que a un perro. Sin embargo, esto no desalienta a la novata Sarah Han, quien decide mudarse a Seúl para trabajar como Secretaria Personal del Presidente. Parece que Sarah está destinada a descubrir que el pasado del Presidente Jay está vinculado al suyo y que él es muy diferente de la imagen que la gente tiene de él. ¿Por qué tendrá él una foto de la infancia de ella en su álbum?
The Mafia Who Loves Me
The Mafia Who Loves Me
“If I don't get her back, prepare to receive my dead body in a gold coffin, Father." *** Sold by her older brother's best friend into a merciless world of human trafficking, Hana Yun's life becomes deeply entangled into the affairs of Jin Lorenzo - the young Italian-Korean heir of the Dante Mafia Empire who is bound on turning her into his mistress. However, Jin's possessive nature slowly plants a seed of a dangerous and unhealthy love for Hana, who soon becomes his weakness and his worst obsession. When there's another notorious Mafia opponent bound on ruining Jin by taking away Hana, all hell is about to break loose. An arrogant Mafia heir who's used to getting what he wants can never understand how to take no for an answer. He didn't care if she was destined to be his doom.
Possessive CEO And I, His Secretary
Possessive CEO And I, His Secretary
Rumors goes around that the rich and handsome Chairman Jay Young is nothing but an arrogant narcissist who treated his Secretary worse than a dog. But this doesn't discourage the rookie Sarah Han to move to Seoul and work for the Chairman as his Personal Secretary. Apparently, Sarah is bound to discover that Chairman Jay's past is connected to her's and he is very different from what people thought about him. Why does he even keep the picture of her childhood in his album?
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