The Big Prettylg...
Angel Wings suddenly had to be between two choices. Zeus Bima Anggara or Frenzy Sakti Anggara. Zeus confesses his feelings to Angel Wings, and Frenzy does the same for him.
"I can't choose one of you!"
Angel Wings is not confident with his body condition that is not ideal. Almost touching the eighty kilogram mark. Angel hesitates to accept Zeus and Frenzy's love.
Even Angel doesn't feel good if he chooses Zeus Bima Anggara, because his friend and best friend Agatha Frona also loves Zeus.
Meanwhile, if Angel chooses Frenzy Sakti Anggara, then Thea Zenu Otis is ready to fight him.
So what should Angel do now? He wanted so badly to make love, but Angel Wings had to be between tough choices.lg...