15 Notes For My Love/C3 The dagger
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15 Notes For My Love/C3 The dagger
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C3 The dagger

Ekansh's POV:

It's been a week since our last encounter, and except her name, Anamika, I don't know anything about her. I'm feeling terribly bad and it's mesmerizing but also excruciating to see her in the gym at ten to five. I tried to gather courage every time but defeat followed my trail. She had noticed twice or thrice when I zoned out while thinking about her, probably she thinks I'm a pervert. But why is she as beautiful as roman goddess, why her eyes are so alluring and smile took me to the advanced state of inebriation ?

Again I'm waiting for her in the gym, ten minutes early just to see her, I'm standing looking on the screen of my phone, looking at the time. I saw a reflection near the table and looked to see, and she was standing there with a blue side bag and a water bottle in her hand.

She was wearing a mustard tank top with black stripes on them with black gym lagging, her skin was like the cold fresh white snow of the Himalayas. Her finely curved eyelashes enhanced the beauty of her emerald eyes, her lips were naturally pink and beautiful. She was wearing black sports shoes and hair was held in a bun. She was looking impeccably beautiful. I admire her, her positive aura, her soothing eyes and her impeccable smile.

She took out her phone and started writing something, her lips twirl into a smile after reading something.

Anamika's POV:

I was going to text my sister, Ananya, to ask her whether she will give me a ride home or not, but that imbecile girl started sending me memes. I was smiling while looking at my phone and suddenly, my phone ringed. Photo of one my good friend popped on screen.

Hey, motherfucker!" Amy grinned

"Hello, bitch! How're you?" I stand near the gate. Obviously I didn't want anyone to hear our conversation.

Still sexy, nothing new. You called me a week ago. I thought there must be something important…. So I called back. She grinned again

"Seriously amy, a week ago, you are calling me today.

And I still remember that you were the one who used my phone to check your caller tune."

°_° she is actually crazy but I love her company. She is honest and fun.

"Okay okay gotcha" she laughed.

"Okay then I'll call you some other time I thought there was something important.., leave it. Love you my sexy bitch" she continued and hung the call.

Fuck she didn't wait for me to say anything.

I was standing there on door in the pious stillness, a gunshot took everyone's attention. Due to fear, people started running.

I was standing at the entrance of the gym and I realised someone is running towards me. My heart started pondering out when I saw a man running towards me, wearing an old-dirty blue shirt, my brows frown when I saw stains of blood over it.

I froze in the same place, my brain stopped , my feet started trembling, in a couple of seconds my whole body was shaking. I got zoned out when I saw a dagger with blood in his hands. In the whole pandemonium it seemed like I'm the only Standing. As he was running towards me the image of my sisters, Ananya and little brother started dwelling around. Memories of my my real mother, blood all over her body, start occupying my brain.

"Mama" I said to myself.

"Yes, love" her hallucination replied back.

"Wait for me." I pleaded.

"No, Sweetie. I can't, I can't love I'm going." Her hallucination start moving away tears were wailing my eyes but I didn't let them flow.

I started feeling dizzy and had accepted my death. Remembering the supreme power and thanking him for everything I closed my eyes. Please god protect my little brother.

But maybe he had another plan.

Someone held my wrist and in a few seconds I was standing in a dark room. Sans knowing who was behind, I was standing there quietly. My heart was knocking out but I didn't dare to look back.

Ekansh's POV:

She gasped in horror, at the sight of him. Tears were streaking her face, she was completely wrecked.

"Calm down, everything is fine", I whispered.

She didn't even look at me once, I squeezed her hands firmly, to console her. After fifteen minutes or something, she was much better. But we were still in that dark room, there was no shuffling outside the room. I was discombobulated about the next move, a shaft of light caught my attention.

"Are you fine now", I whispered looking directly at her emerald eyes.

She nodded with a weak smile plastered on her face

I firmly loosed my grip and bent forward to peek out from the small keyhole. From the limited view, I could see no one outside the room.

I stole a glance of her, she was looking at me like a curious child. She is actually beautiful even though her eyes were puffed. I moved back and faced her.

"Is someone standing there?" she questioned.

"No, no one is outside." I replied with a positive smile.

We both stood in silence for a few minutes.

"How long we have to stay here?" She asked

"We'll move out in a few minutes". I replied.

I know she was terrified. Probably the man ran from the police station next to the gym, I thought.

It's not something that I was not afraid of blood and gore. But my father and his brothers were in the army. So, blood and all these things do not scare me anymore. Even once my father got shot when we were kids. That time we didn't have phones or anything to communicate. After six months he returned, until then everyone told us he was dead. I still remember, my mother cried hours everyday.

I snapped out when she pulled my hands like a kid.

"Hey what were you thinking" she looked straight into my eyes with a questioning look.

"Umm... That you are such a kid" I chuckled

"I'm not," she pouted, I smiled at her.

"By the way you are my savior." She grinned.

"Oh. Then you owe me." I smirked.

She nodded.

I looked at her with a smile streaking my face.

"By the way my name is Anamika". She enunciated.

"I'm Ekansh." I smiled, I knew her name already but it was not that easy.

"I think we can go out now, it's been an hour here" she exclaimed.

Albert Einstein once stated that when you are with a beautiful girl one hour seems to be a few minutes and when you sit on a hot frying pan one minute is like an hour.

Today I understand what he meant by that.


Hey everyone

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please be sure to vote, share and follow jiya08_ for updates.


Thank you for reading my book " 15 notes for my love"

Honestly I was searching for lilac.

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