The Game Changer/C29 We Meet Again
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The Game Changer/C29 We Meet Again
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C29 We Meet Again

As Natalia got closer, Benjamin immediately fixed his hair in a hurry. He revealed his most 'enchanting' smile and said, "S-Senior Stanster, I…"

But before he could finish his words, Natalia suddenly stopped in front of them.

However, Benjamin noticed that Natalia didn't even bother giving him a single glance.

From the beginning to the end, her gaze had only been on one person.

"We meet again."

Then, she smiled at Rollins.

As soon as she smiled, the male students — charmed by her beauty — in the corridor melted to the floor. The warmth in her smile felt as if angels had descended upon the wretched state of humanity to liberate them of their sins.

"Indeed," Rollins smiled back.

He too did not expect to meet Natalia again.

From the looks of it, the incident that day had not left Natalia with any sort of mental trauma.

"That day…"

"That day…"

The two of them then opened their mouth and said the same two words at the exact same time.

At this time, they did not seem like two people who had only met once, but rather, a couple who shared a common mind.


Natalia covered her mouth and chuckled. She proceeded to stretch out her hand gracefully and introduced, "Class 2-3, Natalia."

"Class 1-18, Rollins."

Rollins shook Natalia's hand gently.

Schroeders... It was the same feeling as that day.

Unsure if it was due to the proficiency in flirting skills, Rollins felt a rather unusual atmosphere forming between the two of them.

"This... this... you... the two of you..."

Benjamin's tongue tangled up as he kept switching his gaze from one to the other.

Persia pouted and asked with a hint of jealousy, "Ah Hong, have the two of you met each other before?"

"It's a long story," Rollins dragged both Persia and Natalia out of the school as he spoke.

However, he did not know how much of a blow this scene had dealt to the male students behind him.

"Damn, who the hell does that guy think he is? He's actually holding the two goddesses on each of his side!"

"The Ice Goddess was even smiling at him!"

Benjamin — stunned in place — looked at the leaving figures of the three people without blinking.

He then took out a sketch book from his bag and prepared to draw out the scene.

"This scene... will be used as a reference for the main characters in my manga!"

"Oh no! I have to start drawing as soon as possible!"


Along the way, Rollins and Persia recounted the events of that day in detail.

Persia's expression reacted and changed in response to Rollins's words, fluctuating non-stop.

Overwhelmed with various emotions — shock, worry, sympathy, relief, awe — she had unknowingly immersed herself in his side of the story.

"Thank goodness you're so capable, Ah Hong! Otherwise, Stanster Natalia would have…"

Persia held Natalia's hand firmly, her face full of concern.

"Haha, I just happened to see Ah Hong on the sports field today. If not, who knows when I would be able to find my savior!"

Natalia rolled her eyes at Rollins, as if blaming him for leaving without saying anything that day.

Rollins could only reply with a wry smile.

"Hehe, Stanster Natalia, you look so pretty when you smile. How is that the smile of some ice goddess? It's such an unpleasant title to hold!"

"Little Stanster Persia is also very beautiful. You're probably very popular in your class, right?"

"Not at all…"

Rollins scratched his head when he saw the two girls acting like good friends.

Why did it feel like he was now isolated from them?

At a crossroad back home, Natalia bid farewell to the two of them.

"I have to go to my part-time work now…"

Just now, the few of them had learned about Natalia's family's situation through a series of conversations.

Her family was relatively poor. Thus, in order to lighten the burden on her family, Natalia would go to a clothing store every night to work as a part-time salesperson — hoping to play her part in relieving her family's stress.

"Remember to go home early."

After Rollins left, Natalia's heart warmed up as she nodded with a bright smile.

However, Natalia's expression turned sullen as she watched Rollins and Persia leave together. She then clenched her fists to cheer herself on.

"Natalia, you can do it! Happiness is something that you strive for through your own efforts!"

Meanwhile, at the principal's office of Hursel High School.

Sharaf knocked on the door to the principal's office, holding onto the stack of paper filled with Rollins's answers for the math question that he assigned to him.

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Gentium Book Basic
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